This relates to an incident on Friday into Saturday. Whilst I was sitting quietly at home around midnight, I heard the front door rattling as if being forced open. My first thoughts were that these cowards and their death threats had grown themselves a pair of conkers and come round to get their prize.
I looked through the window and could seed a foot on the door handle and a leg disappearing upwards, my initial decision was to swiftly open the door to introduce this individual to the concept of gravity and the reality of concrete floors, however I thought that I would play nicely and "do the right thing", and so I called the local constabulary.
They arrived some time later and I could hear voices outside and so I went out, to find the police back in their car and on the way out of the car park. I beckoned them over and they reluctantly got out of their car again. On the way out of the building I was greeted by this:
A lovely selection of gravel from the flat roof and several large pools of sputum. I was informed by the officers that it "was just some local kids" who were apparently well known to them and they had now been sent home to mummy. I was of course a little disappointed that they had not been asked why the f*ck they chose to decorate the entrance to my home with the contents of their respiratory systems, I also noticed that their climbing antics had damaged the paintwork on the door which took 3 years for the council to repaint after the last bunch of mouth breathers had tried in vain to write their names on it. The officers informed me that they would ensure that the mess was cleared up asap.
Well Monday came, and a quick call to ADC resulted in a conversation with a rude apathetic housing manager who we thought that we'd seen the last of, but sadly not. I was told that they had no idea of any report of any problems, despite the assurance of the officers on Friday night and the follow up by PCSOs on Sunday afternoon. The phrase, "we have no idea" should be ADCs catch phrase as this pretty much sums up their method of operation, they love distributing that I am a "dangerous criminal" when in fact I am nothing of the sort, yet they decide to ignore any damage and disgusting behaviour by "kids", now considering that they were sitting on my roof at gone midnight they couldn't really be considered kids in any true sense of the word, and maybe the police should have noticed the little plastic bags and discarded joint butts left by these "kids" and maybe done a bit more than just sending them home unattended, and definitely should have followed up their claim that the health hazard on my doorstep was dealt with.
The outcome is the usual Police tell me "talk to the council", and the council say "talk to the police", I'm considering saying, "next time you wake me up and gob all over my front door, talk to my f*cking boot",m but then there'll be blood as well as spittle which would take even longer for ADC to get around to cleaning up.