Looks like "Boozer Burns" was up early delivering leaflets, a bumper bundle of bullshit and bollocks were delivered today.
First up was this little one:
This time their 10 "good reasons" have now diminished to 3, I can only assume that they performed Tory trademark U-turns on the other 7. This time we have:
1. "Conservatives look after your money", of course they do, after all, most of it is making it's way to their bank accounts, whilst everyone else in the country is on pay cuts or freezes, ADC councillors gave themselves a hefty raise last year.
2. "We are protecting vital local services", by selling off all the local offices and pissing off to Worthing.
3. "We are local candidates", No you're bloody not, neither of the candidates actually live in the area in which they are standing for election.
We see them use the same tactic as they have used before against the Lib Dems and Labour, this time they target UKIP with the same propaganda but this time it's even funnier, because the people likely to be voting for UKIP are the disillusioned Tories who think that the modern Tory party is, although pretty racist, not quite racist enough to deserve their vote. In reality a vote for the Tories is a wasted vote this time around, do we really want someone who is going to agree with everything Grand Moff Parkin says without question and is in all reality, probably not really bright enough to have any ideas of her own, after all she was stupid enough to marry the old fascist.
I'll do the other leaflet later on.
This is Adur Calling...... Covering the East Worthing and Shoreham Parliamentary constituency and the behaviour of its official representatives.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
Our local Tories as they really are.
This time it's Angus Dunn, possibly the ADC councillor who gives the easiest anagram opportunity ever (but what do you do with that extra N?).
Yes, it appears that calling people twats is acceptable to ADC, unless of course they themselves are the receiver of such comments.
What a bunch of twats.
Yes, it appears that calling people twats is acceptable to ADC, unless of course they themselves are the receiver of such comments.
What a bunch of twats.
Anyone for partnership agency tennis?
It's funny how this "working in partnership" thing works, it takes seconds for completely fabricated gossip to get distributed between ADC and it's partnership agencies, facts, however take a little longer.

This relates to an incident on Friday into Saturday. Whilst I was sitting quietly at home around midnight, I heard the front door rattling as if being forced open. My first thoughts were that these cowards and their death threats had grown themselves a pair of conkers and come round to get their prize.
I looked through the window and could seed a foot on the door handle and a leg disappearing upwards, my initial decision was to swiftly open the door to introduce this individual to the concept of gravity and the reality of concrete floors, however I thought that I would play nicely and "do the right thing", and so I called the local constabulary.
They arrived some time later and I could hear voices outside and so I went out, to find the police back in their car and on the way out of the car park. I beckoned them over and they reluctantly got out of their car again. On the way out of the building I was greeted by this:
A lovely selection of gravel from the flat roof and several large pools of sputum. I was informed by the officers that it "was just some local kids" who were apparently well known to them and they had now been sent home to mummy. I was of course a little disappointed that they had not been asked why the f*ck they chose to decorate the entrance to my home with the contents of their respiratory systems, I also noticed that their climbing antics had damaged the paintwork on the door which took 3 years for the council to repaint after the last bunch of mouth breathers had tried in vain to write their names on it. The officers informed me that they would ensure that the mess was cleared up asap.
Well Monday came, and a quick call to ADC resulted in a conversation with a rude apathetic housing manager who we thought that we'd seen the last of, but sadly not. I was told that they had no idea of any report of any problems, despite the assurance of the officers on Friday night and the follow up by PCSOs on Sunday afternoon. The phrase, "we have no idea" should be ADCs catch phrase as this pretty much sums up their method of operation, they love distributing that I am a "dangerous criminal" when in fact I am nothing of the sort, yet they decide to ignore any damage and disgusting behaviour by "kids", now considering that they were sitting on my roof at gone midnight they couldn't really be considered kids in any true sense of the word, and maybe the police should have noticed the little plastic bags and discarded joint butts left by these "kids" and maybe done a bit more than just sending them home unattended, and definitely should have followed up their claim that the health hazard on my doorstep was dealt with.
The outcome is the usual Police tell me "talk to the council", and the council say "talk to the police", I'm considering saying, "next time you wake me up and gob all over my front door, talk to my f*cking boot",m but then there'll be blood as well as spittle which would take even longer for ADC to get around to cleaning up.

This relates to an incident on Friday into Saturday. Whilst I was sitting quietly at home around midnight, I heard the front door rattling as if being forced open. My first thoughts were that these cowards and their death threats had grown themselves a pair of conkers and come round to get their prize.
I looked through the window and could seed a foot on the door handle and a leg disappearing upwards, my initial decision was to swiftly open the door to introduce this individual to the concept of gravity and the reality of concrete floors, however I thought that I would play nicely and "do the right thing", and so I called the local constabulary.
They arrived some time later and I could hear voices outside and so I went out, to find the police back in their car and on the way out of the car park. I beckoned them over and they reluctantly got out of their car again. On the way out of the building I was greeted by this:
A lovely selection of gravel from the flat roof and several large pools of sputum. I was informed by the officers that it "was just some local kids" who were apparently well known to them and they had now been sent home to mummy. I was of course a little disappointed that they had not been asked why the f*ck they chose to decorate the entrance to my home with the contents of their respiratory systems, I also noticed that their climbing antics had damaged the paintwork on the door which took 3 years for the council to repaint after the last bunch of mouth breathers had tried in vain to write their names on it. The officers informed me that they would ensure that the mess was cleared up asap.
Well Monday came, and a quick call to ADC resulted in a conversation with a rude apathetic housing manager who we thought that we'd seen the last of, but sadly not. I was told that they had no idea of any report of any problems, despite the assurance of the officers on Friday night and the follow up by PCSOs on Sunday afternoon. The phrase, "we have no idea" should be ADCs catch phrase as this pretty much sums up their method of operation, they love distributing that I am a "dangerous criminal" when in fact I am nothing of the sort, yet they decide to ignore any damage and disgusting behaviour by "kids", now considering that they were sitting on my roof at gone midnight they couldn't really be considered kids in any true sense of the word, and maybe the police should have noticed the little plastic bags and discarded joint butts left by these "kids" and maybe done a bit more than just sending them home unattended, and definitely should have followed up their claim that the health hazard on my doorstep was dealt with.
The outcome is the usual Police tell me "talk to the council", and the council say "talk to the police", I'm considering saying, "next time you wake me up and gob all over my front door, talk to my f*cking boot",m but then there'll be blood as well as spittle which would take even longer for ADC to get around to cleaning up.
Friday, 26 April 2013
AdurCalling now 80% less naughty.
Yes, I have been forced to adhere to the wishes of Adur District Council's solicitor, or at least someone pretending to be a solicitor for ADC. Here's the solicitor's notice to Google:
Yes, apparently the photo's of our councillors are apparently protected by copyright, and altering them in any way is very naughty indeed. I obviously don't want to be naughty, so I have replaced all or their copyrighted images with ones that I made myself, using other public domain sources, so AdurCalling is now all above board, wouldn't want to upset ADC now would we, and even more than that, we wouldn't want them to have the excuse to piss more public funds up the wall by employing solicitors to make pointless muscle flexing stances against the victims of their abuse who stand up against their bullyboy tactics.
I assume that they are all happy now.
Yes, apparently the photo's of our councillors are apparently protected by copyright, and altering them in any way is very naughty indeed. I obviously don't want to be naughty, so I have replaced all or their copyrighted images with ones that I made myself, using other public domain sources, so AdurCalling is now all above board, wouldn't want to upset ADC now would we, and even more than that, we wouldn't want them to have the excuse to piss more public funds up the wall by employing solicitors to make pointless muscle flexing stances against the victims of their abuse who stand up against their bullyboy tactics.
I assume that they are all happy now.
Local Tory party drop litter......
....on my doormat.
Yes, the Tories think that we should vote for Parkin's missus, and suggest "10 good reasons" why we should. Let's look at these reasons before we decide whether they're good or not.
1. Council Tax frozen again. Maybe it was, this was subsidised by central government and although there has been no increase, there will be later and no doubt they will blame this on the Labour government as usual. They forget to mention that although we are paying the same as 3 years ago, we now don't have any civic buildings or locally run services, because they sold them all and gave the money to Worthing.
2. New Civic Hub to be opened. When exactly? A decent council would have ensured that this was more than a couple of bad drawings before closing down the other 3 civic offices. The claim that building this will somehow save £3m over the next 5 years, again how exactly?
3. Maintaining vital public services. By conspiring to sell of our local hospital and moving all public services to Worthing, or further afield.
4. Supporting new academies. Yes by allowing the church to profit from education, and as for Kings Manor now being an "outstanding academy", I can't see any improvement in the amount of litter or pavement parking created on Stoney Lane since they built their new building and now that they have moved over to this side of the field I can now clearly hear them shouting "you f*cking c*nt" at each other whilst in the school. So much improvement from Kings Manor, I went there, and it was a shithole, looks to me like little has changed.
5. Boosting employment. By opposing any comercial development on port land that might upset the beach residents. I suppose that there are more cafe jobs than there ever were in Shoreham, because, apart from charity shops, there is little else left.
6. Europe You decide. Yes, Camoron has decided to announce a referendum that might be held if he gets in at the next general election, more ifs and buts from the Tories.
7. Other parties talk. Yes and they listen too, unlike the local Tories. Again it's all about working to a price rather than a standard and in this section they seem to want to have a pop at the Tory that deserted them for UKIP, they claim that they dumped him due to his "poor attendance record at council meetings", a standard case of who dumped who and the gossip that follows. I did have a look at the council minutes and the UKIP candidate did actually attend more meetings that at least 3 other Tory councillors, so I guess that it was him that did the dumping and this leaflet is just the usual Tory lies.
Let's turn this thing over....
at 8 we have, Looking after your money. Yes, but they didn't have to take it all home with them in order to look after it for us, last year Parkin awarded himself a 66.6% (appropriate number there)increase in his allowance. They then go on about the usual Tory line of blaming the previous Labour government for overspending, but forget to mention that all local issues were controlled by them during this period, so when it comes to any local overspending it's the Tories who are solely responsible for any overspending.
9. Positive change for Adur. Yes I agree, Adur does need a change, it has been ruled by these idiots for long enough, the idea that Shoreham has anything in common with Sand Banks is laughable, I love Shoreham but let's face it, it ain't a millionaires playground is it. They say that we have a new village green and playground as well, I'm not sure where this is to be honest, I can't think of any new playgrounds that have appeared in the last 10 years and as we are not a village I don't see that we need a green, we already have open spaces, and it doesn't matter one jot what they are called.
10. A local candidate. Bullshit, out of all the candidates, she is the one that lives farthest away from the ward, out of the other 3, two of them live within the ward, and the other is just outside the border but has actually been seen in and around the area quite often. I've never seen Parkin around here, apparently she was here the other week for an hour or so, and even if she does get elected that will be it for the next 4 years, just like our other local councillor who lives even farther away than she does.
Nice that she is pictured outside Southlands hospital, which her party has confined to the scrap heap and deceived locals into believing that they were trying to save it until they saw there was a profit available. Yes these are 10 reasons, but none of them are good, and voting for these idiots will only result in Adur being swallowed up by Worthing, follow direction 9 and vote for a positive change in Adur by not voting for these jokers.
I love the picture with the cup cakes, I assume that she's bringing Neil his dinner in this shot. It's nice to know that she is able to manage to decorate cup cakes though, I assume that this is a clear indication that she has already mastered greetings card making and finger painting, after all we wouldn't want to put an idiot in charge now, would we?
Yes, the Tories think that we should vote for Parkin's missus, and suggest "10 good reasons" why we should. Let's look at these reasons before we decide whether they're good or not.
1. Council Tax frozen again. Maybe it was, this was subsidised by central government and although there has been no increase, there will be later and no doubt they will blame this on the Labour government as usual. They forget to mention that although we are paying the same as 3 years ago, we now don't have any civic buildings or locally run services, because they sold them all and gave the money to Worthing.
2. New Civic Hub to be opened. When exactly? A decent council would have ensured that this was more than a couple of bad drawings before closing down the other 3 civic offices. The claim that building this will somehow save £3m over the next 5 years, again how exactly?
3. Maintaining vital public services. By conspiring to sell of our local hospital and moving all public services to Worthing, or further afield.
4. Supporting new academies. Yes by allowing the church to profit from education, and as for Kings Manor now being an "outstanding academy", I can't see any improvement in the amount of litter or pavement parking created on Stoney Lane since they built their new building and now that they have moved over to this side of the field I can now clearly hear them shouting "you f*cking c*nt" at each other whilst in the school. So much improvement from Kings Manor, I went there, and it was a shithole, looks to me like little has changed.
5. Boosting employment. By opposing any comercial development on port land that might upset the beach residents. I suppose that there are more cafe jobs than there ever were in Shoreham, because, apart from charity shops, there is little else left.
6. Europe You decide. Yes, Camoron has decided to announce a referendum that might be held if he gets in at the next general election, more ifs and buts from the Tories.
7. Other parties talk. Yes and they listen too, unlike the local Tories. Again it's all about working to a price rather than a standard and in this section they seem to want to have a pop at the Tory that deserted them for UKIP, they claim that they dumped him due to his "poor attendance record at council meetings", a standard case of who dumped who and the gossip that follows. I did have a look at the council minutes and the UKIP candidate did actually attend more meetings that at least 3 other Tory councillors, so I guess that it was him that did the dumping and this leaflet is just the usual Tory lies.
Let's turn this thing over....
at 8 we have, Looking after your money. Yes, but they didn't have to take it all home with them in order to look after it for us, last year Parkin awarded himself a 66.6% (appropriate number there)increase in his allowance. They then go on about the usual Tory line of blaming the previous Labour government for overspending, but forget to mention that all local issues were controlled by them during this period, so when it comes to any local overspending it's the Tories who are solely responsible for any overspending.
9. Positive change for Adur. Yes I agree, Adur does need a change, it has been ruled by these idiots for long enough, the idea that Shoreham has anything in common with Sand Banks is laughable, I love Shoreham but let's face it, it ain't a millionaires playground is it. They say that we have a new village green and playground as well, I'm not sure where this is to be honest, I can't think of any new playgrounds that have appeared in the last 10 years and as we are not a village I don't see that we need a green, we already have open spaces, and it doesn't matter one jot what they are called.
10. A local candidate. Bullshit, out of all the candidates, she is the one that lives farthest away from the ward, out of the other 3, two of them live within the ward, and the other is just outside the border but has actually been seen in and around the area quite often. I've never seen Parkin around here, apparently she was here the other week for an hour or so, and even if she does get elected that will be it for the next 4 years, just like our other local councillor who lives even farther away than she does.
Nice that she is pictured outside Southlands hospital, which her party has confined to the scrap heap and deceived locals into believing that they were trying to save it until they saw there was a profit available. Yes these are 10 reasons, but none of them are good, and voting for these idiots will only result in Adur being swallowed up by Worthing, follow direction 9 and vote for a positive change in Adur by not voting for these jokers.
I love the picture with the cup cakes, I assume that she's bringing Neil his dinner in this shot. It's nice to know that she is able to manage to decorate cup cakes though, I assume that this is a clear indication that she has already mastered greetings card making and finger painting, after all we wouldn't want to put an idiot in charge now, would we?
I must be doing something right.
Looks like I'm doing my job and getting well and truly up the noses of ADC and their minions, serves them right really, I did try and fight them on their terms, using law and fact, but they seem to think that these two things only exist to support them. I followed their rules and found nothing but corruption and lies used in return, so I had no other choice but to take to a medium that they cannot control, It doesn't stop them trying though.
I got this today:
It relates to this post, it appears that they are now claiming copyright infringement. I can only assume that they are referring to the picture of Cllr Burns, either that or ADC think that they can copyright being a pisshead. If it is the first of these issues then this matter is now solved by censorship, if it's the second, then god help us, anyone found drunk and incapable in Adur will henceforth be forcibly conscripted into the Tory party and immediately made a councillor.
Only 6 days to go until the county and district elections and so far only seen Labour leaflets (2 of them), looks like everyone else can't be bothered to .................
Just had a Tory leaflet through my door, this could be considered hate mail. I'm off to laugh at the crap that it contains and the pictures of a face that only an aged cab driver could fancy. Will post my findings later.
I got this today:
It relates to this post, it appears that they are now claiming copyright infringement. I can only assume that they are referring to the picture of Cllr Burns, either that or ADC think that they can copyright being a pisshead. If it is the first of these issues then this matter is now solved by censorship, if it's the second, then god help us, anyone found drunk and incapable in Adur will henceforth be forcibly conscripted into the Tory party and immediately made a councillor.
Only 6 days to go until the county and district elections and so far only seen Labour leaflets (2 of them), looks like everyone else can't be bothered to .................
Just had a Tory leaflet through my door, this could be considered hate mail. I'm off to laugh at the crap that it contains and the pictures of a face that only an aged cab driver could fancy. Will post my findings later.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Interesting comparison.
Reading the local and national news regarding the weekend's fascist march in Brighton, I noticed something. Top job sending them off home with their tails between their legs by the way, freedom of assembly is good, but the intention of this march was not to celebrate anything other than division. Personally I'm also proud to be British, however I'm horribly embarrassed about our past indiscretions around the world and don't believe in dragons. I don't like the association made by certain groups, between our Lebanese patron saint, our flag and the crusades and don't think that using it as a symbol of a religious war against Islam. Personally I'm interested in what will happen to the Union Flag if Scotland gain independence, it's gonna look a bit crap without the blue, and all the songs with "red, white and blue" will have to be adapted.
Anyway, back to the comparison. The reported cost of the 700 police officers drafted in from around the south east, and all the associated expenses and overtime, along with the coaches and advanced interception teams in place to protect the marchers, is estimated at "several hundred thousand pounds", and is apparently the biggest policing operation in 30 years. Now that is indeed a lot of money, and by my understanding "several hundred thousand" puts it in the £300-£900k range, otherwise the claim would be "tens of thousands" or "more than five figures", these are the generally accepted terms usually used.

Now compare this to the claims made by Tim Loughton in his statements to the Daily Fail and other far right press agencies. Considering that the investigation into Loughton, which was not an investigation into a simple word as he claims, but a whole raft of other things as well, involved three officers, a couple of statements and a trip to London to interview his staff, the claim that it cost at least 10% of the weekends costs of the largest Sussex Police operation in 30 years involving 700 officers, just shows that he was talking complete and utter cock. This sensationalist claim is nothing more than political spin created by Loughton to claim that the public should be outraged that he was questioned for an offence, when in reality it was only him who was pissed off that he was called to account for his arrogance and abusive demeanour, but in true Tory style decided to lie through his arse in order to support his usual conviction that he is always right, even when he's completely wrong.
No real surprise that Loughton was bullshitting as usual, but by his costings he could have had 50 officers raid his house and forcibly relocate him to the cells, and by his courting of the press and schoolboy outrage one could be misled into believing that this is what actually happened, maybe next time it will, considering how much abuse he has levelled at Sussex Police for daring to interview him rather than inviting him to the station for cake and praise for being such a top banana.
Yes, the whole idea that anyone would want to waste £100k on Loughton is really as laughable as it first appeared.

Now compare this to the claims made by Tim Loughton in his statements to the Daily Fail and other far right press agencies. Considering that the investigation into Loughton, which was not an investigation into a simple word as he claims, but a whole raft of other things as well, involved three officers, a couple of statements and a trip to London to interview his staff, the claim that it cost at least 10% of the weekends costs of the largest Sussex Police operation in 30 years involving 700 officers, just shows that he was talking complete and utter cock. This sensationalist claim is nothing more than political spin created by Loughton to claim that the public should be outraged that he was questioned for an offence, when in reality it was only him who was pissed off that he was called to account for his arrogance and abusive demeanour, but in true Tory style decided to lie through his arse in order to support his usual conviction that he is always right, even when he's completely wrong.
No real surprise that Loughton was bullshitting as usual, but by his costings he could have had 50 officers raid his house and forcibly relocate him to the cells, and by his courting of the press and schoolboy outrage one could be misled into believing that this is what actually happened, maybe next time it will, considering how much abuse he has levelled at Sussex Police for daring to interview him rather than inviting him to the station for cake and praise for being such a top banana.
Yes, the whole idea that anyone would want to waste £100k on Loughton is really as laughable as it first appeared.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Hardly a surprise
Looks like "The Harold" has released a little bit of truth for a change.
The comments attached here are pretty much the usual fare, and demonstrate that the local Tories seem to think that it is acceptable to cover up such a serious balls up, as it protects their staff from "embarrassment", or as I like to call it, "culpability". This is hardly a surprise as they seem to want to protect their senior staff from having to admit their f*ck ups, made due to cutting corners and costs in order to improve their own salaries The local Tories are as usual complicit in this deception and would rather that we never knew what a complete pigs ear they are making in order to replace staff and buildings with a "virtual" council managed by yes men (and women) in order to save a few quid, which they then award to themselves in extra allowances.
These idiots are clearly not fit for purpose, to be honest, most of them wouldn't even be useful dead as door stops, as their overfed, bloaty corpses would inhibit doorway access quite substantially. The idea that we shouldn't be informed when they make a gargantuan f*ck up is an affront to democracy, but then again isn't everything else the local Tories do anyway?
Well done Adur and Worthing Tories, you never fail to provide evidence that you haven't got a f*cking ounce of honesty between you.
The comments attached here are pretty much the usual fare, and demonstrate that the local Tories seem to think that it is acceptable to cover up such a serious balls up, as it protects their staff from "embarrassment", or as I like to call it, "culpability". This is hardly a surprise as they seem to want to protect their senior staff from having to admit their f*ck ups, made due to cutting corners and costs in order to improve their own salaries The local Tories are as usual complicit in this deception and would rather that we never knew what a complete pigs ear they are making in order to replace staff and buildings with a "virtual" council managed by yes men (and women) in order to save a few quid, which they then award to themselves in extra allowances.
These idiots are clearly not fit for purpose, to be honest, most of them wouldn't even be useful dead as door stops, as their overfed, bloaty corpses would inhibit doorway access quite substantially. The idea that we shouldn't be informed when they make a gargantuan f*ck up is an affront to democracy, but then again isn't everything else the local Tories do anyway?
Well done Adur and Worthing Tories, you never fail to provide evidence that you haven't got a f*cking ounce of honesty between you.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Adur Tories think that Freedom of speech is not free enough.
That is, according to Tim Loughton and his parliamentary debate about his wishes to be able to speak to anyone as if he has just found them under a rock. If on the other hand, it concerns anyone else who doesn't agree with their fascistic views and abusive means of delivery, then clearly these people have far too much freedom and need to be silenced.
So much so, that they have decided to waste more public money by serving legal notices to Google with the intention of silencing me.
Yes, their claim that freedom of speech is an important part of democracy is complete and utter "bollocks", and more to the point they think that serving legal notices on Google is a valid use of taxpayers money in these times of supposed "austerity". It's a damning indictment of their desire to control everything and manipulate it in order to only represent their thoughts and beliefs, and a compliment to my blog that they feel that I pose such a threat to them that they need to invest vast amounts of time and money in order to silence what they openly refer to as a "silly little blog".
If their staff member hadn't assaulted me and then distributed that I had committed an imaginary crime without trial or right to defence, and their councillors not made up nasty stories about crap on allotments in order to "remove (us) at any cost", then I wouldn't have had to fight back. All I've done is stand my ground, and not been intimidated by them. The fact that I challenged them and did not accept their lies and abuse as acceptable, has angered them to the point of psychosis and I can assure you that the vexatious serial abuser in this situation is definitely not myself, but the council staff, the councillors, the MP and any other idiot who offers their unflinching support without question (Davis, Morgan et al) and is prepared to ignore the law in order to please their revered masters. There are also the local PCSOs who in effect are more akin to council employees that they are police representatives, these trout faced, little, doughnut fuelled, gossip goblins are there for the sole purpose of interfering in police investigations and distributing advanced warning to council officials to enable them to "lose" any evidence of wrongdoing and protect the council's pet twats (Davis, Morgan, Hartney, Sergeant etc.) from the prosecutions and convictions that they so richly deserve.
Yes, if you wonder why we have to have our public services reduced and our local offices sold, the answer could well be that they're spending all the cash on preventing the truth from escaping their control.
So much so, that they have decided to waste more public money by serving legal notices to Google with the intention of silencing me.
Yes, their claim that freedom of speech is an important part of democracy is complete and utter "bollocks", and more to the point they think that serving legal notices on Google is a valid use of taxpayers money in these times of supposed "austerity". It's a damning indictment of their desire to control everything and manipulate it in order to only represent their thoughts and beliefs, and a compliment to my blog that they feel that I pose such a threat to them that they need to invest vast amounts of time and money in order to silence what they openly refer to as a "silly little blog".
If their staff member hadn't assaulted me and then distributed that I had committed an imaginary crime without trial or right to defence, and their councillors not made up nasty stories about crap on allotments in order to "remove (us) at any cost", then I wouldn't have had to fight back. All I've done is stand my ground, and not been intimidated by them. The fact that I challenged them and did not accept their lies and abuse as acceptable, has angered them to the point of psychosis and I can assure you that the vexatious serial abuser in this situation is definitely not myself, but the council staff, the councillors, the MP and any other idiot who offers their unflinching support without question (Davis, Morgan et al) and is prepared to ignore the law in order to please their revered masters. There are also the local PCSOs who in effect are more akin to council employees that they are police representatives, these trout faced, little, doughnut fuelled, gossip goblins are there for the sole purpose of interfering in police investigations and distributing advanced warning to council officials to enable them to "lose" any evidence of wrongdoing and protect the council's pet twats (Davis, Morgan, Hartney, Sergeant etc.) from the prosecutions and convictions that they so richly deserve.
Yes, if you wonder why we have to have our public services reduced and our local offices sold, the answer could well be that they're spending all the cash on preventing the truth from escaping their control.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
They don't like it up 'em.
Looks like ADC have been busy wasting public funds serving legal notices on my blog. So I shall obviously comply with the laws regarding this, combined with my right to free speech and repost with minor censorship in order to adhere to their unreasonable requests. These are the people behind Timbo and his plea to parliament to allow him to say whatever the f*ck he wantsa to whomever he f*cking chooses and judging it to be fre speech, but woe betide anyone who should want to do the same. Oh well, if ADC want to piss money up the wall it's the local Tories authorising it who will pay the price come election time.
Anyway here's the post with names redacted:
Anyway here's the post with names redacted:
15 Apr 2013 02:57 PM PDT
ADC are definitely consistent in their ignorance of fact. When they chose to
place me on their blacklist after I pressed charges against their allotment
*******, J***** S*******, when he violently attacked me whilst I was shopping in
Tesco, they claimed that I had made "Threats of a serious nature, Death
threats", now obviously as I hadn't done anything of the sort, I have been
questioning this complete heap of crap for the last 2 years.
After intervention by the ICO pointing out that this was in fact bollocks and unless they could come up with some proof, that this was unacceptable. Here is that proof:
Yes, apparently it was acceptable to make these
accusations in Aug 2011, because I apparently made abusive telephone calls to
them a year later, and they are quite content that this is fact despite the
refusal to actually provide any f*cking evidence whatsoever, (probably because
none actually exists, because it didn't f*cking happen. The only thing that
happened during those calls were that I upset them by refusing to adhere to
restrictions made unlawfully denying myself access to any democratically elected
representatives or any other party who had the ability to challenge their choice
to add me to their blacklist.
It would appear that this blog in their view, constitutes "verbal abuse" despite the definition of "verbal" when used as an adjective pertains to spoken rather than written statements. It's funny how they believe that their remit extends to the internet and freedom of speech legislation, and further to this they believe that if they provide me with these statements as required by law, that I might upset them by telling the truth about their made up crap and making it clear on here that they are all lying b*stards.
Instead I'll just have to identify the lying violent little shit who chose to mitigate his arrest by placing me on the list in the first place, yes, J***** S*******, this horrendous little turd of a man is employed as an allotment *******, but he prefers to spend his time hidden in allotment sheds with camp elderly gentlemen and emerging red faced and panting. Not everyone gets to go cottaging on company time do they? He can do whatever he fancies in his spare time, and indeed the council support this, after all they claimed that when he assaulted me, he was acting in his capacity as a member of the public, yet they still provided him with publicly funded legal advice and several thousand quids worth of officer time to accompany him to court to lie through their teeth and intimidate the witnesses.
Apparently this blog really irritates ADC, so much so that they have banned their staff from reading it, if that's not a seal of approval, I don't know what is.......
After intervention by the ICO pointing out that this was in fact bollocks and unless they could come up with some proof, that this was unacceptable. Here is that proof:
It would appear that this blog in their view, constitutes "verbal abuse" despite the definition of "verbal" when used as an adjective pertains to spoken rather than written statements. It's funny how they believe that their remit extends to the internet and freedom of speech legislation, and further to this they believe that if they provide me with these statements as required by law, that I might upset them by telling the truth about their made up crap and making it clear on here that they are all lying b*stards.
Instead I'll just have to identify the lying violent little shit who chose to mitigate his arrest by placing me on the list in the first place, yes, J***** S*******, this horrendous little turd of a man is employed as an allotment *******, but he prefers to spend his time hidden in allotment sheds with camp elderly gentlemen and emerging red faced and panting. Not everyone gets to go cottaging on company time do they? He can do whatever he fancies in his spare time, and indeed the council support this, after all they claimed that when he assaulted me, he was acting in his capacity as a member of the public, yet they still provided him with publicly funded legal advice and several thousand quids worth of officer time to accompany him to court to lie through their teeth and intimidate the witnesses.
Apparently this blog really irritates ADC, so much so that they have banned their staff from reading it, if that's not a seal of approval, I don't know what is.......
That should comply with the notice.
Friday, 19 April 2013
Here's the deal......
Well, looks like Adur District Council are wholeheartedly supporting Neil Parkin's favourite AdurCooling blog, so much so that they are giving him the heads up when the water is getting a little hot, and he decides to publish illegally obtained information. ADC are therefore supporting corruption and criminal behaviour within their organisation, the very fact that they have chosen to pass my personal files to Tim Loughton is also a breach of law and yet they continue to allow this to happen. Loughton himself also has a scant regard for the data laws in place in this country when it comes to publicly abusing myself.
So, I am left with few options as the coward involved refuses to formally identify himself. As Tim Loughton is the main architect of this abuse I thought I'd leave the decision in his hands.
Here's the deal Timbo, you give me the author on a plate with a full confession of unlawful distribution of illegally obtained data by Monday, and we'll keep progeny off the menu. If your blogger wants a "no rules" situation then I'm happy to adopt the same. Can't say fairer than that.
So, I am left with few options as the coward involved refuses to formally identify himself. As Tim Loughton is the main architect of this abuse I thought I'd leave the decision in his hands.
Here's the deal Timbo, you give me the author on a plate with a full confession of unlawful distribution of illegally obtained data by Monday, and we'll keep progeny off the menu. If your blogger wants a "no rules" situation then I'm happy to adopt the same. Can't say fairer than that.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
The local Tories join forces.
After Loughton claiming that he thought that the police investigation into his abusive behaviour was a waste of resources (although he radically overestimated it at £100k, when in reality it was probably only a couple of % of that figure), he has obviously decided that him and his mates should waste a load more. So they decided to get together and make up some pretty unbelievable stories about myself to report to Sussex Police. Three of them thought that my exercising free speech through the internet was completely unacceptable, this was Parkin, Loughton and that idiot Kevin Davis, another (Stephen Morgan) thought that I should not be able to report his illegal camera to the school whose grounds that it overlooks, and even went to the trouble of obtaining private correspondence from a child's school record by less than legal means in order to make his statement to the police.
Obviously Morgan was told that making a valid complaint about child safety was perfectly acceptable, and if he didn't like it he should have obtained permission from the school before setting up his own personal camera and followed the laws in place in order to operate a CCTV camera on public authority owned land. Nice try to get me nicked pal, but you'll have to make sure that in future that you don't provide a statement to police that makes it clear that you have in fact broken the law and not me. You can tell your School Governor Tory mates that you are a sad and pathetic failure.
And then there was Parkin; the chief propagator of Tory disinformation and believed coordinator of the recent police allegations on behalf of his demagogue mate, Loughton.
Parkin thought that my asking him twice, why my elected members of council had disappeared off of the face of the earth, was considered "harassment". Considering that I, as we all do, have the right to ask questions of elected representatives, this was treated like the pap that it was, because no matter how much these local wannabes think that they have some equivalent of parliamentary privileges, they don't, and if my council tax pays for their telephone line and email, then I and any other resident can use it to contact them, if they want to save a few quid for themselves and view this as their personal rather than business communications access point, then that's their problem. Another Fail, nice try Gonzo.
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Stephen (Tosser) Morgan |
Obviously Morgan was told that making a valid complaint about child safety was perfectly acceptable, and if he didn't like it he should have obtained permission from the school before setting up his own personal camera and followed the laws in place in order to operate a CCTV camera on public authority owned land. Nice try to get me nicked pal, but you'll have to make sure that in future that you don't provide a statement to police that makes it clear that you have in fact broken the law and not me. You can tell your School Governor Tory mates that you are a sad and pathetic failure.
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Kevin (The Dick) Davis |
Then there's our old mucker Kevin (aka Lee) Davis, the prime evidence to prove the argument in support of post-natal abortion. He pulled out a really good one in support of his local Tory mates, he decided to make a false statement to the police (not for the first time), claiming that I apparently said to him "you're dead, you cunt!", whilst performing some kind of super kung-fu kick on him whilst leaping four feet in the air. Now despite me not being Honk Kong F*cking Phooey (he never used his middle name), give me some credit, if I was going to threaten someone, I would do it with a lot more panache than "you're dead you cunt", don't judge others by your own standards Kev, we're not all inarticulate troglodytes like you, next time you want to make up stories at least make them believable. Another Fail for the Adur Tory synchronised bollock talking team.
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Idiot Parkin |
Parkin thought that my asking him twice, why my elected members of council had disappeared off of the face of the earth, was considered "harassment". Considering that I, as we all do, have the right to ask questions of elected representatives, this was treated like the pap that it was, because no matter how much these local wannabes think that they have some equivalent of parliamentary privileges, they don't, and if my council tax pays for their telephone line and email, then I and any other resident can use it to contact them, if they want to save a few quid for themselves and view this as their personal rather than business communications access point, then that's their problem. Another Fail, nice try Gonzo.
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Lying Lought |
Then there's the chief manipulator, The Lought himself. Yes, he can stand in Parliament and claim that freedom of speech is a true right of democracy, yet like all of his kind, he only believes this on the condition that he agrees with the words being spoken If he doesn't like someone giving him a taste of his own medicine then they clearly need to be reported to the police, who are apparently wasting time and resources if they have the audacity to investigate him, but are presumably doing a great job if they investigate my retaliation to his abuse. I can assure anyone reading this that the investigations into myself, based on statements made by Loughton and his mates, have actually cost four times what the investigation into him cost, so by my reckoning that makes it £400k (in made up Loughton pounds). What a waste of imaginary money, it shouldn't be allowed, especially as I have been deemed to not have committed any of the made up crimes alleged, which is not really a surprise, because they never f*cking happened you twats.
Massive Tory fail all round I'm afraid to say, HAH!
Bravest Tory in town.
Well, that'll be the invisible man then, because none of the wet tory scumbags have even a hint of a pair of conkers. That's why when they post death threats to kids, they do it anonymously, because they're even scared of kids, even though they love to oppress and control them, maybe their fear of children is borne out of their fear of being caught enjoying a bit of pederasty on the side, you never know.
I say this because one of these pathetic little Tory wankers has decided to start their own pathetic imitation of my blog:
Yes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all that, sadly they have forgotten to include any truth but simply relied on the shit made up by Loughton, who knows this may have even been written by Timmy Pants himself, it does contain several references that are specific to him, so whoever is responsible is clearly able to access his files, and the local Tories are happily referring to it as "our blog".
So they like complaining about me having freedom of speech and even report me to Sussex Police claiming that they think that anyone who disagrees with their fascistic views needs to be arrested for it, yet they are committing the same acts that they claim are crimes. That should come as no surprise to locals, the Tory scumbags here have narrowly dodged several bullets in recent years including assaulting women, committing fraud and sexually abusing youngsters, it's amazing what you can hide behind a blue rosette isn't it?
I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed with their efforts to be honest. Maybe that just goes to show how fantastic my blog really is, the imitators can't even come close, but that's Tories all round, like those kids we all knew at school, the ones who tried so hard, but were still unable to convince anyone that they were anything other than complete and utter wankers.
The funny thing is, all of the statements made, although completely unfounded and wrong, are all traceable directly back to Loughton, so there is little doubt that he is behind this shit, whilst still claiming to hold the moral high ground. There's a little clue there, if you're going to try and have a go, make sure that you gather your own info, because if you only quote from one source, you'll get found out. I've got it pinned down to three potential suspects, all of them policically active within the right wing of the local Tory party.
If they want to go claiming that my blog is naughty and then go and do the same, they should be expecting a knock at their door very shortly.
I say this because one of these pathetic little Tory wankers has decided to start their own pathetic imitation of my blog:
Yes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all that, sadly they have forgotten to include any truth but simply relied on the shit made up by Loughton, who knows this may have even been written by Timmy Pants himself, it does contain several references that are specific to him, so whoever is responsible is clearly able to access his files, and the local Tories are happily referring to it as "our blog".
So they like complaining about me having freedom of speech and even report me to Sussex Police claiming that they think that anyone who disagrees with their fascistic views needs to be arrested for it, yet they are committing the same acts that they claim are crimes. That should come as no surprise to locals, the Tory scumbags here have narrowly dodged several bullets in recent years including assaulting women, committing fraud and sexually abusing youngsters, it's amazing what you can hide behind a blue rosette isn't it?
I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed with their efforts to be honest. Maybe that just goes to show how fantastic my blog really is, the imitators can't even come close, but that's Tories all round, like those kids we all knew at school, the ones who tried so hard, but were still unable to convince anyone that they were anything other than complete and utter wankers.
The funny thing is, all of the statements made, although completely unfounded and wrong, are all traceable directly back to Loughton, so there is little doubt that he is behind this shit, whilst still claiming to hold the moral high ground. There's a little clue there, if you're going to try and have a go, make sure that you gather your own info, because if you only quote from one source, you'll get found out. I've got it pinned down to three potential suspects, all of them policically active within the right wing of the local Tory party.
If they want to go claiming that my blog is naughty and then go and do the same, they should be expecting a knock at their door very shortly.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
ADC's Blacklist, a rose by any other name....
Well, looks like I have upset ADC again, this seems to be becoming a bit of a habit now. What did I do this time? I called their blacklist a blacklist, which is apparently "offensive", I just can't help being "offensive", can I? This is the unacceptable level of offensiveness that was addressed by Wanky Tim in his truth free parliamentary rant, I keep insisting on using the wrong words, yet they still refuse to provide me with an official ADC dictionary, as mine clearly has the wrong definitions of certain words.
Sadly my dictionary doesn't have "customer of concern register" anywhere within it's pages, and the only suitable word for a list, operated by an authority which identifies individuals selected for avoidance or who are not to be trusted, in my dictionary is "blacklist".
Unfortunately the fact that I can only use real words, will no doubt result in my being judged to be "offensive", and placed on their blacklist for another year, what a shame that I was under the impression that ADC don't actually control the English language, when in their opinion they clearly do.
Well, if you operate a f*cking blacklist, then I have the right to refer to it as such, and if that offends you, GOOD, I'm glad that I can be offensive to you simply by being right.
Sadly my dictionary doesn't have "customer of concern register" anywhere within it's pages, and the only suitable word for a list, operated by an authority which identifies individuals selected for avoidance or who are not to be trusted, in my dictionary is "blacklist".
Unfortunately the fact that I can only use real words, will no doubt result in my being judged to be "offensive", and placed on their blacklist for another year, what a shame that I was under the impression that ADC don't actually control the English language, when in their opinion they clearly do.
Well, if you operate a f*cking blacklist, then I have the right to refer to it as such, and if that offends you, GOOD, I'm glad that I can be offensive to you simply by being right.
Monday, 15 April 2013
Adur Council's Blacklist policy.
Well, ADC are definitely consistent in their ignorance of fact. When they chose to place me on their blacklist after I pressed charges against their allotment manager, Jeremy Sergeant, when he violently attacked me whilst I was shopping in Tesco, they claimed that I had made "Threats of a serious nature, Death threats", now obviously as I hadn't done anything of the sort, I have been questioning this complete heap of crap for the last 2 years.
After intervention by the ICO pointing out that this was in fact bollocks and unless they could come up with some proof, that this was unacceptable. Here is that proof:
Yes, apparently it was acceptable to make these accusations in Aug 2011, because I apparently made abusive telephone calls to them a year later, and they are quite content that this is fact despite the refusal to actually provide any f*cking evidence whatsoever, (probably because none actually exists, because it didn't f*cking happen. The only thing that happened during those calls were that I upset them by refusing to adhere to restrictions made unlawfully denying myself access to any democratically elected representatives or any other party who had the ability to challenge their choice to add me to their blacklist.
It would appear that this blog in their view, constitutes "verbal abuse" despite the definition of "verbal" when used as an adjective pertains to spoken rather than written statements. It's funny how they believe that their remit extends to the internet and freedom of speech legislation, and further to this they believe that if they provide me with these statements as required by law, that I might upset them by telling the truth about their made up crap and making it clear on here that they are all lying b*stards.
Instead I'll just have to identify the lying violent little shit who chose to mitigate his arrest by placing me on the list in the first place, yes, Jeremy Sergeant, this horrendous little turd of a man is employed as an allotment manager, but he prefers to spend his time hidden in allotment sheds with camp elderly gentlemen and emerging red faced and panting. Not everyone gets to go cottaging on company time do they? He can do whatever he fancies in his spare time, and indeed the council support this, after all they claimed that when he assaulted me, he was acting in his capacity as a member of the public, yet they still provided him with publicly funded legal advice and several thousand quids worth of officer time to accompany him to court to lie through their teeth and intimidate the witnesses.
Apparently this blog really irritates ADC, so much so that they have banned their staff from reading it, if that's not a seal of approval, I don't know what is.......
After intervention by the ICO pointing out that this was in fact bollocks and unless they could come up with some proof, that this was unacceptable. Here is that proof:
Yes, apparently it was acceptable to make these accusations in Aug 2011, because I apparently made abusive telephone calls to them a year later, and they are quite content that this is fact despite the refusal to actually provide any f*cking evidence whatsoever, (probably because none actually exists, because it didn't f*cking happen. The only thing that happened during those calls were that I upset them by refusing to adhere to restrictions made unlawfully denying myself access to any democratically elected representatives or any other party who had the ability to challenge their choice to add me to their blacklist.
It would appear that this blog in their view, constitutes "verbal abuse" despite the definition of "verbal" when used as an adjective pertains to spoken rather than written statements. It's funny how they believe that their remit extends to the internet and freedom of speech legislation, and further to this they believe that if they provide me with these statements as required by law, that I might upset them by telling the truth about their made up crap and making it clear on here that they are all lying b*stards.
Instead I'll just have to identify the lying violent little shit who chose to mitigate his arrest by placing me on the list in the first place, yes, Jeremy Sergeant, this horrendous little turd of a man is employed as an allotment manager, but he prefers to spend his time hidden in allotment sheds with camp elderly gentlemen and emerging red faced and panting. Not everyone gets to go cottaging on company time do they? He can do whatever he fancies in his spare time, and indeed the council support this, after all they claimed that when he assaulted me, he was acting in his capacity as a member of the public, yet they still provided him with publicly funded legal advice and several thousand quids worth of officer time to accompany him to court to lie through their teeth and intimidate the witnesses.
Apparently this blog really irritates ADC, so much so that they have banned their staff from reading it, if that's not a seal of approval, I don't know what is.......
And Tim Loughton thinks that I'm offensive?
I've been having a bit of a look round the internet after being accused of being unnecessarily rude to poor Timmyplops. I have to say, that given the competition out there, I'm clearly nothing more than an amateur.
Have a gander at these, and marvel at the claim that I need to be shut down for being far too naughty about poor old Timbo:
Hope that you enjoyed that..........
Have a gander at these, and marvel at the claim that I need to be shut down for being far too naughty about poor old Timbo:
Hope that you enjoyed that..........
Saturday, 13 April 2013
No wonder Adur is going to the dogs.
Obviously a district's strength lies in it's leaders, sadly Adur is led by a gang of complete and utter numpties.
We have Leaders who cannot lead, Representatives who refuse to represent, and Managers who couldn't manage a piss up in a brewery.
Next week we have a council meeting, looks like there won't be any changes from the usual level of idiocy. Here's an excerpt from the Leader's report:
This pretty much sums up ADC perfectly, clearly the right man for the job eh? And just for good measure, the Leader isn't even sure what year it is, it's 2013 Neil, you should have spent some of your allowance on a calender.
Adur, clearly being led from behind.
We have Leaders who cannot lead, Representatives who refuse to represent, and Managers who couldn't manage a piss up in a brewery.
Next week we have a council meeting, looks like there won't be any changes from the usual level of idiocy. Here's an excerpt from the Leader's report:
This pretty much sums up ADC perfectly, clearly the right man for the job eh? And just for good measure, the Leader isn't even sure what year it is, it's 2013 Neil, you should have spent some of your allowance on a calender.
Adur, clearly being led from behind.
Twitter recommendations from my local Tory councillor.
Having a quick browse through the Twitter posts made from accounts that are paid for by our local council tax, I found these fantastic recommendations from my councillor, Darren Burns, a proud member of the Conservative party and clearly identifying the account as his official council account.
Interesting to see what he is linking to though....
Not particularly a great advertisement for the Tories, but given other alleged Tory sexual indiscretions, "hamster blow-jobs" has got to be a new one even for them. A bit of an eye-opener to be honest, not least for the poor hamster.
No surprise that he lives very close to a pet shop, nudge nudge.........
Interesting to see what he is linking to though....
Not particularly a great advertisement for the Tories, but given other alleged Tory sexual indiscretions, "hamster blow-jobs" has got to be a new one even for them. A bit of an eye-opener to be honest, not least for the poor hamster.
No surprise that he lives very close to a pet shop, nudge nudge.........
Friday, 12 April 2013
Loughton on local immigration issues.
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Loughton accepts another "award". |
This story tells us that Timbo wholeheartedly supports CaMORON's immigration policies, despite the fact that he freely accepts that it does not affect this area as there are so few immigrants settling here. This is his quote:
Yes, he believes that he should support something because there is a "perception that there are problems", so rather than correct his supporters misguided perceptions, he would rather change policy. What a complete bunch of arse, if there are problems with perception of reality any reasonable person would correct that rather than blindly support a government proposal which will in effect make sod all difference.
The claim that the Tories need to be "seen to be doing something", pretty much sums up the whole of Loughton's involvement in government. Why bother to make any real changes when they can use the media to give the impression that they are actually doing something useful when in reality, it's all a sham, and they are merely trying to appease the racist attitudes of their members and supporters.
He claims that his last constituency meeting in Southwick suggested that immigration was an issue that was consistently raised. Well considering the uproar when a Chinese supermarket opened in the square, it nearly caused a revolution due to there being people who were conspicuously Chinese entering Southwick without visas and there's the matter of any Big Issue seller who is not white or has an accent of any kind is treated as if leprosy has made a comeback, I have to say that I'm not really that surprised. Add to that, the fact that anyone who doesn't have a problem with multiculturalism wouldn't attend a Tory party meeting, there is no way that his claims represent the whole of society, just a few who have been convinced by him and his mates that we'll all be speaking foreign soon if the 2% minority in the area gets any bigger.
I've noticed that there is also a perception that Tory MPs are a bunch of corrupt, sexual deviants, would Timmy be prepared to support any action to ensure that MPs are monitored for thieving and deviance just to give us the impression that they are taking this potential threat seriously. Maybe Timbo could visit some of the houses of ill repute in Southwick, just to inform them that he has no intention of ever attending one of them as a punter, and publish in full his bank account details to confirm that he isn't on the fiddle. I'm not saying that he is either of these things, but all the time that there could maybe, possibly be a belief that he is, he should be out there actively doing something to appease our misunderstandings and attempting to support policy changes for the sake of it.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Tim Loughton named as new "Minister For Hipocrisy".......
I've been watching Twitter, and occasionally sticking my oar in as required, and have noticed that Timbo has now confirmed his "narcissist" credentials beyond doubt.
A quick background; Sompting has been awarded a bag of cash to make it a nicer place for the locals, even though it's not anywhere near as horrendous as other areas (the forgotten parts of Southick for example), I always thought that Sompting was quite nice m'self, but hey if they got some funding then good on 'em. Loughton thought that he should be having a hand in this opportunity for self-publicity and so decided to send an apparently offensive email to one of the councillors, this councillor revealed part of this abusive epistle, and threatened to reveal it in all of it's glory. Timbo doesn't like this, and although some might say that if he doesn't want people to tell when he sends them abusive personal insults that he should stop f*cking sending them, and so he decided to take his usual route of public humiliation of the councillors involved. Now to most of us, when he does this he is only humilliating himself by behaving like a 6 year old who's lost his favourite teddy, but he still insists on publicly throwing his toys out of the pram.
Like this:
Now let's look at his claims.
Timbo thinks that it's unaceptable that a councillor refuses to apologise for supposedly bing gratuitously rude to a resident with a genuine grievance, and suggests that this individual pays taxes and so should have rights.
Now, I don't know what happenned at this meeting so I cannot confirm or deny anything, I do wonder if the poor member of the public was a tory party member though, either way is loughton living in the real world? In his parliamentary rant he made it pretty clear that in his opinion it is perfectly acceptable to respond to a genuine grievance with gratuitous rudeness and that an elected representative has every right to ignore and be personally offensive to any of their electorate. Maybe he only thinks that this is acceptable when it's a Tory being the abusive ignorant tosser (not that I judge the Sompting Cllr to be this in any way, never met the guy, but if he get's up loughton's nose then he can't be all bad).
He also thinks it outrageous that an elected representative should tell someone to get out more and that they are a "nobody", obviously he thinks that these insults are rubbish and if it was a "good" Tory doing the insulting it would have contained far more personal insults and maybe some f*cking swearing to drive the point home. Yes, if you're going to insult someone in front of Timbo you could at least do it f*cking right.
Timmikins is going to write to the Chair of SPC to voice his disgust at his assumption that public question time was used as "abuse of public time", well if the chair would like a copy of the response from his angry dwarf mate in the house stating that an elected representative can behave in any manner that he sees fit, to copy in response to him he is more than welcome to it. I was only planning on using it as posh bog paper anyway (the embossed HoP crest really gets the job done). I do hope that Loughtyplops gets a similarly dismissive response from SPC, it's only fair, especially considering that he was attending a residents meeting and he is not a resident and so should be treated as any other uninvited member of the public would be.
And as for Sompting Cllrs forgetting that tax payers fund them and have a right to question them, well, if he can pick and choose from his electorate on the money he scams from us then they sure as hell can. The only reason that I can see that Timbolina would be sticking his beak in with such gusto would be that the person involved was one of his incredibly arrogant yet apparently blameless Tory pals, as he never usually gets involved with any constituent who isn't one of his cronies, unless of course they are useful to him for publicity purposes.
Can we all turn up at a Burgess Hill council meeting and start shouting our opinions at them? Probably not, but maybe Loughton should, that's where he lives and so that's where he should be allowed to have opinions about.
Every time I read any of the crap that constantly flows from Loughton's fetid gob, I am astounded at how he hasn't been sectioned yet, he clearly only has a passing relationship with reality.
A quick background; Sompting has been awarded a bag of cash to make it a nicer place for the locals, even though it's not anywhere near as horrendous as other areas (the forgotten parts of Southick for example), I always thought that Sompting was quite nice m'self, but hey if they got some funding then good on 'em. Loughton thought that he should be having a hand in this opportunity for self-publicity and so decided to send an apparently offensive email to one of the councillors, this councillor revealed part of this abusive epistle, and threatened to reveal it in all of it's glory. Timbo doesn't like this, and although some might say that if he doesn't want people to tell when he sends them abusive personal insults that he should stop f*cking sending them, and so he decided to take his usual route of public humiliation of the councillors involved. Now to most of us, when he does this he is only humilliating himself by behaving like a 6 year old who's lost his favourite teddy, but he still insists on publicly throwing his toys out of the pram.
Like this:
Now let's look at his claims.
Timbo thinks that it's unaceptable that a councillor refuses to apologise for supposedly bing gratuitously rude to a resident with a genuine grievance, and suggests that this individual pays taxes and so should have rights.
Now, I don't know what happenned at this meeting so I cannot confirm or deny anything, I do wonder if the poor member of the public was a tory party member though, either way is loughton living in the real world? In his parliamentary rant he made it pretty clear that in his opinion it is perfectly acceptable to respond to a genuine grievance with gratuitous rudeness and that an elected representative has every right to ignore and be personally offensive to any of their electorate. Maybe he only thinks that this is acceptable when it's a Tory being the abusive ignorant tosser (not that I judge the Sompting Cllr to be this in any way, never met the guy, but if he get's up loughton's nose then he can't be all bad).
He also thinks it outrageous that an elected representative should tell someone to get out more and that they are a "nobody", obviously he thinks that these insults are rubbish and if it was a "good" Tory doing the insulting it would have contained far more personal insults and maybe some f*cking swearing to drive the point home. Yes, if you're going to insult someone in front of Timbo you could at least do it f*cking right.
Timmikins is going to write to the Chair of SPC to voice his disgust at his assumption that public question time was used as "abuse of public time", well if the chair would like a copy of the response from his angry dwarf mate in the house stating that an elected representative can behave in any manner that he sees fit, to copy in response to him he is more than welcome to it. I was only planning on using it as posh bog paper anyway (the embossed HoP crest really gets the job done). I do hope that Loughtyplops gets a similarly dismissive response from SPC, it's only fair, especially considering that he was attending a residents meeting and he is not a resident and so should be treated as any other uninvited member of the public would be.
And as for Sompting Cllrs forgetting that tax payers fund them and have a right to question them, well, if he can pick and choose from his electorate on the money he scams from us then they sure as hell can. The only reason that I can see that Timbolina would be sticking his beak in with such gusto would be that the person involved was one of his incredibly arrogant yet apparently blameless Tory pals, as he never usually gets involved with any constituent who isn't one of his cronies, unless of course they are useful to him for publicity purposes.
Can we all turn up at a Burgess Hill council meeting and start shouting our opinions at them? Probably not, but maybe Loughton should, that's where he lives and so that's where he should be allowed to have opinions about.
Every time I read any of the crap that constantly flows from Loughton's fetid gob, I am astounded at how he hasn't been sectioned yet, he clearly only has a passing relationship with reality.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Looks like me and Loughton have something in common after all.
Just been having a chuckle at this little bit of re-invented history, posted on Timbo's website:
Seems that she was responsible for yet another evil, the beginning of the political career of The Lought. However, I do have to admit that she was also the main reason that I became politically active, if it weren't for Thatcher, I'd have been able to get a job after leaving school instead of lining the pockets of opportunist Thatcherite yuppies, exploiting school leavers under the YTS for a fiver a week.
This claim that she supported the "little man or woman", is again a complete bunch of arse. What she really did was to encourage people to get balls deep in debt in order to live the self employed dream, and when it all went wonderbra, hey presto instant homeless family, and a nice cheap repossessed property for her rich mates to snap up for a fraction of it's value, using their profits from the ex public utilities that they bought for a song when she privatised them. The only people that truly succeeded under Thatcher were the people who were already rolling in it. Seems like little has changed, and the idiots in charge now are just as oblivious to the needs of the people and only believe that people are living a higher standard of life than they were before Thatcher, as the people at the bottom of the pile are ignored and treated like shit, in order to uphold their belief that these people are only poor because they are lazy or evil or both. If the Tories pulled their heads out of their (or each others) arses and interacted with real people rather than the tiny percentage of society that they choose to accept as existing they may well learn that they are talking complete crap, but that's never going to happen, Loughton himself ignores anyone who isn't middle classed, rich or willing to be exploited for his own self-promotion. You can see that he did indeed learn a lot from Thatcher, like short term personal financial gain at all costs, blind self promotion, destruction of communities for profit, and screwing over anyone who dares to attempt to undermine his agenda, using as many underhanded and immoral tricks as possible.
Funny how he didn't mention anything about Thatcher's close personal friendship with Jimmy Savile, and the heavily redacted correspondence between them that has been released, you'd think that as someone who claims to be strongly against protecting child abusers that he'd have a problem with this, but I guess that he hasn't distanced himself from the recent Diocese of Chichester arrests either, I guess that his father (employee of the DoC, under the Bishop of Lewes) has the same untouchable status as Thatcher. I guess that he assumes that these connections, like all those horrible poor people, will go away if he ignores them long enough.
I have to say that I have really enjoyed the social media freedom regarding the Thatcher "farm purchase" today, and the suggestions that it is completely unacceptable to say bad things about dead people. I remember when Pinochet died, there was no such restriction, and it was totally acceptable to say what a murderous bastard he was, maybe we should have been vilified for saying such hurtful things when he became an ex-dictator, after all, he did have friends and supporters who would have been upset by such comments, friends and supporters like Thatcher herself.
That said, there was one post that disturbed even me, this one:
Although I wasn't actually disturbed enough to not enjoy a good chuckle at it.
At least Satan won't be eating alone tonight.
Slump in T-Shirt sales.
Well, sales of this one anyway:
Yes, "Ding dong, the witch is dead" and all that.
Obviously it will come as no surprise, that I shan't be shedding any tears at the news that the rusty old bint finally slid off the plate. I would clearly be a hypocrite if I expressed any remorse whatsoever , I couldn't stand the woman when she was alive, so clearly her becoming marginally more cadaverous, doesn't change a thing.
As one of the generation known as "Thatcher's children", I feel that child abuse is not too strong a phrase for what she did to myself and others like me. She gave us the YTS on leaving school, which allowed us to offer slave labour to capitalist exploiters, followed by unemployment after completion of a two year tea making course. Of course there were people who actually gained training and employment through the YTS, I personally know of two people who achieved this, sadly I knew more than a hundred people who were forced onto the scheme.
The only positive contributions she ever made as far as I'm concerned, was to the arts. The music, poetry and other art inspired by the grim surroundings that she created, and the unity born of the fact that none of us had a pot to piss in, and we were truly "all in this together".
She gave us a lovely day out in Trafalgar Square in 1990, where we got to watch the pro-apartheid SA embassy burn, that was a great day out and was thoroughly enjoyed by all concerned.
I loved her Poll tax, well, I loved giving the bastards the run around anyway. I had a lovely day out in court for non payment, where I got the opportunity to refuse to swear the oath on a copy of the New Testament after pointing out that it repeatedly condemns the enforcement of unfair taxes. Strangely enough I lost the case and was supposed to pay the vile fresh air tax, then came 6 years of ducking and diving, and swapping addresses with a small group of friends to make it difficult for them to find us. They did catch me in the end, so I had to pay about 5% of the total amount because the rest had been written off under the 6 year rule.
She also taught us to never trust a Tory, a lesson worth it's weight in gold, and still very valid to this day. Expect them to screw you over and take as much as they can to feather their own nest with, and you won't go too far wrong. She made it very easy to judge who would be acceptable to have as a friend as well, all you needed to do was mention her name and the reaction would be instant.
She did indeed do a lot for this country's people, we were united in hatred for everything she stood for and despised her destruction of what this country really stood for. She forged bonds within communities made unemployed and left destitute by her decisions, bonds that still survive to this day despite her best attempts to smash them beyond repair with greed, selfishness, oppression and war.
She may be dead, but the despicable memory of her actions live on, and will continue to do so, all the time we have her acolytes in power. As for a state funeral, the country's already in enough of a "state" without wasting millions on a mad parade, just stick her in the cold ground where she belongs and be done with it.
Isn't there supposed to be a party in Trafalgar Square this Saturday? Best leave the SA Embassy alone this time though.
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Local By Election.
Well, looks like we get a By Election in Southlands ward next month along with the County Council elections. As unlike every other councillor in the country, one of ours has actually done the right thing, and resigned before switching from Tory to UKIP, allowing us to actually choose whether we want UKIP or not.
This is beginning to sound like a sensible and informative post, which concerns me somewhat, oh well, never mind, only half a dozen people actually vote anyway so it won't make a vast difference anyway.
Here's our choices:
I'm not too sure what the "Andy" column is for, but it looks like Labour are the only ones that have successfully completed this one, so well done there.
Oh look, there's a Parkin in the mix, what a surprise. Considering that before the last election I was told that Mrs Parkin, yes she is married to the other Parkin, was "promised" this ward, and considering that her husband is on the Tory selection panel, there's little doubt as to the clear nepotism involved here. After increasing his allowance by almost two thirds last year he obviously thinks that he should take some more of our money home with him.
If the tiny amount of voters who bother, decide to elect Mrs Parkin, I assume that I would again have no representation as she is nothing more than a puppet for her husband's attempts to take ownership of Adur, and flog it to the highest bidder. It could be fun for the local papers though, it wouldn't be long before someone managed to capture some footage of her throwing food around in a restaurant, whilst wailing like a banshee and hitting waitresses with her crutches, or pulling down a local shop display and whooping like an overexcited baboon. Personally I'm hoping for another huge screaming tantrum style hissy fit, when she loses, apparently the last one was grrrrrreat, as Tony T Tiger reliably informs me, I'm hoping to witness this one myself though.
I wonder if anyone will bother to knock on my door this time to ask for my vote, they haven't for the last 10 years, so I doubt it, but I'm looking forward to seeing the Parkins wandering around the estate, yeah right...............
This is beginning to sound like a sensible and informative post, which concerns me somewhat, oh well, never mind, only half a dozen people actually vote anyway so it won't make a vast difference anyway.
Here's our choices:
I'm not too sure what the "Andy" column is for, but it looks like Labour are the only ones that have successfully completed this one, so well done there.
Oh look, there's a Parkin in the mix, what a surprise. Considering that before the last election I was told that Mrs Parkin, yes she is married to the other Parkin, was "promised" this ward, and considering that her husband is on the Tory selection panel, there's little doubt as to the clear nepotism involved here. After increasing his allowance by almost two thirds last year he obviously thinks that he should take some more of our money home with him.
If the tiny amount of voters who bother, decide to elect Mrs Parkin, I assume that I would again have no representation as she is nothing more than a puppet for her husband's attempts to take ownership of Adur, and flog it to the highest bidder. It could be fun for the local papers though, it wouldn't be long before someone managed to capture some footage of her throwing food around in a restaurant, whilst wailing like a banshee and hitting waitresses with her crutches, or pulling down a local shop display and whooping like an overexcited baboon. Personally I'm hoping for another huge screaming tantrum style hissy fit, when she loses, apparently the last one was grrrrrreat, as Tony T Tiger reliably informs me, I'm hoping to witness this one myself though.
I wonder if anyone will bother to knock on my door this time to ask for my vote, they haven't for the last 10 years, so I doubt it, but I'm looking forward to seeing the Parkins wandering around the estate, yeah right...............
Friday, 5 April 2013
From the Local Tory party webshite.
Now, from time to tome, we all make spolling mistooks. However, we aren't all MPs, who like to claim superiority over mere mortals.
I really enjoyed this one:

I really enjoyed this one:

I'm no expert on spelling myself, and I rarely use a spell checker, but this is my personal blog, not an official parliamentary press release.
Now I am not too sure what a "Campaugn" is, maybe it's a new kind of boat that Timbo is launching, I have no idea. Equally I am not too sure what a "Roman Gypsy" is either, but I'm getting visions of centurions in caravans, maybe this is why the local Tories have such a problem with travelling folk, perhaps they think that legions of them will march into Adur brandishing gladi.... What's the plural of gladius? gladia, gladii, gladium, your guess is as good as mine on that one.
Well aside from the obvious shite spelling, there are plenty of other clear mistakes. Like the one about an investigation into racism under the malicious communications act, an offence that cannot be racially aggravated, so there's a little bit of deception there. There's also the bit about him having no idea, well considering that I told him this in one of the 2 times that I spoke to the liar in the last 6 years, that's crap as well. Basically, it's all crap, but that's the Tory Party for you.
As for myself being "gratuitously offensive", considering that I had not actually spoken to him or written to him more than half a dozen times in the last decade, at least nobody can say that I don't make an impression. This claim is just regurgitated shite from his local councillors who are unable to answer tricky questions without threatening members of the public in response, a right gang of thugs they are, especially Hr Parkin, I'm surprised that he hasn't defected to the NF by now.
But the most hilarious thing about this "campaugn" against "vexatious complaints" when they should be accepted as free speech, no matter how offensive they are, is that since Loughton's abusive email I decided to start writing a blog (this one), since it's inception Loughton and his party colleagues have been repeatedly attempting to have me arrested for daring to exercise my right to free speech. Strangely enough, Loughton thinks that he should have complete freedom to be directly abusive to people with no consequences, by extending parliamentary privilege, and ensure that everyone else only has the right to free speech, on the condition that they don't actually attempt to use it. Typical Tory bullshit, oppress the masses and then abuse them for good measure, if they dare to fight back, change the rules in order to abuse them further.
If he thinks that freedom of speech should be allowed, then my next letter to him won't be polite like the others and will be in the same vein as his abusive sweary bollocks. Sadly, statistics tell us that there have been numerous prosecutions using the malicious communications act against people writing to MPs and none for the reverse. Check out the case of the person successfully prosecuted for telling Camoron that he "has blood on his hands", i personally think that personal insults and swearing is a bit worse than that, but MPs have a "get out of jail free" card that ensures that they aren't prosecuted in the same way as the rest of us.
Some animals are indeed more equal than others.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Why the Localism Act is shit.
Well, you can get a few insights into the idea of it from this thesaurus entry:
I think that pretty much sums it up.
It's basically part of this "Big Society" crap that our local MP Loughton was getting paid a few grand a month as a consultant for. It pretty much allows central government to wipe their hands of legislation for local authorities and replace it with a selection of guidelines that are not enforceable and the whole thing is left to "self regulation", which pretty much gives corrupt councils the right to do whatever the hell they want and not have to answer to anyone but themselves.
Obviously Adur Council love this particular bit of legislation, it has allowed them to refuse to publish their pecuniary interests, and gives them the right to investigate themselves, instead of any official independent organisation getting in the way of their imaginative interpretation of these guidelines.
One part of the act, requires "independent" members of the public to be involved, however these "independent" people are selected by the council concerned, strangely enough the same names tend to crop up time and again, and in Adur's case, one of these "independent" people is a director of a business based within the town hall, so you could probably safely assume that none of them are particularly independent.
One further problem with this system, is that members of the public are not permitted to make any form of contact with these supposedly independent people, and all documents passed to them are vetted by the council's legal department first, so this appears to be somewhat opaque rather than truly transparent. In my case, the "independent" person (I think this one was called Tony Case), did not receive the full statement from myself, nor did he receive the recording that clearly shows the breach beyond doubt, and was only made aware of about 25% of one incident reported rather than whole of both. The council's solicitor made sure that the Localism act was abused like a rent boy at a Tory party conference, but that's nothing new for an ADC solicitor, they aren't worried about the truth, they'd rather rely on the assumption that their staff are untouchable and use the holes in the Localism act in order to ensure that they answer to no one. TheFascist Pig Executive Head of legal, Jeremy Cook, even gleefully pointed out that the Localism act was "badly written" and had "plenty of holes", and we all know how much ADC love holes, after all they want us all to live in one, and the majority of them talk out of one.
Essentially what I'm saying, is that independence is relative, and in the case of ADC is usually is one of their relatives.
Viva la revolucion
I think that pretty much sums it up.
It's basically part of this "Big Society" crap that our local MP Loughton was getting paid a few grand a month as a consultant for. It pretty much allows central government to wipe their hands of legislation for local authorities and replace it with a selection of guidelines that are not enforceable and the whole thing is left to "self regulation", which pretty much gives corrupt councils the right to do whatever the hell they want and not have to answer to anyone but themselves.
Obviously Adur Council love this particular bit of legislation, it has allowed them to refuse to publish their pecuniary interests, and gives them the right to investigate themselves, instead of any official independent organisation getting in the way of their imaginative interpretation of these guidelines.
One part of the act, requires "independent" members of the public to be involved, however these "independent" people are selected by the council concerned, strangely enough the same names tend to crop up time and again, and in Adur's case, one of these "independent" people is a director of a business based within the town hall, so you could probably safely assume that none of them are particularly independent.
One further problem with this system, is that members of the public are not permitted to make any form of contact with these supposedly independent people, and all documents passed to them are vetted by the council's legal department first, so this appears to be somewhat opaque rather than truly transparent. In my case, the "independent" person (I think this one was called Tony Case), did not receive the full statement from myself, nor did he receive the recording that clearly shows the breach beyond doubt, and was only made aware of about 25% of one incident reported rather than whole of both. The council's solicitor made sure that the Localism act was abused like a rent boy at a Tory party conference, but that's nothing new for an ADC solicitor, they aren't worried about the truth, they'd rather rely on the assumption that their staff are untouchable and use the holes in the Localism act in order to ensure that they answer to no one. The
Essentially what I'm saying, is that independence is relative, and in the case of ADC is usually is one of their relatives.
Viva la revolucion
Pillars of the community? Part the fourth
This time it's a whole group, in fact it's the "Whiterock residents group". This group clearly doesn't recognise the actual residents that it claims to represent, as it spends most of it's time spreading nasty rumours about them, making up stories and spying on innocent people.
Most resident groups are made up of volunteers from the community who want to make the area they live in, nicer for the people who live there, this lot are very different. For one, their chairman is actually the local Tory councillor, so independence is a joke, as we all know that they only look out for one group, themselves. Their commander in chief is David Donald Duck, who was previously the Chair of the dreaded ultra right wing, Beach Residents Association, (named BRA after the item most mislaid after the beach residents alleged notorious wife swapping parties of the 1970s and 80s) and who has only a passing acquaintance with the real world, as do most Tories.
This group spends most of it's time congratulating itself on it's mere existence and doesn't actually appear to do anything other than pick put a local target and make their life hell, until they leave. So less of a residents group, more of a lynching party and definitely more in keeping with ADC's modus operandi than an independent association. Their members have more pictures of local kids taken from their windows than is normally accepted as healthy, but they will assure you that these photographs are purely "evidence" that kids are committing evil crimes, like playing in communal gardens. they also like taking lovely photographs of adults and dogs as well, but only the ones that are not members of their little cabal.
Up until recently, their Vice Chair was a chap by the name of John Chambers (previously Cadman), he is still an active member but not on the board. Maybe they found out his dirty little secret, you never know.
It is quite difficult to find a recent picture of Mr Cadman, but there are a few of him from around 1988 like this one from the Argus, when he was quite well publicised in and around the Saltdean area, they seemed to like his "grim reaper" tattoo for some strange reason.
Either way, a clearly upstanding member of society by all accounts. Just the sort of bloke that you'd want, keeping an eye on your granny. Definitely a "Pillar of the Community".
Then we have the real idiot, the self-appointed "head of security" within the group, Mr Kevin Davis (also known as Lee Davis). Now I really am not keen on Davis, and people who change their name are usually "a bit dodgy" in my book, but that's just a personal thing. He does a nice line in "cut n shut" documents, I've even seen one where he wrote his own crap and photoshopped an ADC header and Sussex Police footer onto it, some people would call that fraud, but apparently if you regularly have tea with the local PCSO you become exempt from the same laws as the rest of us. He can often be seen with paste pot in hand, fly posting his made up crap to walls in and around Rock Close, and when he's not doing that, he spends his time taking photo's of his latest imagined nemeses from behind his blinds and making up little stories to go with them to in order to increase the pretend crime figures to ensure that nobody will ever want to buy the leasehold to his crappy little Thatcherite dream of home ownership from him. He has made up some pretty fantastical stories about myself as well, but I shan't go into my secret life as an alleged ninja just yet, I'll save that one for later, but I can tell you about the pictures that he took of myself putting a bag of rubbish into the communal bin for my other half, that he insisted was "fly tipping" as I did not live there. You may laugh, but this resulted in my partner receiving a bill for £48 from ADC for the offence, of letting me help her take the bin bags out.
To give you one further example of the actions of this group, we were told by another neighbour that they saw one of the above, cutting the washing lines with a pair of scissors, this damage was then photographed and reported to ADC as being done by the local kids. Residents groups are supposed to support the residents, not the local council, however Whiterock Residents Group is more an ally of the council and a group of mealy minded little turds, intent on ridding a council estate of anyone who displays any signs of overt working-class like behaviour in the presence of a tiny minority of idiots who bought a cheap flat hoping to turn a hearty profit at the expense of the community that they purport to represent.
They even cancelled all of the annual community engagement events and fun days instigated by past members as they did not want to engage with the other residents on a personal level and would rather view themselves as "above" the other residents, who for the most part they would have evicted for minor petty matters that upset their pseudo middle classed ideals.
If this lot represent society then I'm glad and even a little proud that I am an enemy of it.
This group spends most of it's time congratulating itself on it's mere existence and doesn't actually appear to do anything other than pick put a local target and make their life hell, until they leave. So less of a residents group, more of a lynching party and definitely more in keeping with ADC's modus operandi than an independent association. Their members have more pictures of local kids taken from their windows than is normally accepted as healthy, but they will assure you that these photographs are purely "evidence" that kids are committing evil crimes, like playing in communal gardens. they also like taking lovely photographs of adults and dogs as well, but only the ones that are not members of their little cabal.
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John Cadman |
It is quite difficult to find a recent picture of Mr Cadman, but there are a few of him from around 1988 like this one from the Argus, when he was quite well publicised in and around the Saltdean area, they seemed to like his "grim reaper" tattoo for some strange reason.
Either way, a clearly upstanding member of society by all accounts. Just the sort of bloke that you'd want, keeping an eye on your granny. Definitely a "Pillar of the Community".
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Kevin (or Lee) Davis |
To give you one further example of the actions of this group, we were told by another neighbour that they saw one of the above, cutting the washing lines with a pair of scissors, this damage was then photographed and reported to ADC as being done by the local kids. Residents groups are supposed to support the residents, not the local council, however Whiterock Residents Group is more an ally of the council and a group of mealy minded little turds, intent on ridding a council estate of anyone who displays any signs of overt working-class like behaviour in the presence of a tiny minority of idiots who bought a cheap flat hoping to turn a hearty profit at the expense of the community that they purport to represent.
They even cancelled all of the annual community engagement events and fun days instigated by past members as they did not want to engage with the other residents on a personal level and would rather view themselves as "above" the other residents, who for the most part they would have evicted for minor petty matters that upset their pseudo middle classed ideals.
If this lot represent society then I'm glad and even a little proud that I am an enemy of it.
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