Anyway, here's the story they ran:
Let's have a look at the claims made here; So he was "confronted" was he? Bullsh*t, I was walking through the town where I have lived for longer than any of these w*nkers, when Mendoza approached me, and told me that I should leave town. This was delivered with some physical persuasion to back up his intention.
As I recall, "homophobia" was not mentioned once, but it amuses me that he claims that I am "a bitter and twisted man, who has a vendetta against him and (am) writing abuse and lies online", funny thing is that all I had written about him was true, and the homophobia claims were not made by me, but by a national newspaper, and he was apparently even suspended from his job for it as well, not abuse and lies from me in any, way shape or form.
I am supposed to have "faced him up" am I? well it would have been quite difficult not to when the fact hunt was blocking my way through town and shouting in my face. Of course he was "pleased" that's why he physically blocked my path, if he hadn't I'd have continued on my way and nobody would have had to be inconvenienced by speaking to the police, like Mendoza, who was hauled down the nick for his actions, but he strangely forgot to tell the Argus about this little detail.
I do like the way that these idiots pretend to be outraged by rude words, especially when we have all heard our Tory MP on the Matt Forde Podcast, repeatedly using the words "fuck", "bastards", and "bollocks", they can't be too fragile, if they use these words themselves as freely as this, or is it only swearing in the "lower orders" that is frowned upon?

Accompanying this pathetic piece of tabloid journalism was a lovely photo that was supposed to prove beyond doubt that Mendo couldn't possibly be homophobic, (He's the one at the back in the driving seat, so to speak). It looks like he borrowed Lionel Richie's hair for the photo, and Jim Davidson's wardrobe c1978. It is easy to see that he is not homophobic by this photo alone, in the same way that he couldn't possibly be racist if he had his picture taken 40 years ago with a black man.
Nice that I am referred to as a "pathetic little man" by this arse, but I suppose that a pregnant hippo would look "little" next to this tosser, and if not wearing a bog chain round my neck, never cutting ribbons, and not thinking that I am some kind of celebrity, makes me pathetic, the hoo f*cking ray, I'm loving the pathetic life, the fact that these idiots know nothing about my life only makes it funnier.
Oh and did I mention that the author of this piece of tabloid shit is a mate of Mendo's and the story was pretty much dictated by Mendo himself directly. My contact at the Argus informed me that they chose to print his photo in order to demonstrate the idiocy of the man who believed that, despite a clear history of claims about his homophobic attitude, an old picture of him with someone being conspicuously homosexual would somehow prove these claims wrong beyond doubt.
"You f*ck donkeys"