As we all know, I am some kind of enemy of the state, and according to one source "a menace to society", obviously as this source chose to not name themselves I can be as rude as I like to imaginary people, and if "forthegreatergood" wants to complain then they will have to formally identify themselves openly, which as a coward they aren't likely to do.

Forthegreatergood, you are cowardly, wheezing, warty, little piss dribble, and if I am a menace to your society, then good, I'm glad that I offend your f*ckstained idea of what "society" should be, and if I'm offending people like you, then I'm obviously doing something right. What's that, I'm making people like yours lives miserable? Hurrah, anything that I can do to show how miserable you really are gives me a rare, warm glow inside my cold dead heart.
I do like the personal insults about being "unkempt", however I'd rather have dirty shoes than a dirty mind like yours, and if your outward appearance matched the contents of your tiny little head, you would be covered head to foot in filth and leave a trail of oozing slime wherever you walked.
Very nice of you to call me a "benefit scrounger" though, that shows your political affiliation pretty clearly, and personally I think that after reconstructive spinal surgery, I do pretty well, you should try it sometime, I'm sure there are people queueing up to provide you with a broken neck in order for you to fully experience what it's like to be a "benefit scrounger". I doubt that you'd actually be interested in experiencing what other people do though, such is the nature of bigots like you, you're more content with simply spreading ideas that are the verbal equivalent of blood streaked pus dribbling down a diseased whore's thigh.
Keep up the good work.