This time it's a whole group, in fact it's the "Whiterock residents group". This group clearly doesn't recognise the actual residents that it claims to represent, as it spends most of it's time spreading nasty rumours about them, making up stories and spying on innocent people.
Most resident groups are made up of volunteers from the community who want to make the area they live in, nicer for the people who live there, this lot are very different. For one, their chairman is actually the local Tory councillor, so independence is a joke, as we all know that they only look out for one group, themselves. Their commander in chief is David Donald Duck, who was previously the Chair of the dreaded ultra right wing, Beach Residents Association, (named BRA after the item most mislaid after the beach residents alleged notorious wife swapping parties of the 1970s and 80s) and who has only a passing acquaintance with the real world, as do most Tories.
This group spends most of it's time congratulating itself on it's mere existence and doesn't actually appear to do anything other than pick put a local target and make their life hell, until they leave. So less of a residents group, more of a lynching party and definitely more in keeping with ADC's modus operandi than an independent association. Their members have more pictures of local kids taken from their windows than is normally accepted as healthy, but they will assure you that these photographs are purely "evidence" that kids are committing evil crimes, like playing in communal gardens. they also like taking lovely photographs of adults and dogs as well, but only the ones that are not members of their little cabal.
John Cadman |
Up until recently, their Vice Chair was a chap by the name of John Chambers (previously Cadman), he is still an active member but not on the board. Maybe they found out his dirty little secret, you never know.
It is quite difficult to find a recent picture of Mr Cadman, but there are a few of him from around 1988 like this one from the Argus, when he was quite well publicised in and around the Saltdean area, they seemed to like his "grim reaper" tattoo for some strange reason.
Either way, a clearly upstanding member of society by all accounts. Just the sort of bloke that you'd want, keeping an eye on your granny. Definitely a "Pillar of the Community".
Kevin (or Lee) Davis |
Then we have the real idiot, the self-appointed "head of security" within the group, Mr Kevin Davis (also known as Lee Davis). Now I really am not keen on Davis, and people who change their name are usually "a bit dodgy" in my book, but that's just a personal thing. He does a nice line in "cut n shut" documents, I've even seen one where he wrote his own crap and photoshopped an ADC header and Sussex Police footer onto it, some people would call that fraud, but apparently if you regularly have tea with the local PCSO you become exempt from the same laws as the rest of us. He can often be seen with paste pot in hand, fly posting his made up crap to walls in and around Rock Close, and when he's not doing that, he spends his time taking photo's of his latest imagined nemeses from behind his blinds and making up little stories to go with them to in order to increase the pretend crime figures to ensure that nobody will ever want to buy the leasehold to his crappy little Thatcherite dream of home ownership from him. He has made up some pretty fantastical stories about myself as well, but I shan't go into my secret life as an alleged ninja just yet, I'll save that one for later, but I can tell you about the pictures that he took of myself putting a bag of rubbish into the communal bin for my other half, that he insisted was "fly tipping" as I did not live there. You may laugh, but this resulted in my partner receiving a bill for £48 from ADC for the offence, of letting me help her take the bin bags out.
To give you one further example of the actions of this group, we were told by another neighbour that they saw one of the above, cutting the washing lines with a pair of scissors, this damage was then photographed and reported to ADC as being done by the local kids. Residents groups are supposed to support the residents, not the local council, however Whiterock Residents Group is more an ally of the council and a group of mealy minded little turds, intent on ridding a council estate of anyone who displays any signs of overt working-class like behaviour in the presence of a tiny minority of idiots who bought a cheap flat hoping to turn a hearty profit at the expense of the community that they purport to represent.
They even cancelled all of the annual community engagement events and fun days instigated by past members as they did not want to engage with the other residents on a personal level and would rather view themselves as "above" the other residents, who for the most part they would have evicted for minor petty matters that upset their pseudo middle classed ideals.
If this lot represent society then I'm glad and even a little proud that I am an enemy of it.