Yes, as soon as you report an MP to the police, you start to receive death threats like these through the post, some will just be alone in the envelopes, and some will be in funerary cards, you will also get some in Xmas cards, which are opened by your kids.
It's ok though, the MP will make sure that the CCTV footage of the person sending this filth, disappears on it's way to the police station, and forget to mention this when he starts ranting about how squeaky clean he is and how it is you that is the evil one.
You will also receive threats of violence and other such pleasantries from a bunch of apes who believe the shit that they try and read in the Daily Mail, who will turn up at the address supplied to them by the MP in question and make up quotes for their story, as "F*ck off" isn't considered a suitable response to a Daily Mail story (except in reality it is the only answer to the shit they print).
It's quite funny that the twunt who tried to write this piece of shit, uses the word "nefarious", a pretty big word for someone who uses the word "appropirate" ARRRRRR! I expect that this was dictated to an illiterate arse who's only too happy to act as a hired goon to a corrupt politician, in exchange for brown nosing privileges and scraps from the master's table.
Yes, I'm "terrorising" people, and I'm "cowardly", that's why the author of this filth wore gloves so as to not leave any form of identification and ensured that any CCTV footage was "lost" somewhere along the way so that they could abuse my family and then hide. Well, you obviously know where I live, you sent these pathetic epistles to my home, let me know when you want to come over, and I'll take you on, one on one, you know, the way that cowards like you are never likely to have the balls for, because you either hunt in packs or hide like girls (that said, the Missus would take out any one of you without too much trouble).
You brought my family into play, if you have a problem with me, then come to me and tell me like a man, we can then deal with it. If you want some kind of covert war, then don't start whining when things start to happen unexpectedly, I can make plenty of Voodoo Dolls, they seem to scare you quite suitably, I expect that you're scared of your own shadow too, after all, shadows are where assassins hide aren't they?
Whenever you're ready, you know where I am..........