I have received confirmation from Brighton and Hove Labour Party, that they have no knowledge of any of their members have spoken to Mendacious Mendoza, and there has been no communication regarding Members, past, present, or imaginary, with Mendo from them whatsoever.
Why would a senior member of the Labour Party even want to phone a UKIP/Tory bigot about anything, let alone to distribute membership details which aren't even true? That would be a serious breach of the DPA, if it had happened and I had been a member of B&H Labour, which it didn't, and I have never been, so the only conclusion that can be drawn is that Mendacious Mikey is talking out of his arse again.
Anyway, if we are allowed to play silly buggers.........
I just had a call from Eric Pickles, he told me that he wasn't happy about Mendo being in the party, as he may turn up at the conference and eat all the pies, a task which Eric has excelled at for years and doesn't need any competition from "that fat homophobic bas....", we got cut off at that point, otherwise I'd have to have corrected him that apparently Mendozy was not homophobic, because he has simply hundreds of gay friends and he wasn't suspended from the radio for likening homosexuality to paedophilia at all, despite it being published far and wide through various media outlets. Oh well, I guess that Pickles had some important pie related community business to attend to,
and couldn't hang around having imaginary conversations with me all day.