Friday 5 April 2013

From the Local Tory party webshite.

Now, from time to tome, we all make spolling mistooks. However, we aren't all MPs, who like to claim superiority over mere mortals.

I really enjoyed this one:

I'm no expert on spelling myself, and I rarely use a spell checker, but this is my personal blog, not an official parliamentary press release.
Now I am not too sure what a "Campaugn" is, maybe it's a new kind of boat that Timbo is launching, I have no idea. Equally I am not too sure what a "Roman Gypsy" is either, but I'm getting visions of centurions in caravans, maybe this is why the local Tories have such a problem with travelling folk, perhaps they think that legions of them will march into Adur brandishing gladi.... What's the plural of gladius? gladia, gladii, gladium, your guess is as good as mine on that one.
Well aside from the obvious shite spelling, there are plenty of other clear mistakes. Like the one about an investigation into racism under the malicious communications act, an offence that cannot be racially aggravated, so there's a little bit of deception there. There's also the bit about him having no idea, well considering that I told him this in one of the 2 times that I spoke to the liar in the last 6 years, that's crap as well. Basically, it's all crap, but that's the Tory Party for you.
As for myself being "gratuitously offensive", considering that I had not actually spoken to him or written to him more than half a dozen times in the last decade, at least nobody can say that I don't make an impression. This claim is just regurgitated shite from his local councillors who are unable to answer tricky questions without threatening members of the public in response, a right gang of thugs they are, especially Hr Parkin, I'm surprised that he hasn't defected to the NF by now.
But the most hilarious thing about this "campaugn" against "vexatious complaints" when they should be accepted as free speech, no matter how offensive they are, is that since Loughton's abusive email I decided to start writing a blog (this one), since it's inception Loughton and his party colleagues have been repeatedly attempting to have me arrested for daring to exercise my right to free speech. Strangely enough, Loughton thinks that he should have complete freedom to be directly abusive to people with no consequences, by extending parliamentary privilege, and ensure that everyone else only has the right to free speech, on the condition that they don't actually attempt to use it. Typical Tory bullshit, oppress the masses and then abuse them for good measure, if they dare to fight back, change the rules in order to abuse them further.
If he thinks that freedom of speech should be allowed, then my next letter to him won't be polite like the others and will be in the same vein as his abusive sweary bollocks. Sadly, statistics tell us that there have been numerous prosecutions using the malicious communications act against people writing to MPs and none for the reverse. Check out the case of the person successfully prosecuted for telling Camoron that he "has blood on his hands", i personally think that personal insults and swearing is a bit worse than that, but MPs have a "get out of jail free" card that ensures that they aren't prosecuted in the same way as the rest of us.
Some animals are indeed more equal than others.