Saturday 13 July 2013

You're all bastards!

Well, half of you are apparently, statistically speaking. The BBC told me, so it's official, the worrying thing is the claim that if your parents aren't married at the time of your birth, you're going to grow up to be stupid, crazy and a junkie. What if you're adopted, orphaned or one of you parents dies between conception and birth, would £150 have saved you from your potential fate?

Apparently "Marriage" is the clear answer to the problem of failing schools, mental health issues and substance abuse, this is direct from the mouth of the MP who wants to restrict "Marriage" in order to preserve it's magickal properties, and by these claims it truly is a true wonder, or maybe it's all snake oil, as the only proof of this is a statement made without any factual evidence or statistical proof.

I know an equal number of people whose parents were married at the time of their birth and people who were born out of wedlock, I know people with mental health problems, substance abusers, and some real dummies, most of the worst are from affluent families with married parents, and the people I know brought up by single parents, in unconventional family units, and by same sex couples are some of the most well balanced and accepting people I know, but I live in the real world, not some protected bubble of ignorance.

I like the claim that "Without marriage, people drift in and out of relationships very easily", when you look at the amount of people with several marriages under their belts, it appears that people in marriages can also drift in and out of them pretty easily, and then there's the amount of affairs that go on within "traditional marriage", does lying to your kids make them any more well rounded, and when they find out that dad's been doinking his secretary while mum's been spending a fair amount of time inspecting the gardener's special tool, are they going to believe in the sanctity of marriage, or are they going to look at it as a convenient arrangement, throw in a financial incentive and you've sealed the deal.

There is one plus side though, without marriage there would be a helluva lot of unemployed prostitutes, at least marriage keeps them in work and the unemployment figures down so it can't be all bad.

Enjoy your SaTURDay