Sunday 21 July 2013

More anti-traveller rhetoric from the local fascists.

Another year, another load of the same old bollocks. "How dare these people visit our area, we don't like them and they must be stopped", all the usual shit from our local politicians and the local Neighbourhood Watch Alliance working for the greater good.
So, there was loads of rubbish left was there? Was there as much rubbish as is covering our beaches, left there by the people that we aren't insisting leave immediately? We hear the usual cries from local Tory supporters that there was human faeces left, would this be similar to the stuff left in nappies on our beaches every day of the summer?

But they cause damage? we hear them cry, like the public use defibrillator smashed to bits in Worthing town centre this weekend, this took place after the travelling community were sent packing, so this was definitely the work of people that these idiots want to be in our towns.

"Blame the outsiders" is the same old crap excuse that we hear time and again, this is just too easy, and has become ingrained in the fabric of our local politicians thought processes. They seem to believe that if they target a minority group from outside the area that we, as a group, will believe that they are protecting us from danger, when in reality the greatest danger comes from within, and more specifically, from within their ranks and their core support base. Obviously they exploit the stupid (gullible would possibly be more polite, but hey) in order to ensure that they continue to appear to be something for us.

Don't be fooled, they are only interested in one thing and that is retaining control, and all the perks that this brings them on a personal gratification level, and if that means they have to  rely on persecuting a minority group, protected under discrimination laws, then they are certainly prepared to sink to this depth. You should also note that they never chastise any of their supporters for using words like "Pikey" or Gyppo" on social media despite a moral obligation to challenge and discourage discriminatory language and offensive statements, yet I'm sure that they'd be blocking people left, right and centre if they had a problem with the "Kikes" or "Yids" and wanted to drive them out of town whenever they were spotted arriving.

When you read all the comments about travelling communities being "abusive", "harassing" and "insular", think of it this way, How would you feel if every time someone approached you, their opening gambit is usually to tell you that you are committing crimes (despite not having done so), and that you are not welcome and should simply f*ck off. Most people's reaction would be "f*ck you" and "why should I bother to go to any trouble to clear up in the few hours that I have been given to f*ck off", Is it any wonder they don't respect you? they are only reciprocating your actions and attitude.

I wonder if the sacked childrens minister considered the effect of this enforced removal on the kids among the group, of course not, he only likes rich, white, middle classed, tory voter's kids, the rest can go and do one. I wonder if he realises that within most travelling communities children are rarely borne outside of marriage, you know, like he claims would save the country's kids from some kind of damage by stupidity, drugs or madness, but that's clearly beside the point, these people's kids must suffer the wrath of the local's ignorance of their traditional, if unconventional, lifestyle, and learn by example that the communities they visit are going to send out a bunch of thugs with pitchforks every time they arrive. There are many ways to challenge this divide, but a nice way to start would be to simply smile and say "good morning" when passing and judge the reaction yourself instead of believing the crap that you've been fed by idiots with an agenda.

What I'm wondering is;  Why, when the local Tories tried to block the access road, and the police were present, were they not arrested for obstruction of the highway? This is a crime under criminal law whereas trespass is civil law, are the local councillors and MP immune from more laws that we are expected to follow?

That all got a little serious there, so I'd just like to say that when I'm in charge there'll be a ban on adult males wearing clothes in pastel shades, anyone caught committing this vile crime will be escorted to the district boundary and told never to darken our doors ever again, they will no doubt return next summer, but we will have to be strong and keep forcing them out until they learn that we will not tolerate them or their aggressive and abusive actions.

Don't leave your crap all over the beach, it'll only give me an excuse to escort you to the boundary and tell you to never darken our doors again.