Friday 26 April 2013

I must be doing something right.

Looks like I'm doing my job and getting well and truly up the noses of ADC and their minions, serves them right really, I did try and fight them on their terms, using law and fact, but they seem to think that these two things only exist to support them. I followed their rules and found nothing but corruption and lies used in return, so I had no other choice but to take to a medium that they cannot control, It doesn't stop them trying though.

I got this today:
It relates to this post, it appears that they are now claiming copyright infringement. I can only assume that they are referring to the picture of Cllr Burns, either that or ADC think that they can copyright being a pisshead. If it is the first of these issues then this matter is now solved by censorship, if it's the second, then god help us, anyone found drunk and incapable in Adur will henceforth be forcibly conscripted into the Tory party and immediately made a councillor.

Only 6 days to go until the county and district elections and so far only seen Labour leaflets (2 of them), looks like everyone else can't be bothered to .................

Just had a Tory leaflet through my door, this could be considered hate mail. I'm off to laugh at the crap that it contains and the pictures of a face that only an aged cab driver could fancy. Will post my findings later.