Friday 19 July 2013

Does this Blog offend you?

Well it shouldn't, because it's not grossly offensive, and that is exactly the point of it.

A while back I was told that "offensiveness" was judged by the state and not the individual. If I don't have the right to be offended by other's actions, then clearly nobody has the right to be offended by mine and if they are, they will just have to suck it up.

What people don't know, is that after my MP was "outraged" for being investigated under the Malicious Communications Act, he then launched a far bigger and much more expensive investigation into my blog, which was set up in order to draw attention to the truth behind the situation, as this wasn't freely available in the media sources secured by the MP.

The resulting investigation, which was sent to the London CPS, deemed my blog, "not grossly offensive" and therefore not breaching criminal law. I knew this already as I had looked into the laws regarding levels of offensiveness, and ensured that I complied and everything written was perfectly within the law. This exercise obviously upset my MP greatly, which was quite ironic really, considering that the point of law that allowed him to avoid prosecution was also available to us mere mortals as well, and not just a special right for the rich and powerful to exploit.

The law is for all, not just the few who can afford to employ lawyers who could argue semantics in their sleep, even though it does make one wonder how these people could possibly sleep at night due to the heinous acts that they manage to expunge from the lives of their employers.

If you are offended by this blog, the official advice is that you shouldn't read it, this advice is echoed on the blogs front page as well, if you do choose to read what I have written, then it is not my fault, as what I have written is officially not offensive under UK law, and maybe you should be thanking me for explaining to you all just how offensive is "offensive", it's definitely not what you would think, but that's freedom of speech for you, and if you don't like it you can f*ck off and read something else.

Sorry, no pic's in this post, but I hope that you now have a better understanding of the use of theatrical vitriol and pseudo abuse in order to prove a very valid point; it's not you who judges what is offensive to you, it's a civil servant.

Carpe armorum