Wednesday 17 April 2013

ADC's Blacklist, a rose by any other name....

Well, looks like I have upset ADC again, this seems to be becoming a bit of a habit now. What did I do this time? I called their blacklist a blacklist, which is apparently "offensive", I just can't help being "offensive", can I?  This is the unacceptable level of offensiveness that was addressed by Wanky Tim in his truth free parliamentary rant, I keep insisting on using the wrong words, yet they still refuse to provide me with an official ADC dictionary, as mine clearly has the wrong definitions of certain words.

Sadly my dictionary doesn't have "customer of concern register" anywhere within it's pages, and the only suitable word for a list, operated by an authority which identifies individuals selected for avoidance or who are not to be trusted, in my dictionary is "blacklist".

Unfortunately the fact that I can only use real words, will no doubt result in my being judged to be "offensive", and placed on their blacklist for another year, what a shame that I was under the impression that ADC don't actually control the English language, when in their opinion they clearly do.

Well, if you operate a f*cking blacklist, then I have the right to refer to it as such, and if that offends you, GOOD, I'm glad that I can be offensive to you simply by being right.