Tuesday 30 April 2013

More Tory shit on my doormat.

Looks like "Boozer Burns" was up early delivering leaflets, a bumper bundle of bullshit and bollocks were delivered today.

First up was this little one:

This time their 10 "good reasons" have now diminished to 3, I can only assume that they performed Tory trademark U-turns on the other 7. This time we have:

1. "Conservatives look after your money", of course they do, after all, most of it is making it's way to their bank accounts, whilst everyone else in the country is on pay cuts or freezes, ADC councillors gave themselves a hefty raise last year.

2. "We are protecting vital local services", by selling off all the local offices and pissing off to Worthing.

3. "We are local candidates", No you're bloody not, neither of the candidates actually live in the area in which they are standing for election.

We see them use the same tactic as they have used before against the Lib Dems and Labour, this time they target UKIP with the same propaganda but this time it's even funnier, because the people likely to be voting for UKIP are the disillusioned Tories who think that the modern Tory party is, although pretty racist, not quite racist enough to deserve their vote. In reality a vote for the Tories is a wasted vote this time around, do we really want someone who is going to agree with everything Grand Moff Parkin says without question and is in all reality, probably not really bright enough to have any ideas of her own, after all she was stupid enough to marry the old fascist.

I'll do the other leaflet later on.