Now compare this to the claims made by Tim Loughton in his statements to the Daily Fail and other far right press agencies. Considering that the investigation into Loughton, which was not an investigation into a simple word as he claims, but a whole raft of other things as well, involved three officers, a couple of statements and a trip to London to interview his staff, the claim that it cost at least 10% of the weekends costs of the largest Sussex Police operation in 30 years involving 700 officers, just shows that he was talking complete and utter cock. This sensationalist claim is nothing more than political spin created by Loughton to claim that the public should be outraged that he was questioned for an offence, when in reality it was only him who was pissed off that he was called to account for his arrogance and abusive demeanour, but in true Tory style decided to lie through his arse in order to support his usual conviction that he is always right, even when he's completely wrong.
No real surprise that Loughton was bullshitting as usual, but by his costings he could have had 50 officers raid his house and forcibly relocate him to the cells, and by his courting of the press and schoolboy outrage one could be misled into believing that this is what actually happened, maybe next time it will, considering how much abuse he has levelled at Sussex Police for daring to interview him rather than inviting him to the station for cake and praise for being such a top banana.
Yes, the whole idea that anyone would want to waste £100k on Loughton is really as laughable as it first appeared.