This time we'll have a look at the Leader of the Council, Mr Neil Parkin, or Grand Moff Parkin as he likes to be known by his minions. By day a mild mannered (yeah right) Cab driver, but by night he becomes the bat brained avenger for the Xtian fundamentalist, far right.
If you think that the stereotypical cab driver is a right wing, over opinionated xenophobe, then be prepared to be astounded at just how accurate that view could really be.

Here's an example of how he behaves; My family had an allotment, Parkin visited when we were not present and pretended to find human shit on it, now he obviously is an expert on shit, probably as he speaks it pretty much constantly, but I fail to see how one could differentiate the difference between dogshit and peopleshit, but yes Parkin knew. The funny thing is that the week before we were told by another councillor (yes one of his party), that he had made it clear that we were to be "removed at any cost", because we had upset one of his friends by being overtly traveller like. The only shit on our allotment that day, or any other, was Parkin. This councillor also told us that if they actively supported us, that they had been told that Parkin would see that they would be deselected at the next election. With friends like Parkin, who needs enemas.
Parkin has been very vocal on discouraging travellers from entering Adur, and has supported Loughton in his crusade of hatred towards anyone not WASPy enough for their liking. During his "Fuhrers address" at the last public meeting, he even told his pals that "we need to fortify Adur against traveller invasions", yes we really need to keep the nasty gypsies out of our town they might be led to believe that we aren't a small minded small town community, why stop there Neil, maybe we could build a huge wall on the beach to keep out the French as well. I've got a better idea, how about we try and protect Adur against invasions from bigoted twats from Brighton who come here telling us how we should run our town, then we could tell them to piss off out of it and take their vile racist ideas with them when they leave.
Bye Bye, now run along like a good little boy Neil.