Death threats, on his mobile? This is hilarious, I wonder who is threatening to kill this waste of skin, maybe it's "The Collective", you know the name shared by the pathetic bunch of local Tories who sent my family some rather nasty threats, but did not have the balls to sign a letter sent anonymously, calling me a coward. Oh the irony, "he's a coward, we're going to hide from him", well collective, bring it on you bunch of pussies, the sooner that you grow a pair and identify yourselves, the sooner that we can sort this out like grownups.
This also appeared, which made me laugh:
Bloody hell, that "6 Months" just flew by didn't it? As for sleeping, morphine and booze usually sees to that pretty well, however it appears to have a strange side effect of making you talk bollocks, "no wonder he's in custody", f*ck off, ADC may think that they have the police in their pockets, but we have laws in this country which ensure that in order to send someone to prison, they have to have committed a crime in the real world, and not just in the opium hazed view of an idiot who likes to make up stories.
I fail to see why this idiot would have to attend court or give two days of police statements, he spends all day every day in the pub, the police aren't interested in fairy tales, and lying in court is called perjury, so probably best that he doesn't tell his imaginary tales there either.
Nice to know that being a mate of this idiot is likely to make you kill yourself, I can see why, if that was all I had to call a friend, I'd probably off myself too, I do hope that his mate was a tory voter, one less of those is always a good thing.
I pissed myself when I read Barbarella Bornafella's whining about me writing horrible stuff about him/her, and thinking that it was unfair because I've never met/seen him/her, forgetting that the reason that this was done was because the twat chose to call me some pretty unsavoury names under the same circumstances, I was simply returning the favour, if you don't want a war, don't f*cking start one.