Tuesday 23 July 2013

Wall of Despair, update.

Remember this?

Yes the old "Wall of" Scam, having thought about this a bit, surely any "tribute wall" should be put out to tender like all council contracts should be and the best price obtained for the job. This is the point of elected council and democracy, and any proposal should be open and completely transparent.

I say "should be", as this is rarely the case when a council operates a cabinet system, as Adur Council do, under this system decisions are made by individuals behind closed doors and there is no public discussion of committee minutes to explain the reasons for the decision.

Now, as the Harald informed us, Mendo and Parky have already met with "Wall Of" owner, David Courtney to discuss this proposal, there have been no mention of costings or other potential providers of a similar service at a more reasonable price.

Someone could be fooled into thinking that Mendo is pushing this idea forward without letting the people of Adur know the full details of the ongoing contractual costs involved in what appears on the surface to be an inoffensive idea. Coupled with the lack of transparency of the pecuniary interests of our councillors we could possibly be being led up the garden path.

Recognise any names here?