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Loughton accepts another "award". |
This story tells us that Timbo wholeheartedly supports CaMORON's immigration policies, despite the fact that he freely accepts that it does not affect this area as there are so few immigrants settling here. This is his quote:
Yes, he believes that he should support something because there is a "perception that there are problems", so rather than correct his supporters misguided perceptions, he would rather change policy. What a complete bunch of arse, if there are problems with perception of reality any reasonable person would correct that rather than blindly support a government proposal which will in effect make sod all difference.
The claim that the Tories need to be "seen to be doing something", pretty much sums up the whole of Loughton's involvement in government. Why bother to make any real changes when they can use the media to give the impression that they are actually doing something useful when in reality, it's all a sham, and they are merely trying to appease the racist attitudes of their members and supporters.
He claims that his last constituency meeting in Southwick suggested that immigration was an issue that was consistently raised. Well considering the uproar when a Chinese supermarket opened in the square, it nearly caused a revolution due to there being people who were conspicuously Chinese entering Southwick without visas and there's the matter of any Big Issue seller who is not white or has an accent of any kind is treated as if leprosy has made a comeback, I have to say that I'm not really that surprised. Add to that, the fact that anyone who doesn't have a problem with multiculturalism wouldn't attend a Tory party meeting, there is no way that his claims represent the whole of society, just a few who have been convinced by him and his mates that we'll all be speaking foreign soon if the 2% minority in the area gets any bigger.
I've noticed that there is also a perception that Tory MPs are a bunch of corrupt, sexual deviants, would Timmy be prepared to support any action to ensure that MPs are monitored for thieving and deviance just to give us the impression that they are taking this potential threat seriously. Maybe Timbo could visit some of the houses of ill repute in Southwick, just to inform them that he has no intention of ever attending one of them as a punter, and publish in full his bank account details to confirm that he isn't on the fiddle. I'm not saying that he is either of these things, but all the time that there could maybe, possibly be a belief that he is, he should be out there actively doing something to appease our misunderstandings and attempting to support policy changes for the sake of it.