After last years experience with Sussex Police and the abusive email from my MP Tim Loughton, which is well covered here, which was reported to the police on the advice of a well known advice service, I feel that I have a bit of experience on these matters.
Well, you might think that, but I still in the dark as to how "whinging poisonous bollocks", "dishevelled", "rough" and yes "unkempt" are considered not offensive and somehow "coward" is. Maybe I should have some empathy for Mike Weatherley as he is getting the same tabloid abuse routine that I did, however I don't feel sorry for the Tory scumbag one little bit. The reason being, that I am currently, and have been since March, on the receiving end of a similar complaint by Tim Loughton, who also seems to think that Sussex Police are a better option than costly civil proceedings.
It would be nice to have a chat with the poor fella on the receiving end of Weatherley's abuse, if only to tell him that he's not alone. I wonder if he had his home turned upside down and got beaten unconscious in revenge for his minor rudeness to a Tory, because I f*cking well did. I also was locked in a cell for many hours, and not a soul was informed of my being there, was refused access to medical treatment, and to top it off the local Tory Scum were having a field day posting this all over their arsebook and twatter pages. Yes, if you think that being prosecuted for calling Weatherley a coward is stupid, you're going to love what I have to tell you about Loughton.
Loughton has been protesting to the police since the day he was questioned last year, that I needed to be arrested and punished for daring to follow the advice given to me and making a police statement, and by his very public shaming of Sussex Police and his numerous (well publicised) personal meetings with the Chief Constable and his mate the Commissioner (who can sack the CC if he doesn't do what he is told), he has ensured that they can dish out his revenge for him, whilst I am repeatedly told that his parliamentary rant full of personal abuse and lies and his sending the daily filth round to my home are not in the slightest bit harassment. The slimy tw@ now even wants to claim that I'm stalking him, when clearly his diatribe in parliament didn't contain a bunch of half truths didn't take substantial digging into my personal life to prepare. Believe me, if I was to choose to stalk someone, a lowlife no mark like Loughton would be way down the list, if even on the list in the first place. The only reason that I can see that he doesn't want anyone to know about his personal life would be if there was some dark dirty secret hidden in there somewhere that he is scared will get out. Did the police arrest the Filthy Hack who chased me to the shops and hid outside my home for stalking, no of course they f*cking didn't, because I'm not an MP, could Loughton be arrested for causing distress to myself and my family by sending round his heavies to have a go, or when his mates started the campaign of threats towards myself and my family, of course they didn't, I'm not an MP, but if someone calls an MP a coward, or asks a polite question about them being a lying b*stard, then it's "down the nick with you sonny boy" time. Afew years ago I had an element of faith in the police, that went for a right f*cking burton, I can tell you, there are two clear methods of policing, the one for us, which results in an arrest and prosecution for the tiniest matter, and one for the people who get invites to the police's civic events, which involves a nice cosy chat over a cup of tea at a convenient time to suit them, with an almost cast iron guarantee that there will be no further action.
On the subject of "no further action", I was assured that the investigation into myself at the request of Loughton had been filed as this on the 6th Jun, I wonder who he had a word with to overturn this decision in order to send the local apes round a week later. Lucky that just before his acquittal earlier this year he had spent the evening out and about on a jolly with the local apes.
My fight back against this injustice, begins tomorrow, and this time there will be no prisoners.
All the best to the poor bugger who upset Weatherley, I wonder if calling him a coward made him cry as much as when he found out that his wife was a Tom, I guess we'll never know.......
One thing is for sure though,