This is Adur Calling...... Covering the East Worthing and Shoreham Parliamentary constituency and the behaviour of its official representatives.
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Friday, 29 March 2013
Another turgid Tory tosspot.
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He's grinning because he's getting fat on your cash. |
When it comes to receiving abuse, I'm pretty well in credit at the moment, especially from dumb Tory bigots. So I don't feel too bad about sticking up for myself. Today's principal pompous prat, is Cllr Patrick Warner, a Tory councillor from Eastbourne, who like all Tories is very much against anyone apart from right wingers being able to access free speech.
This idiot runs a blog called "A view from the chamber" presumably because he writes it whilst he's on the crapper, and fills his blog with the contents of his pot. It's the usual recycled right wing propaganda, that you find on all of these Tory blogs, but if he chooses to publish personal insults aimed at myself then I clearly have the right to ask why he has his head up his own arse.
He Didn't like me asking why he chose to call me nasty names and makes numerous libellous allegations against myself, and thinks that this is OK. Well Warner, it isn't, if you want to give me crap, you should expect some back.
As you can see, Warner is a fine figure of a man, with a chin that should be sponsored by Michelin (Restaurants or tyres, your choice), who like all Tory councillors is convinced that whatever a Tory MP tells him is the truth, and deep down is nothing more than a bullying thug with a misplaced sense of self importance, and the arrogance to believe that if anyone challenges him, they are instantly wrong.
Well, Warner, I don't care what you think of me, but if you want to start spreading nasty gossip about me, then you should be prepared to stand up and be counted. I even pointed out to him on his blog that he was not being entirely truthful, his response? He deleted the comment, even though I offered him the chance to ask me in an adult manner why exactly I viewed his opinions as rubbish. I guess that this is the Tory way, if someone doesn't agree with you, don't enter into discourse, just carry on believing the gospel according to Thatcher and ignore what the horrible poor people think.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
The true face of the Tory Party.
Once upon a time there was a Tory Party supported organisation known as "The Monday Club", an innocuous name for a rather unpleasant group of Conservatives who got together every Monday to share their collective taste in apartheid regimes, ultra tight wing views, and according to some sources, the hire of young men for entertainment purposes, (just google "Elm Guest House", you'll get the idea). You can find a list of members here. You may recognise some of the names of members still knocking about in Parliament today.
Some years on, and there is another horrendous organisation whose membership seems to be sourced from the remnants of the Monday Club and other far right Tory Party types. Welcome to the views and opinions of "The Traditional Britain Group".
This is what they believe in:

As you can see, these are a clearly unpleasant gang of Tories, I don't think that I really need to comment on any of these outdated, imperialist, racist, homophobic, and all round extremist ideas, but considering that membership of this organisation is not denounced by the Tory Party, we can only assume that as they don't appear to have a problem with it, and are happy for their party members to hold these ideas, that they must support the Traditional Britain Group and at least share some, if not all, of it's ideals.
It shouldn't really be a surprise that the Tory Party is full of bigots, but you wouldn't think that they'd want to shout about it.
Yes, our Tory MPs mix with these people and clearly don't feel the need to distance themselves from these fascist fossils and their misplaced superiority.
I am a little confused by the claim that Europe should be viewed as the enemy and we should prevent their involvement in "Britain", as this should be under the control of our Germanic Royal family, and various descendants of other German and French royal houses.
The Tories are about division and colonialism, no matter what they try and tell us, always have been, always will.
Some years on, and there is another horrendous organisation whose membership seems to be sourced from the remnants of the Monday Club and other far right Tory Party types. Welcome to the views and opinions of "The Traditional Britain Group".
This is what they believe in:

As you can see, these are a clearly unpleasant gang of Tories, I don't think that I really need to comment on any of these outdated, imperialist, racist, homophobic, and all round extremist ideas, but considering that membership of this organisation is not denounced by the Tory Party, we can only assume that as they don't appear to have a problem with it, and are happy for their party members to hold these ideas, that they must support the Traditional Britain Group and at least share some, if not all, of it's ideals.
It shouldn't really be a surprise that the Tory Party is full of bigots, but you wouldn't think that they'd want to shout about it.
Yes, our Tory MPs mix with these people and clearly don't feel the need to distance themselves from these fascist fossils and their misplaced superiority.
I am a little confused by the claim that Europe should be viewed as the enemy and we should prevent their involvement in "Britain", as this should be under the control of our Germanic Royal family, and various descendants of other German and French royal houses.
The Tories are about division and colonialism, no matter what they try and tell us, always have been, always will.
"A certain individual" thanks his supporters.
I assume that by not using a name, Loughton thinks that he can say what he likes, well obviously that is not really the case now is it Timmy? You refer to another document that does name myself, so I am perfectly entitled to defend myself against your crap.
Yes, he wishes to thank his supporters, you want to know who those supporters were? No, well tough, here's some of the organisations being quite vocal in their support of Loughton and his potentially racist views.
Yes Timbo, the fascists love you, and would probably kiss you if you want them to, they probably wouldn't even charge you extra for that.
It's not really a surprise that these extremist groups love Timbo, after all they have quite a lot in common.
Yes, he wishes to thank his supporters, you want to know who those supporters were? No, well tough, here's some of the organisations being quite vocal in their support of Loughton and his potentially racist views.
Yes Timbo, the fascists love you, and would probably kiss you if you want them to, they probably wouldn't even charge you extra for that.
It's not really a surprise that these extremist groups love Timbo, after all they have quite a lot in common.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
What the idiot tabloid scum forgot to tell you.
Well, a brief update, I will go into details and provide evidence later on, but one of the more important things that The Daily Twat, didn't tell the public was this:
During the police investigation into Loughton, myself and my family received death threats through the post. These threats made it clear that myself and my family's lives would be in danger if I provided any further statements. There were 6 or 7 in all, and came in the form of letters, Xmas cards (which wasopened by my step son), and funerary tributes.
If you think that this kind of behaviour is acceptable, then keep voting for Loughton and the local Tory party. Myself, I think that scum who threaten kids lives, should be removed from society, not given the responsibility to lead it. That's just my opinion though, if you think that threatening to kill people's kids is cool, then keep supporting the local Tories, and I'll just view you with the same comtempt as I do, them.
When you consider that all of the media coverage does not contain a single word spoken by myself, despite their claims, you will begin to understand how things really work. Don't forget that in Loughton's parliamentary Bollockfest, he actually stated that he, personally, had "secured" the media coverage. It should hav had a footnote attached "This is a party political broadcast on behalf of the Tory Party".
During the police investigation into Loughton, myself and my family received death threats through the post. These threats made it clear that myself and my family's lives would be in danger if I provided any further statements. There were 6 or 7 in all, and came in the form of letters, Xmas cards (which wasopened by my step son), and funerary tributes.
If you think that this kind of behaviour is acceptable, then keep voting for Loughton and the local Tory party. Myself, I think that scum who threaten kids lives, should be removed from society, not given the responsibility to lead it. That's just my opinion though, if you think that threatening to kill people's kids is cool, then keep supporting the local Tories, and I'll just view you with the same comtempt as I do, them.
When you consider that all of the media coverage does not contain a single word spoken by myself, despite their claims, you will begin to understand how things really work. Don't forget that in Loughton's parliamentary Bollockfest, he actually stated that he, personally, had "secured" the media coverage. It should hav had a footnote attached "This is a party political broadcast on behalf of the Tory Party".
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
AdurCalling's new marketing executive.
Until recently, AdurCalling had been receiving some pretty low viewing figures, which was never the intention of this blog in the first place, it was merely a record of "personal, family and household affairs".
That was, until a few weeks ago, when we received international advertising, courtesy of our, very own, self appointed marketing executive.
That's the kind of exposure that money just can't buy.
Cheers Timmy.
That was, until a few weeks ago, when we received international advertising, courtesy of our, very own, self appointed marketing executive.
That's the kind of exposure that money just can't buy.
Cheers Timmy.
Looks like I've got some competition for the post of Loughton's "Moriarty"
Hee hee, someone said that Tim Loughton is a big fibber.
This is supposedly the same person who called him a "lazy, incompetent, narcissist obsessed only with self-promotion", there is little doubt that this individual has definitely had dealings with Loughton, otherwise they wouldn't be able to provide such a consise description of the man.
I do have to disagree though, to claim that this is "the worst of anything you've done in politics" is quite a jump when there is so much competition for that title.
This is supposedly the same person who called him a "lazy, incompetent, narcissist obsessed only with self-promotion", there is little doubt that this individual has definitely had dealings with Loughton, otherwise they wouldn't be able to provide such a consise description of the man.
I do have to disagree though, to claim that this is "the worst of anything you've done in politics" is quite a jump when there is so much competition for that title.
Monday, 25 March 2013
Adur Calling exclusive.
We have received news today that Parliament have decided to finally deal with problems surrounding the public's misinterpretation of a statement regularly made by Tory MPs.
These poor misunderstood individuals have for years been viewed as "arrogant arseheads" when they stand in front of ordinary people like you or I, and make the statement "Don't you know who I am", too often this is misunderstood by Joe Public as a sign that we should of course be aware of their supposed status in society due to their job title, when in fact it is simply a cry for help.
These poor misunderstood individuals have for years been viewed as "arrogant arseheads" when they stand in front of ordinary people like you or I, and make the statement "Don't you know who I am", too often this is misunderstood by Joe Public as a sign that we should of course be aware of their supposed status in society due to their job title, when in fact it is simply a cry for help.
You see, when forced to interact with the hoi polloi, they sometimes get confused, sometimes even to the point that they completely forget who they are. We shouldn't persecute them for this, we should try and understand the mental anguish that they are clearly suffering, which has caused them to be in a situation where they are so confused that they have to rely on you or I to be able to tell them their name and job title.
Luckily Parliament have now decided that all Tory MPs should wear a simple notice, so that if we find them in this confused state, we can simply return them to Parliament, in order that they can be given a nice big glass of Armagnac and a King Edward (no this isn't another potato reference, honest) and lots of reassurance to reinforce their imagined demigod status in an environment where nobody would dare to challenge their delusions.
Bloody good idea I reckon.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Tim Loughton is apparently not a racist or abusive.
Well, to use his favourite word; that's "bollocks" isn't it Timmy.
Look what he wrote to his pal Guido Fawkes, who unlike the real one hasn't even half heartedly attempted to blow Parliament sky high.
Yes, look likes our Timmy is finally showing his true light, I did however censor his words as not to cause any offence, I know that Loughton would approve as he thinks that we should get rid of everything "PC" so that's exactly what I did, remove his P and C.
I'd like to remove something else of his, but I wouldn't want him to have to suffer mental health problems as a result of me saying that I hoped that something might drop off. As we all know after listening to Loughton's Parliamentary ranting, this is a major cause of mental illness that has been completely ignored by every psychiatric professional in the world, maybe Loughton would support a research funding proposal into how Freud failed to fully investigate the effects of saying that you hope someones nob drops off, in relation to his "penis envy" theory.
Look what he wrote to his pal Guido Fawkes, who unlike the real one hasn't even half heartedly attempted to blow Parliament sky high.
Yes, look likes our Timmy is finally showing his true light, I did however censor his words as not to cause any offence, I know that Loughton would approve as he thinks that we should get rid of everything "PC" so that's exactly what I did, remove his P and C.
I'd like to remove something else of his, but I wouldn't want him to have to suffer mental health problems as a result of me saying that I hoped that something might drop off. As we all know after listening to Loughton's Parliamentary ranting, this is a major cause of mental illness that has been completely ignored by every psychiatric professional in the world, maybe Loughton would support a research funding proposal into how Freud failed to fully investigate the effects of saying that you hope someones nob drops off, in relation to his "penis envy" theory.
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Arthur or Martha?
Looks like the local Tories are getting confused again. Their cold couple of hours, earning some of their easy money in Southwick this morning must have frozen their poor brains.
They seem pleased that they as a party have thwarted "Johnny Foreigner's" attempts to enter the UK, but seem to think that it's a racist UKIP based idea to express disdain that some of Johnny's mates actually got in and are cluttering up Southwick Square, clearly exhibiting their homelessness for all to see.
Some would think that Loughton is just using this as another attempt to prove that he isn't racist, when the majority of locals who express this "UKIP" attributed view, actually voted for him, and the person he quotes probably did vote for him at the last election.
If the Tories concentrated on solving the housing crisis and hadn't criminalised squatting, there would be no need for Big-Issue sellers of any nationality or heritage, that said, did anyone actually check any of the Big-Issue sellers passports to check if they were British or not, or did they just assume that a slightly darker skin hue and hint of an accent was clear proof of non British citizenship? Personally O have spoken to most of the sellers in the square, and have found them all to be very amiable, only last week one told me that it was really nice to have a local person smile and say hello, and I guess to simply acknowledge them as a fellow human being, the Tory voting locals on the whole are incredibly rude to these people and would rather not have them there at all.
I wonder if Loughton and the councillors even considered getting an extra coffee on their run to the sandwich shop? Considering that they complained heartily even though they only had to be out there for a couple of hours, the homeless don't have the choice, but that would rely on any of them having compassion for a fellow human being, something that they seem to have mislaid.
But they're definitely not racist, oh no, that's UKIP you're thinking of.
They seem pleased that they as a party have thwarted "Johnny Foreigner's" attempts to enter the UK, but seem to think that it's a racist UKIP based idea to express disdain that some of Johnny's mates actually got in and are cluttering up Southwick Square, clearly exhibiting their homelessness for all to see.
Some would think that Loughton is just using this as another attempt to prove that he isn't racist, when the majority of locals who express this "UKIP" attributed view, actually voted for him, and the person he quotes probably did vote for him at the last election.
If the Tories concentrated on solving the housing crisis and hadn't criminalised squatting, there would be no need for Big-Issue sellers of any nationality or heritage, that said, did anyone actually check any of the Big-Issue sellers passports to check if they were British or not, or did they just assume that a slightly darker skin hue and hint of an accent was clear proof of non British citizenship? Personally O have spoken to most of the sellers in the square, and have found them all to be very amiable, only last week one told me that it was really nice to have a local person smile and say hello, and I guess to simply acknowledge them as a fellow human being, the Tory voting locals on the whole are incredibly rude to these people and would rather not have them there at all.
I wonder if Loughton and the councillors even considered getting an extra coffee on their run to the sandwich shop? Considering that they complained heartily even though they only had to be out there for a couple of hours, the homeless don't have the choice, but that would rely on any of them having compassion for a fellow human being, something that they seem to have mislaid.
But they're definitely not racist, oh no, that's UKIP you're thinking of.
Silly little boy.
You know that someone clearly is set on a path to true idiocy, when they appear to hero worship someone like Loughton.
Lancing's very own political Justin Beiber (yes I know I stuck up for him earlier, but I like Canadians and hate tabloids, so I had to), an irritating 12 year old playing big boy's games is Cllr James Butcher. He seems to think that Timmy is worth worshipping like some kind of guru figure, and displays at a very young age, the same bigoted, self absorbed, ultra right-wing views as his Sith master.
How do you think he views last year's traveller evictions in his Lancing ward? This might give you some idea:
Lancing's very own political Justin Beiber (yes I know I stuck up for him earlier, but I like Canadians and hate tabloids, so I had to), an irritating 12 year old playing big boy's games is Cllr James Butcher. He seems to think that Timmy is worth worshipping like some kind of guru figure, and displays at a very young age, the same bigoted, self absorbed, ultra right-wing views as his Sith master.
How do you think he views last year's traveller evictions in his Lancing ward? This might give you some idea:

Now obviously he is attempting to link the Occupation of buildings within Sussex University with the traveller encampment in Lancing last summer when him and his Tory pals, ran around using mummy's car to block entrances to public spaces around Adur to prevent access to homeless travellers. By rights the police should have nicked them for obstructing a public right of way, but that would just be far too amusing, and they would probably get them a stern telling off in parliament for upholding the law.
Now, I used to work in Sussex Uni, and during my time there, occupation was accepted and to some degrees encouraged, as it has been a tradition and political right of Sussex students since the 1960s. It is also a good advertising tool to encourage students to apply to Sussex in order to experience the political freedoms afforded at a "new" university rather than be stuck with the stuffy and outdated Oxbridge version of higher education. To demonstrate this, when I was there, I was instructed to secure all sensitive and personal documents in a locked separate area the day before as we knew full well when occupation was about to occur and which buildings were to be affected. The Tories may hold quite a few "seats" in Sussex, but the "seat" of education is luckily not one of them.
Friday, 22 March 2013
Shoreham Herald, Shitty paper with aspirations of Tabloid Tory rag status.
Well, Looks like I have been banned from the Shoreham Herald.
A little while ago I was told by their reporter that Adur Council had informed them that if they print any more of my letters, they would consider legal action, and as such I have been restricted from free speech.
Considering that none of my previous letters were actually libellous, and they do not have a magig machine that will tell them the content of any future correspondence, it only leadsme to believe that they are nothing more than the puppets of the local Tory filth. I have also been blocked from leaving comments on any stories, and all of the stories including Loughton or the local Council are not allowing any comments. Funny how they refused to take down all of the "pikey", "coy" and "Gyppo" comments last time they covered Loughtons fascistic views of last years visits by the travelling community though.
They seem quite happy to cover Loughton's latest rants and his trip to the hospital that he and his mates are ballsing up with their attempts to privatise the NHS, with Jeremy Hunt. Is that rhyming slang?
Yes, the Herald are not interested in the truth at all, just the blind support of the local Tory scum, even this week they covered Loughton's pathetic collection of lies told in Parliament, and claimed that I refused to comment, when in fact my statement to them was far from this, I did state that I would notcomment on the accusations made by Loughton in Parliament but there was quite a bit more than that, like the reasons why I would not be able to make comment at this time. Why let the facts get in the way of agood story Load of old bollocks.
More later, some good stuff coming up, stay tuned.
A little while ago I was told by their reporter that Adur Council had informed them that if they print any more of my letters, they would consider legal action, and as such I have been restricted from free speech.
Considering that none of my previous letters were actually libellous, and they do not have a magig machine that will tell them the content of any future correspondence, it only leadsme to believe that they are nothing more than the puppets of the local Tory filth. I have also been blocked from leaving comments on any stories, and all of the stories including Loughton or the local Council are not allowing any comments. Funny how they refused to take down all of the "pikey", "coy" and "Gyppo" comments last time they covered Loughtons fascistic views of last years visits by the travelling community though.
They seem quite happy to cover Loughton's latest rants and his trip to the hospital that he and his mates are ballsing up with their attempts to privatise the NHS, with Jeremy Hunt. Is that rhyming slang?
Yes, the Herald are not interested in the truth at all, just the blind support of the local Tory scum, even this week they covered Loughton's pathetic collection of lies told in Parliament, and claimed that I refused to comment, when in fact my statement to them was far from this, I did state that I would notcomment on the accusations made by Loughton in Parliament but there was quite a bit more than that, like the reasons why I would not be able to make comment at this time. Why let the facts get in the way of a
More later, some good stuff coming up, stay tuned.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Would the (dis)honourable gentleman please give his arse a chance.
Another day, another dollop. Yes, looks like Loughton is really getting into recycling, how many times are we going to hear the same lines time and again? I hope that his speech/press release writer in on a fixed fee, because if they're on royalties the public purse is going to run dry soon.
This time on Cunservative Home:
"Tearing into Catholic Bishops"?, that sounds like fun, must try it sometime.
Anyway it appears that Timmy is proudly declaring a selection of things that he claims that he is not, this is becoming a bit of a habit. I'm not sure, but I fail to see the (obvious only in Timmy Tory World) "flaw" in the logic that if you do not believe in equal rights for gay couples then you are are against equal rights for gay couples. Tim's voting record doesn't look to favourable to equal rights either, despite his claims that he supported the idea to give gay couples a "wedding light" type ceremony.
Claiming that "gay marriage" is the "new black" could quite easily get misquoted, especially as a statement from a tory, but obviously I wouldn't dare do that on here, that's far to cheap a shot, I'll leave those to Timmy.
The basic principle of a "yes or no" vote does actually mean that if you are not for, then you are against, you can dress it up, but rhetoric cannot dress up a "one or zero" outcome. Parliamentary voting is not on a "Strongly agree - Strongly disagree" sliding scale, they are on a simple yes or no basis, probably so that MPs like Loughton don't get all confusticated.
When he started on about the "most insidious and destructive forces at work in society today" I thought he meant the Tory party, silly me, he obviously meant all of those naughty pieces of, equalities and diversity legislation, that catch out, and clearly identify bigots from time to time.
Well, here we go, get out your violins 'cos Tim's recycling parts of his fantastic rant about how unfair it was that he was subjected to a whole 90 minutes of tricky questions when he thought that they'd invited him to the police station for milk and cookies. Lucky that he didn't follow his usual procedure and ensure that he had a couple of reporters on hand to document his fantastic and exciting MP type lifestyle. That could have been embarrassing now couldn't it?
Cue the good old well rehearsed lines claiming that was all there was to the investigation and it all seems like everyone's picking on poor Timmy Boy, despite the matter being somewhat more than the simple one word racism lies put forward by him. Yes he had no idea, if he actually listened when people spoke to him he would have clearly heard it, but like all Tory narcissists, he has a selected deafness towards anything other than praise, so he must have missed it. With regard to the not being "required to prove it" part, I get images of horrendous 70's style "comedies" where a policeman asks the nice afro-caribbean chappie if he is able to actually prove that he is black, I thought that those days were over but it seems that I may have been wrong. Well as Loughton seems quite at home with the whole "are you being served" world of comedy, considering his likening of the DfE to it, maybe he thinks that all gay men are just like John Inman and I bet he still laughs at those pathetic "pussy" jokes.
He then goes on to make up some silly "urban myth" style examples of "PC gone mad, I tell ya", I wonder if the "completely fictitious, arrest of witches manual" suggests that putting handcuffs on a witch is like hand fasting and the officer could end up trapped in a "satanic" marriage without knowing it, the nonsensical rantings of the Tory insane PC posse get better every time. Crap, crappity, crap, crap, pretty much sums up what I think of your silly examples of political correctness.
Apparently it's all down to free speech according to Timmy Pants, funny how when he accused me (falsely I might add) of calling him a F*cking Nazi, he wasn't out there fighting for the rights of members of the public to express their freedom of speech by calling their MPs F*cking Nazis if they fancy. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I did not call him this, or most of the other things that he claims I did, well not in his presence anyway, I will have take the fifth on whether I have referred to him by any of these terms in private conversations since though.
Oh and that "joke" at the end wasn't funny the other dozen or so times, so sorry Timmy, looks like you can go on your crusade alone, don't forget your packed lunch and bottle of ginger beer now, and be home by tea time, it's your favourite tonight, pauper's head on a silver platter.
This time on Cunservative Home:
Anyway it appears that Timmy is proudly declaring a selection of things that he claims that he is not, this is becoming a bit of a habit. I'm not sure, but I fail to see the (obvious only in Timmy Tory World) "flaw" in the logic that if you do not believe in equal rights for gay couples then you are are against equal rights for gay couples. Tim's voting record doesn't look to favourable to equal rights either, despite his claims that he supported the idea to give gay couples a "wedding light" type ceremony.
Claiming that "gay marriage" is the "new black" could quite easily get misquoted, especially as a statement from a tory, but obviously I wouldn't dare do that on here, that's far to cheap a shot, I'll leave those to Timmy.
The basic principle of a "yes or no" vote does actually mean that if you are not for, then you are against, you can dress it up, but rhetoric cannot dress up a "one or zero" outcome. Parliamentary voting is not on a "Strongly agree - Strongly disagree" sliding scale, they are on a simple yes or no basis, probably so that MPs like Loughton don't get all confusticated.
When he started on about the "most insidious and destructive forces at work in society today" I thought he meant the Tory party, silly me, he obviously meant all of those naughty pieces of, equalities and diversity legislation, that catch out, and clearly identify bigots from time to time.
Well, here we go, get out your violins 'cos Tim's recycling parts of his fantastic rant about how unfair it was that he was subjected to a whole 90 minutes of tricky questions when he thought that they'd invited him to the police station for milk and cookies. Lucky that he didn't follow his usual procedure and ensure that he had a couple of reporters on hand to document his fantastic and exciting MP type lifestyle. That could have been embarrassing now couldn't it?
Cue the good old well rehearsed lines claiming that was all there was to the investigation and it all seems like everyone's picking on poor Timmy Boy, despite the matter being somewhat more than the simple one word racism lies put forward by him. Yes he had no idea, if he actually listened when people spoke to him he would have clearly heard it, but like all Tory narcissists, he has a selected deafness towards anything other than praise, so he must have missed it. With regard to the not being "required to prove it" part, I get images of horrendous 70's style "comedies" where a policeman asks the nice afro-caribbean chappie if he is able to actually prove that he is black, I thought that those days were over but it seems that I may have been wrong. Well as Loughton seems quite at home with the whole "are you being served" world of comedy, considering his likening of the DfE to it, maybe he thinks that all gay men are just like John Inman and I bet he still laughs at those pathetic "pussy" jokes.
He then goes on to make up some silly "urban myth" style examples of "PC gone mad, I tell ya", I wonder if the "completely fictitious, arrest of witches manual" suggests that putting handcuffs on a witch is like hand fasting and the officer could end up trapped in a "satanic" marriage without knowing it, the nonsensical rantings of the Tory insane PC posse get better every time. Crap, crappity, crap, crap, pretty much sums up what I think of your silly examples of political correctness.
Apparently it's all down to free speech according to Timmy Pants, funny how when he accused me (falsely I might add) of calling him a F*cking Nazi, he wasn't out there fighting for the rights of members of the public to express their freedom of speech by calling their MPs F*cking Nazis if they fancy. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I did not call him this, or most of the other things that he claims I did, well not in his presence anyway, I will have take the fifth on whether I have referred to him by any of these terms in private conversations since though.
Oh and that "joke" at the end wasn't funny the other dozen or so times, so sorry Timmy, looks like you can go on your crusade alone, don't forget your packed lunch and bottle of ginger beer now, and be home by tea time, it's your favourite tonight, pauper's head on a silver platter.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Which came first, Chicken or Egg?
Well, obviously it was the Egg, but in order to attain the correct answer you have to accept the process of evolution as fact, and ignore all of that silly creationist crap.
I guess that the real question should be: What came first 10th Novenber 2012, or 17th August 2012?
I say this because I have had a bit of a look round my computer and pinned down the exact quotes that Tim Loughton attributed to this blog, and his claims that they were written before his abusive email to myself, and were the reason that he believed that he had the right to speak to me like something found on the bottom of his horrendous 1980s loafers.
I can now confirm, that the post quoted in Parliament was written on the 10th November 2012, almost 4 months AFTER his abusive email of 17th August 2012 was written by him and sent from Parliament.
This leaves only two possible answers, you choose which........
I guess that the real question should be: What came first 10th Novenber 2012, or 17th August 2012?
I say this because I have had a bit of a look round my computer and pinned down the exact quotes that Tim Loughton attributed to this blog, and his claims that they were written before his abusive email to myself, and were the reason that he believed that he had the right to speak to me like something found on the bottom of his horrendous 1980s loafers.
I can now confirm, that the post quoted in Parliament was written on the 10th November 2012, almost 4 months AFTER his abusive email of 17th August 2012 was written by him and sent from Parliament.
This leaves only two possible answers, you choose which........
Monday, 18 March 2013
Police release official statement.
Lifted from "Splash".
Well, looks like the truth is finally wriggling it's way out of the Loughton sack o' fibs.
A clear and concise, and independent, account of the situation in full. Including a clear statement that Loughton's claim of a £100,000 cost is "fanciful", after all, with his party's budget cuts they don't have that kind of money to throw around.
I am, of course, very pleased to see that despite his attempts to exploit his privileged position to gain access to information not legally available to any other person being investigated for an alleged criminal offence, this was refused. It's a shame that they refused politely, they should have used his choice of communication in order to put this across, in my humble opinion.
Quite amusing to note that despite all of his bile, spewed in Parliament and the right-wing media, he hasn't submitted a formal complaint to Sussex Police, maybe he thinks that this route is only taken by the plebeian masses, although by true Roman standards he would in fact be viewed as a "pleb", and people like me, Capite censi, although technically as my head is no longer counted after being "sacked" maybe I am now judged below that level, and as such, now feel the need to proclaim....
I am Spartacus!
Well, looks like the truth is finally wriggling it's way out of the Loughton sack o' fibs.
A clear and concise, and independent, account of the situation in full. Including a clear statement that Loughton's claim of a £100,000 cost is "fanciful", after all, with his party's budget cuts they don't have that kind of money to throw around.
I am, of course, very pleased to see that despite his attempts to exploit his privileged position to gain access to information not legally available to any other person being investigated for an alleged criminal offence, this was refused. It's a shame that they refused politely, they should have used his choice of communication in order to put this across, in my humble opinion.
Quite amusing to note that despite all of his bile, spewed in Parliament and the right-wing media, he hasn't submitted a formal complaint to Sussex Police, maybe he thinks that this route is only taken by the plebeian masses, although by true Roman standards he would in fact be viewed as a "pleb", and people like me, Capite censi, although technically as my head is no longer counted after being "sacked" maybe I am now judged below that level, and as such, now feel the need to proclaim....
I am Spartacus!
Sunday, 17 March 2013
LoughtSpeak The new name for telling porkies.
Well, as telling the truth seems to not be the favourite passtime of Tim Loughton, it should come as no surprise that the man who stood in Parliament and denied that he was a "lying Arsehead", is in fact, a "lying arsehead".
As it was obviously his intention to present me as a violent and aggressive individual, he did not hold back with the LoughtSpeak. This one in particular got some serious "ooooooh"s from his Parliamentary buddies, I wonder if he actually told the truth, whether it would have had the same effect. You decide.
Very scary indeed, and obviously the man who wrote this clearly needs psychiatric help, Luckily that man was not me, what I wrote was:
As it was obviously his intention to present me as a violent and aggressive individual, he did not hold back with the LoughtSpeak. This one in particular got some serious "ooooooh"s from his Parliamentary buddies, I wonder if he actually told the truth, whether it would have had the same effect. You decide.
So it must mean that it is Loughton that needs the trick cyclist then. What I wrote was a silly ending to a clearly made up post, because I couldn't be arsed to write about any more of the tedious self congratulating at a council meeting.
Clearly Loughton's intention was to portray myself as a sinister individual with violent fantasies, and when there is clearly no evidence to support his stupid made up beliefs, his only option was to fabricate some. If he read out what I actually wrote, I think that the reaction would be quite different, but Loughton seems to have only a passing relationship with the truth at the best of times.
If only I had mates in the press who could put forward the truth with the same tenacity that they choose to perpetuate Loughton's lies, when exactly is this vote on press freedoms?
Saturday, 16 March 2013
The other half of Tim Loughton's fibs addressed.
Following on from the earlier post outlining the absolute nonsense that was spouted by Loughton in parliament earlier in the week, I will now point out some more inconsistencies in truth, I think that's what politicians call lies anyway.
Right, we got to the 300 edged weapons, even if I included my cutlery drawer I wouldn't even come close to 300, maybe he found a picture of me at a museum whilst researching or something, I couldn't find a picture of me with 300 swords, and I'm not sure that I've ever been to a single room with that many swords in it, if anyone knows of such a room, let me know, I'd love to visit it?
The hilarity of claiming that I wrote about me with a machine gun in hand and a council chamber drenched in blood, well scroll down to the Village Idiot post and you'll see just how little truth there is in Loughton's claims. The picture of Loughton in a school playground was real, I thought it was funny, I took the precaution of covering the kids faces but after a polite request from an unnamed individual, I censored the whole thing, and apologised to the children concerned, maybe an error of judgement on my part, I remember how outraged I was when Loughton used my stepson as a weapon against me, so I acted appropriately I feel.
He claims that I am wearing a "terrorist-style balaclava", well, it's actually a ski mask, and he forgot to say that I have a purple furry cushion on my head and am holding an onion, If that's terrorist-style, then they should be pretty easy to spot. But clearly if he included the truth about all of these things then I wouldn't appear to be the dangerous monster under the bed now, would I?
The claim that I shat on my family's allotment is absolute "bollocks", two of Loughton's mates visited after we raised child safety issues and claimed that they found some mysterious poo, but weirdly the smell seemed to both arrive and leave with Cllrs Parkin and Dollemore, leaving the only reasonable conclusion that it was in fact them who smelt of plops and not our allotment.
This thing about losing a court case and being placed on the council's COC, (hee hee) is also total crap, I have never lost a court case in my life, mainly because I have never been tried for any crime let alone been convicted of one. The constant complaints to the council regarding their abuse of their COC (hee hee), were due to the fact that the council kept extending the complaints process in order to keep it in house, I expect that the majority of folks would get bored of a 9 stage complaints procedure, but I wanted to be able to take it to an outside body, which I couldn't unless I had exhausted all local routes, and when I did make it outside to the ICO they agreed with me, and informed the council that they had breached the DPA which I had been telling them all along.
Then we get the personal comments about my appearance, yes it is true, I do not wear suits, or anything that Loughton would deign to be acceptable, sports jacket and chino's are not a look that suits me, well it doesn't suit many people apart from 80's fashion throwbacks like Loughton. He comments on my personal grooming when he has THOSE EYEBROWS? Really, I'm surprised that we don't all have to fork out expenses for his hollowed out volcano island hideout.
He claims that after he sent his offensive email that I supposedly unleashed a "foul mouthed tirade" well, I did call to ask why he hadn't actually had the courage to abuse me in this manner in public when I asked him about this the week before when he told me that I'd have to write to him, his researcher then called me, on his orders, and was incredibly offensive to me down the phone, but Timmy's memory doesn't seem to be all that accurate of late, never mind eh.
With regards to the communications between myself and the police, those are private and should be kept between the parties involved, it is only Loughton that has chosen to go to the right wing fascist rags to put a very misrepresented version of the events into the public domain. Needless to say, there is much more to the police investigation than Loughton claims, but the truth wouldn't get him as much support no, would it?
The telling thing given away by his claims that I had been "offensive" to the press, is that he would only know this if he had insiders, and I wasn't offensive, I just asked them firmly why they thought that they could lie through their teeth and only put forward one side of the story, the one that Loughton approached them with. I did not attempt to involve the media in any way that was purely the media whore Loughton's doing, and yes I was pissed off, who wouldn't be if a complete load of cack was distributed by filth rags, formally identifying myself as the victim of crimes, when I had asked for anonymity, but Loughton decided to spread my name and images taken without my knowledge or permission, about the world in a further act of abuse towards myself and my family. If it wasn't harassment before, that act clearly made it so.
He then rattles on about more self promoting nonsense and digs at Sussex Police, who I must say were very supportive throughout this investigation, despite numerous apparent attempts by Loughton to derail the investigation, which I can only assume was the reason that it took six months and was not dealt with sooner.
~Then he takes the unprecedented move of "sacking" me as a member of the public, and stating on Parliamentary record that he intends to fail to fulfil his duty as an MP by not actually representing the views of all of his constituents, something that most of his constituents were already aware of, as we have never seen him act so swiftly or tenaciously on behalf of anyone in the 16 years that we have had the misfortune of having him as our MP. Some might even say that the effort he has put into putting across his own personal views, and pursuing his personal vendetta against me is unprecedented in his career as an MP, and he objected to the SPAD claiming that he was "obsessed with self-promotion".
I'll say again, however I speak in my personal life, it does not give an official of any type to address me in an offensive manner in official communications. If your bank manager overheard you using the F word in the pub on a Friday night, would you accept him sending you a formal letter on bank headed paper telling you to "pay off your f*cking overdraft"? If not, then why should I accept that my MP can write to me, in response to a polite email, from his Parliamentary email account using words that he thinks are acceptable to use formally because I use them informally?
Maybe he sacked me in retaliation for him being sacked after his bosses were informed of this investigation, I guess that we'll never know the answer to that one. However, as I am now the only person in this country without representation in Parliament, I intend to request a By-Election in order to appoint me one, failing that it will have to be Loughton's resignation for dereliction of duty.
I think that's addressed most of the lies told, there are probably more, but if I think of any I'll let you know.
Right, we got to the 300 edged weapons, even if I included my cutlery drawer I wouldn't even come close to 300, maybe he found a picture of me at a museum whilst researching or something, I couldn't find a picture of me with 300 swords, and I'm not sure that I've ever been to a single room with that many swords in it, if anyone knows of such a room, let me know, I'd love to visit it?
The hilarity of claiming that I wrote about me with a machine gun in hand and a council chamber drenched in blood, well scroll down to the Village Idiot post and you'll see just how little truth there is in Loughton's claims. The picture of Loughton in a school playground was real, I thought it was funny, I took the precaution of covering the kids faces but after a polite request from an unnamed individual, I censored the whole thing, and apologised to the children concerned, maybe an error of judgement on my part, I remember how outraged I was when Loughton used my stepson as a weapon against me, so I acted appropriately I feel.
Beware of terrorists, they apparently look just like this. |
The claim that I shat on my family's allotment is absolute "bollocks", two of Loughton's mates visited after we raised child safety issues and claimed that they found some mysterious poo, but weirdly the smell seemed to both arrive and leave with Cllrs Parkin and Dollemore, leaving the only reasonable conclusion that it was in fact them who smelt of plops and not our allotment.
This thing about losing a court case and being placed on the council's COC, (hee hee) is also total crap, I have never lost a court case in my life, mainly because I have never been tried for any crime let alone been convicted of one. The constant complaints to the council regarding their abuse of their COC (hee hee), were due to the fact that the council kept extending the complaints process in order to keep it in house, I expect that the majority of folks would get bored of a 9 stage complaints procedure, but I wanted to be able to take it to an outside body, which I couldn't unless I had exhausted all local routes, and when I did make it outside to the ICO they agreed with me, and informed the council that they had breached the DPA which I had been telling them all along.
![]() |
Eyebrows of a Bond villain |
He claims that after he sent his offensive email that I supposedly unleashed a "foul mouthed tirade" well, I did call to ask why he hadn't actually had the courage to abuse me in this manner in public when I asked him about this the week before when he told me that I'd have to write to him, his researcher then called me, on his orders, and was incredibly offensive to me down the phone, but Timmy's memory doesn't seem to be all that accurate of late, never mind eh.
With regards to the communications between myself and the police, those are private and should be kept between the parties involved, it is only Loughton that has chosen to go to the right wing fascist rags to put a very misrepresented version of the events into the public domain. Needless to say, there is much more to the police investigation than Loughton claims, but the truth wouldn't get him as much support no, would it?
The telling thing given away by his claims that I had been "offensive" to the press, is that he would only know this if he had insiders, and I wasn't offensive, I just asked them firmly why they thought that they could lie through their teeth and only put forward one side of the story, the one that Loughton approached them with. I did not attempt to involve the media in any way that was purely the media whore Loughton's doing, and yes I was pissed off, who wouldn't be if a complete load of cack was distributed by filth rags, formally identifying myself as the victim of crimes, when I had asked for anonymity, but Loughton decided to spread my name and images taken without my knowledge or permission, about the world in a further act of abuse towards myself and my family. If it wasn't harassment before, that act clearly made it so.
He then rattles on about more self promoting nonsense and digs at Sussex Police, who I must say were very supportive throughout this investigation, despite numerous apparent attempts by Loughton to derail the investigation, which I can only assume was the reason that it took six months and was not dealt with sooner.
~Then he takes the unprecedented move of "sacking" me as a member of the public, and stating on Parliamentary record that he intends to fail to fulfil his duty as an MP by not actually representing the views of all of his constituents, something that most of his constituents were already aware of, as we have never seen him act so swiftly or tenaciously on behalf of anyone in the 16 years that we have had the misfortune of having him as our MP. Some might even say that the effort he has put into putting across his own personal views, and pursuing his personal vendetta against me is unprecedented in his career as an MP, and he objected to the SPAD claiming that he was "obsessed with self-promotion".
I'll say again, however I speak in my personal life, it does not give an official of any type to address me in an offensive manner in official communications. If your bank manager overheard you using the F word in the pub on a Friday night, would you accept him sending you a formal letter on bank headed paper telling you to "pay off your f*cking overdraft"? If not, then why should I accept that my MP can write to me, in response to a polite email, from his Parliamentary email account using words that he thinks are acceptable to use formally because I use them informally?
Maybe he sacked me in retaliation for him being sacked after his bosses were informed of this investigation, I guess that we'll never know the answer to that one. However, as I am now the only person in this country without representation in Parliament, I intend to request a By-Election in order to appoint me one, failing that it will have to be Loughton's resignation for dereliction of duty.
I think that's addressed most of the lies told, there are probably more, but if I think of any I'll let you know.
Basic facts about Tim Loughton's diatribe.
At no point did I swear or use abusive language directly towards Loughton, his staff, or any of his mates. However if I swear in my personal life and in my personal blog then it doesn't give anyone the right to swear directly at me in response to a polite but firm official letter. Look at it this way, if you say "F*ck" on facebook, everyone in the country does not automatically gain the right to call you a "F*cker", Timmy seems to think that this should be the case.
Parliamentary Privilege is essentially a "get out of jail free" card, any MP can stand in the house and say whatever they damn well please without any legal consequences; if you are wondering why there were so many more accusations made against me in his Parliamentary diatribe that in the press, there's your answer. The press wouldn't be able to print any of his accusations, let alone represent them as facts in the way that he chose to, due to the fact that I could sue the arses off of them for defamation if they did, however under Parliamentary Privilege, Loughton can essentially lie with impunity without any retribution, and he thinks that this privilege should be somehow extended beyond the chamber, allowing him and other MPs to become above the laws of this country, just like that greasy Italian politician wanted.
I have only spoken to Loughton twice in the last 7 or so years, (my personal records stop around then), onse to ask him a question at his surgery in Southwick, in which he claimed to have some kind of MP super power which allowed him to not spend more than 3 minutes listening to a complex question with supporting evidence, which he didn't even glance at, and still understand everything I had to say, and he objects to being called "arrogant"? I was still trying to show him evidence when he opened the door and told me to leave, claiming that as I wasn't mentioned by name in the government bill, that it couldn't possibly affect me. He was indeed at that time as well as now, an arrogant arsehead. The other time was shortly before he wrote his abusive email, this time I approached my local tory gang during their Farmers Market (we call it the Middle Classed Zombie Apocalypse), I attempted to speak, and the leader of the council, a cab driver called Parkin, put his nose almost to mine and shouted in my face "Now look 'ere pal" in a manner more associated with the NF that the Tory party, I refused to be intimidated and said my piece while Loughton ignored me in order to speak to some young girls who seemed to be fawning over his air of superiority, either that or they were hypnotised by his eyebrows.
It does entertain me that Loughton is usually surrounded at these surgeries by teenage "Cameron youth" girlies, whilst he pretends to be cool, you know in the same way that a drunken old man embarrasses himself at a family party. They all seem to like to have their photos taken with him as well, I wonder if we'll see any of these pic's appearing in the press in 20 years or so, beneath scandalous headlines, in more tabloid half truth accusations.
I wrote to him twice in this period as well, both emails are available in this blog so that you can see that although I like to swear in my personal life, yes I f*cking love it, I do not extend this enjoyment outside of my personal life, unlike Loughton, who seems to think that it somehow makes him cool to swear and persecute people in order to appear edgy and exciting to his adoring idiot twitter fans.
His speech to the house was a pile of horse shit, and yes I can say that on my personal blog with impunity, however if I were to write to anyone in an official capacity I wouldn't use that term, and probably go with something a little more professional. Sadly as I appear to be the first member of the public ever to be "sacked" from that role, I have no right to representation in the parliament of the country in which I was born, and so cannot challenge the lies put forward under cover of Parliamentary Privilege by the self proclaimed "arrogant arsehead".
Looking at it all objectively, his public announcement that he no longer intends to represent all of his constituents as he is required to do, could actually be considered to be his formal resignation from the post that he was appointed to at the last election, he certainly has resigned the post of MP to my house, therefore I wish to call a By-Election, in order to be represented in Parliament as is my right as a British citizen.
Who wants to stand for election by me?
Parliamentary Privilege is essentially a "get out of jail free" card, any MP can stand in the house and say whatever they damn well please without any legal consequences; if you are wondering why there were so many more accusations made against me in his Parliamentary diatribe that in the press, there's your answer. The press wouldn't be able to print any of his accusations, let alone represent them as facts in the way that he chose to, due to the fact that I could sue the arses off of them for defamation if they did, however under Parliamentary Privilege, Loughton can essentially lie with impunity without any retribution, and he thinks that this privilege should be somehow extended beyond the chamber, allowing him and other MPs to become above the laws of this country, just like that greasy Italian politician wanted.
I have only spoken to Loughton twice in the last 7 or so years, (my personal records stop around then), onse to ask him a question at his surgery in Southwick, in which he claimed to have some kind of MP super power which allowed him to not spend more than 3 minutes listening to a complex question with supporting evidence, which he didn't even glance at, and still understand everything I had to say, and he objects to being called "arrogant"? I was still trying to show him evidence when he opened the door and told me to leave, claiming that as I wasn't mentioned by name in the government bill, that it couldn't possibly affect me. He was indeed at that time as well as now, an arrogant arsehead. The other time was shortly before he wrote his abusive email, this time I approached my local tory gang during their Farmers Market (we call it the Middle Classed Zombie Apocalypse), I attempted to speak, and the leader of the council, a cab driver called Parkin, put his nose almost to mine and shouted in my face "Now look 'ere pal" in a manner more associated with the NF that the Tory party, I refused to be intimidated and said my piece while Loughton ignored me in order to speak to some young girls who seemed to be fawning over his air of superiority, either that or they were hypnotised by his eyebrows.
It does entertain me that Loughton is usually surrounded at these surgeries by teenage "Cameron youth" girlies, whilst he pretends to be cool, you know in the same way that a drunken old man embarrasses himself at a family party. They all seem to like to have their photos taken with him as well, I wonder if we'll see any of these pic's appearing in the press in 20 years or so, beneath scandalous headlines, in more tabloid half truth accusations.
I wrote to him twice in this period as well, both emails are available in this blog so that you can see that although I like to swear in my personal life, yes I f*cking love it, I do not extend this enjoyment outside of my personal life, unlike Loughton, who seems to think that it somehow makes him cool to swear and persecute people in order to appear edgy and exciting to his adoring idiot twitter fans.
His speech to the house was a pile of horse shit, and yes I can say that on my personal blog with impunity, however if I were to write to anyone in an official capacity I wouldn't use that term, and probably go with something a little more professional. Sadly as I appear to be the first member of the public ever to be "sacked" from that role, I have no right to representation in the parliament of the country in which I was born, and so cannot challenge the lies put forward under cover of Parliamentary Privilege by the self proclaimed "arrogant arsehead".
Looking at it all objectively, his public announcement that he no longer intends to represent all of his constituents as he is required to do, could actually be considered to be his formal resignation from the post that he was appointed to at the last election, he certainly has resigned the post of MP to my house, therefore I wish to call a By-Election, in order to be represented in Parliament as is my right as a British citizen.
Who wants to stand for election by me?
Friday, 15 March 2013
Loughton clearly loves travelling folk.
Yes, he certainly does. WOW, that was my first real lie posted on here.
Now despite his claims about not having a clue about my ethnicity/heritage/call it what you will, he should remember me actually telling him in person at the "street surgery", however he seems to have a twisted recollection of this and maybe his made up stuff pushed the truth straight out his other ear. There is always the possibility that as usual he didn't listen to a word said by a mere "sackable" member of the public.
Here's some of tim's great idea of how we should treat the travelling community (which we should remember are recognised as a ethnic or cultural group under the HRA):
Yes following "the recent incursions" yes "incursions" (def. an invasion or attack) he decided to gather together a selection of like minded Tory pals, and go and make some suggestions to the local police. What were his suggestions?
-Yes, if they have homes, they cannot be part of an ethnic group can they?
-All registration numbers should be checked despite no crimes being committed by the owners of these vehicles.
-A hotline, yes, if you see someone who looks like a traveller, be sure to call him and report them, even if they have committed no crime and are driving a legally registered, taxed and insured vehicle on a public road.
-Once on site, they should be held prisoner and not permitted to leave the site to work.
-When travellers arrive we should monitor their every move.
Yes, he really loves travelling folk, now swap the word "traveller" for any other protected ethnic or cultural group and see if you think that this should be viewed as acceptable material for an MP to be distributing on his website that you and I are funding.
Protection under the HRA doesn't worry Tim, he makes this clear as well:
Now despite his claims about not having a clue about my ethnicity/heritage/call it what you will, he should remember me actually telling him in person at the "street surgery", however he seems to have a twisted recollection of this and maybe his made up stuff pushed the truth straight out his other ear. There is always the possibility that as usual he didn't listen to a word said by a mere "sackable" member of the public.
Here's some of tim's great idea of how we should treat the travelling community (which we should remember are recognised as a ethnic or cultural group under the HRA):
Yes following "the recent incursions" yes "incursions" (def. an invasion or attack) he decided to gather together a selection of like minded Tory pals, and go and make some suggestions to the local police. What were his suggestions?
-Yes, if they have homes, they cannot be part of an ethnic group can they?
-All registration numbers should be checked despite no crimes being committed by the owners of these vehicles.
-A hotline, yes, if you see someone who looks like a traveller, be sure to call him and report them, even if they have committed no crime and are driving a legally registered, taxed and insured vehicle on a public road.
-Once on site, they should be held prisoner and not permitted to leave the site to work.
-When travellers arrive we should monitor their every move.
Yes, he really loves travelling folk, now swap the word "traveller" for any other protected ethnic or cultural group and see if you think that this should be viewed as acceptable material for an MP to be distributing on his website that you and I are funding.
Protection under the HRA doesn't worry Tim, he makes this clear as well:
Yes, he also wants the power to be able to seize their property and wants to bring in new laws to make the burden of proof required to convict travellers of crimes, lower than that applied to other ethnic or cultural groups.
Obviously it is difficult to radically alter established legal procedures and laws, but that doesn't bother Tim, he's looking for ways to sidestep them instead:
Yes, he wants to know how the ROI get around the HRA in order to adopt a "zero tolerance policy" that he appears jealous of and wants to impose here.
There is plenty more if you have a cursory glance of the web under "Tim Loughton Travellers", and this is the man that stood in Parliament and stated that he "personally resent(s) any suggestion that (he) is racist. Racism is an insidious cancer against which (he) has always fought", yet he generalises about an entire ethnic or cultural group without worrying what the law abiding majority of that group may find offensive.
And before believing that he is only referring to travellers staying on illegal sites in this area, you should be aware that there are no legally designated sites, and so not only is he targeting the entire travelling community but he is concentrating his hatred towards homeless members of it.
He's not alone in this I might add, all of the local Tories seem to be happy to pick up their pitchforks and join his "crusades" against myself and any other traveller who sticks their head above the parapet, and has the audacity to speak out against his intolerance.
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Oh the irony.
Yesterday in Parliament Tim Loughton was raging about me being a "serial complainer" and that complaints made by myself were numerous and therefore "vexatious", this apparently gave him the right to swear at me and be very insulting about my appearance.
I watch, with great amusement, the spiralling contradictions that seem to be unfurling in Loughton Land. So far, in the last fortnight, he has complained to his friends at the Daily Mail, after that, he went to the Chief Constable of Sussex Police, when he got no joy there, he went to the Police and Crime Commissioner (his mate Kate), we didn't get to hear the outcome of that one though, he then went to Parliament and stood in front of some sleeping MPs and complained about it on tele to the nation. He followed that up with some radio interviews and a couple more tabloids for good measure.
He now claims that he is going to make an official complaint to Sussex Police. According to his meter he is now clearly a vexatious serial complainer, and so Sussex Police should by rights follow his example and simply issue the official response, "Piss off smelly pants".
I watch, with great amusement, the spiralling contradictions that seem to be unfurling in Loughton Land. So far, in the last fortnight, he has complained to his friends at the Daily Mail, after that, he went to the Chief Constable of Sussex Police, when he got no joy there, he went to the Police and Crime Commissioner (his mate Kate), we didn't get to hear the outcome of that one though, he then went to Parliament and stood in front of some sleeping MPs and complained about it on tele to the nation. He followed that up with some radio interviews and a couple more tabloids for good measure.
He now claims that he is going to make an official complaint to Sussex Police. According to his meter he is now clearly a vexatious serial complainer, and so Sussex Police should by rights follow his example and simply issue the official response, "Piss off smelly pants".
Timmys little Parliamentary tantrum.
Well, have to say that it's pretty impressive to have a bunch of Tory scum talk complete crap about me for about half an hour, more impressive than that, is the way in which not one single truth was told throughout the entire tedious monologue debate.

I have to say, I haven't heard such petty minded venom since I was in a room full of drag queens vying for top billing. Apparently Loughton was afforded special dispensation to say the word "bollocks" on Parliament, and proceeded to use is as many times as possible like a precocious five year old.
Pretty much everything he said was completely untrue, from his claims that any complaint that I have made have all been deemed to be false, when in reality they are only ignored until they progress beyond the local Tory held boundaries, to the claim that I swore at a pregnant female secretary and made her cry. I heard a rumour that Loughton cried at a swearing female secretary and made her pregnant, but that's another story, a made up one, like his.
As for him being an arrogant lying racist arsehead, I see no evidence to the contrary, and as for me calling him an "effing Nazi" I didn't, but hey, if the schirmmutze fits.....
I do like his "more chips on his shoulder than McCains", I haven't heard that one sincethe 1980s Loughton's clothes were fashionable, Well better that than more skeletons in the closet than the Natural History Museum.
Aside from telling someone that I hope their nob falls off which clearly is a major cause of mental illness, I am supposed to have attended far-left rallies in Czech, which is wrong how exactly? and have displayed pictures with my "prized collection of over 300 edged weapons" not sure where that number came from, I've never counted but I'm pretty sure that I come way short of 300 historical artifacts of warfare from the late bronze age to the 1960s, some of which are very rare indeed and all are legally held and securely stored. He claims to be an archaeologist but seems to think that my collection should somehow be judged to be unacceptable in some way or other.
And as for my dinner party with Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot, he forgot to ask what was on the menu (evil villain laughter), Loughton is welcome to attend as well if he fancies, I'll hold a chair by for him if he likes.
Anyway, there is so much crap to correct in his stupid debate, I'll have to continue later........
Until then

I have to say, I haven't heard such petty minded venom since I was in a room full of drag queens vying for top billing. Apparently Loughton was afforded special dispensation to say the word "bollocks" on Parliament, and proceeded to use is as many times as possible like a precocious five year old.
Pretty much everything he said was completely untrue, from his claims that any complaint that I have made have all been deemed to be false, when in reality they are only ignored until they progress beyond the local Tory held boundaries, to the claim that I swore at a pregnant female secretary and made her cry. I heard a rumour that Loughton cried at a swearing female secretary and made her pregnant, but that's another story, a made up one, like his.
As for him being an arrogant lying racist arsehead, I see no evidence to the contrary, and as for me calling him an "effing Nazi" I didn't, but hey, if the schirmmutze fits.....
I do like his "more chips on his shoulder than McCains", I haven't heard that one since
Aside from telling someone that I hope their nob falls off which clearly is a major cause of mental illness, I am supposed to have attended far-left rallies in Czech, which is wrong how exactly? and have displayed pictures with my "prized collection of over 300 edged weapons" not sure where that number came from, I've never counted but I'm pretty sure that I come way short of 300 historical artifacts of warfare from the late bronze age to the 1960s, some of which are very rare indeed and all are legally held and securely stored. He claims to be an archaeologist but seems to think that my collection should somehow be judged to be unacceptable in some way or other.
And as for my dinner party with Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot, he forgot to ask what was on the menu (evil villain laughter), Loughton is welcome to attend as well if he fancies, I'll hold a chair by for him if he likes.
Anyway, there is so much crap to correct in his stupid debate, I'll have to continue later........
Until then
Well, according to Loughton's farcical rant in Parliament yesterday, it appears that he is claiming that Kevin Davis was now "suffering mental health problems" because I apparently said that it would be funny if his knob dropped off. Really?
I understand mental health conditions somewhat, and I have seen no evidence that telling someone that their penis should fall off, could in any way be the cause of any recognised mental health condition. If Mr Loughton knows otherwise, then I'm sure that the NIMH would love to see his evidence.
But Parliamentary privilege means that he needs no evidence, he needs no facts of any kind, he doesn't even need to be telling the truth, he can just stand up and spew whatever "bollocks" he chooses to.
Hurrah for democracy.
I will answer all of his lies later when I have more time available.
I understand mental health conditions somewhat, and I have seen no evidence that telling someone that their penis should fall off, could in any way be the cause of any recognised mental health condition. If Mr Loughton knows otherwise, then I'm sure that the NIMH would love to see his evidence.
But Parliamentary privilege means that he needs no evidence, he needs no facts of any kind, he doesn't even need to be telling the truth, he can just stand up and spew whatever "bollocks" he chooses to.
Hurrah for democracy.
I will answer all of his lies later when I have more time available.
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Open letter to idiots who believe the lies printed in the Daily Scum.
Malicious communications is not, and can never be construed as "racism". The fact that Tim Loughton himself provided the entirety of this "story" himself, just shows that this cannot be trusted. People who claim to not want to be controlled taking a story concocted by a Tory and publicised by the mail, realy should take a good look at themselves.
The fact is that after 2 years of abuse from the local tory council, I wrote a polite email to my MP and received a tirade of abuse and swearing in reply. Who should I ask for help when I have no rights? I asked the police, who knew that what was going on was wrong, they questioned him under the Malicious communications act, which can not be racially motivated, as a traveller I was also offended at the abusive rhetoric distributed by all of our local tories, all freely available on loughton's website, and believed that the abuse from the local council was as a result of myself expressing that I felt that claims that we need to "fortify Adur against traveller incursions" were unacceptable, which they are.
Following my raising of these issues, a council inspection was carried out on my family's allotment when we were not present, claimed that we had been using human faeces on our compost heap, this DID NOT happen, no environmental investigation was carried out and our allotment levelled and everything taken away by the council before we had any chance to prove that their claims were lies.
I was then attacked by the council's allotment manager, in an unprovoked assault, whilst shopping and when the store reported this to the police, he was arrested. The council did not like this and the abuse stepped up.
Myself and my family have never used offensive language towards local councillors or Loughton, but Loughton decided to send a very offensive response which included swear words, which is clearly an unacceptable response from parliament to a question asked politely.
Following this investigation, Loughton has claimed victim status and exploited his position to distribute a very twisted version of events through the media, and has also further abused his position to gain contact with the chief Constable, and the commissioner, who he chose for the candidacy in the first place in order to halt the investigation.
The reason that this investigation took so long was because he chose to involve senior officers to look at why he was questioned for being supportive of a 2 year hate campaign against an innocent family, and the police decided that his sweary and insulting email sent in response to a polite request for justice was malicious, which it clearly was. that's malicious, not racist, however the fact that he chooses to be outraged by being accused of being racist clearly shows that he has issues regarding this angle of his "narcissistic" personality.
It also turns out that his response, as well as rude and offensive, was also wrong, as the ICO decided that the council HAD breached the DPA.
If you believe the lies that you read in the Mail then you are just as stupid as the people who vote for the likes of Loughton, and I hope that one day, you write to your elected representative in Parliament and receive no answers to your question but a tirade of sweary abuse. Then you'll know what it's like, and then I will accept your views.
If you know nothing, say nothing.
The fact is that after 2 years of abuse from the local tory council, I wrote a polite email to my MP and received a tirade of abuse and swearing in reply. Who should I ask for help when I have no rights? I asked the police, who knew that what was going on was wrong, they questioned him under the Malicious communications act, which can not be racially motivated, as a traveller I was also offended at the abusive rhetoric distributed by all of our local tories, all freely available on loughton's website, and believed that the abuse from the local council was as a result of myself expressing that I felt that claims that we need to "fortify Adur against traveller incursions" were unacceptable, which they are.
Following my raising of these issues, a council inspection was carried out on my family's allotment when we were not present, claimed that we had been using human faeces on our compost heap, this DID NOT happen, no environmental investigation was carried out and our allotment levelled and everything taken away by the council before we had any chance to prove that their claims were lies.
I was then attacked by the council's allotment manager, in an unprovoked assault, whilst shopping and when the store reported this to the police, he was arrested. The council did not like this and the abuse stepped up.
Myself and my family have never used offensive language towards local councillors or Loughton, but Loughton decided to send a very offensive response which included swear words, which is clearly an unacceptable response from parliament to a question asked politely.
Following this investigation, Loughton has claimed victim status and exploited his position to distribute a very twisted version of events through the media, and has also further abused his position to gain contact with the chief Constable, and the commissioner, who he chose for the candidacy in the first place in order to halt the investigation.
The reason that this investigation took so long was because he chose to involve senior officers to look at why he was questioned for being supportive of a 2 year hate campaign against an innocent family, and the police decided that his sweary and insulting email sent in response to a polite request for justice was malicious, which it clearly was. that's malicious, not racist, however the fact that he chooses to be outraged by being accused of being racist clearly shows that he has issues regarding this angle of his "narcissistic" personality.
It also turns out that his response, as well as rude and offensive, was also wrong, as the ICO decided that the council HAD breached the DPA.
If you believe the lies that you read in the Mail then you are just as stupid as the people who vote for the likes of Loughton, and I hope that one day, you write to your elected representative in Parliament and receive no answers to your question but a tirade of sweary abuse. Then you'll know what it's like, and then I will accept your views.
If you know nothing, say nothing.
Friday, 8 March 2013
If you enjoyed "Tea with Mussolini"
You're gonna love "Lunch with Loughton"
Who on earth would want their meal interrupted with fascist propaganda?
Anybody fancy a "Finger Buffet with Franco"?

Anybody fancy a "Finger Buffet with Franco"?
Local rag or tabloid slag?
Well, the Herald has done it's best to misrepresent the truth in order to support it's bread and butter story whore, Tim Loughton again. If they're ever stuck for something to fill the paper when there's no real news they go to The Lought and he can appear in a lovely story that he made up specially for them. This week is no different.
It should say "for full story, go somewhere else, we're only interested in supporting the Tory junta"
Where do we begin with this one? Well, I tried to ask the hack responsible for this rubbish but was told that he would make no comment and to await a call from his editor, some bloke called Colin something or other, I can't say I took much notice. The call came, and I was informed that this story had come directly from and was intended to reflect the thoughts and feelings of, Tim Loughton. It appears that the truth wasn't the driving force here, but self publicity from Timmy Tim. He also claimed that the language used by Lought was similar to the language in the email that I sent him.
I asked if he had seen the correspondence that I sent, but he claimed that seeing a screen capture of it on here was not reliable, but claimed that as the MP had said that it was offensive, he had no reason to doubt it. So the truth is clearly the same as the other press coverage, by that I mean, Loughton contacted the press claiming that he had been investigated for a whole 90 minutes for saying "unkempt", but it was OK because he said it to someone who sent him an offensive email, he forgot to provide the actual emails in question, but could obviously be relied on to tell the truth. You'd think that journo's had never met MPs before.
They really don't want to tell the truth do they? A balanced view of the story was researched by simply taking a call from Loughton, listening to his "poisonous bollocks" and then printing it, in all of it's misrepresented glory.
But it's OK, there's plenty of gullible idiot loughton supporters out there who are happy to believe that just because it has been alleged in a tabloid that it somehow passes into fact, despite not being even remotely true, apart from in their stereotypical bigoted world, most of them are not fit to be breathing the same air as the rest of us, like this waste of skin:
It should say "for full story, go somewhere else, we're only interested in supporting the Tory junta"
Where do we begin with this one? Well, I tried to ask the hack responsible for this rubbish but was told that he would make no comment and to await a call from his editor, some bloke called Colin something or other, I can't say I took much notice. The call came, and I was informed that this story had come directly from and was intended to reflect the thoughts and feelings of, Tim Loughton. It appears that the truth wasn't the driving force here, but self publicity from Timmy Tim. He also claimed that the language used by Lought was similar to the language in the email that I sent him.
I asked if he had seen the correspondence that I sent, but he claimed that seeing a screen capture of it on here was not reliable, but claimed that as the MP had said that it was offensive, he had no reason to doubt it. So the truth is clearly the same as the other press coverage, by that I mean, Loughton contacted the press claiming that he had been investigated for a whole 90 minutes for saying "unkempt", but it was OK because he said it to someone who sent him an offensive email, he forgot to provide the actual emails in question, but could obviously be relied on to tell the truth. You'd think that journo's had never met MPs before.
They really don't want to tell the truth do they? A balanced view of the story was researched by simply taking a call from Loughton, listening to his "poisonous bollocks" and then printing it, in all of it's misrepresented glory.
But it's OK, there's plenty of gullible idiot loughton supporters out there who are happy to believe that just because it has been alleged in a tabloid that it somehow passes into fact, despite not being even remotely true, apart from in their stereotypical bigoted world, most of them are not fit to be breathing the same air as the rest of us, like this waste of skin:
I wonder if she'd like to know what I'd like to call her?
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Want to see some more Loughton Correspondence?
Well, you're going to anyway.
The year before last my then 11 year old stepson wrote to Loughton about the council taking his allotment from him. He was as polite and courteous in his letter, however when he received a response from a secretary, he asked if he could get a response from the then children's minister and not one of his "underlings".
Now we are talking about a kid here, his use of the word "underling" did not have the connotations attached that an adult would perceive, but simply an 11 year old, trying out some new bigger words.
He received this in response:
Loughton was then asked why he hadn't answered the question and if he was children's minister why was he ignoring a child, especially one with disabilities? I obviously don't want to distribute kids letters with personal thoughts included.
The year before last my then 11 year old stepson wrote to Loughton about the council taking his allotment from him. He was as polite and courteous in his letter, however when he received a response from a secretary, he asked if he could get a response from the then children's minister and not one of his "underlings".
Now we are talking about a kid here, his use of the word "underling" did not have the connotations attached that an adult would perceive, but simply an 11 year old, trying out some new bigger words.
He received this in response:
I have redacted anything that would identify the child concerned.

When I returned home and was shown these responses to a child from the childrens minister I was obviously a little unhappy to say the least.
So I called Loughton's office and asked if I could speak to him, I was told that I would receive a call back, this never happened, so I called again, and was told that I would not be receiving a response to any of the questions asked and when I asked if I could make an appointment at the next surgery, I was told that I wasn't allowed. That's democracy for you, apparently I upset his staff the last time I attended his surgery, even though there were no staff there, and I hadn't attended a surgery for more than 5 years, and on that one and only occasion I simply walked out while he was speaking as I had become bored with his standard non committal answers and sidestepping, I said very little, anyone who has met Loughton will know full well that you actually get to say hardly a word and he goes off on what appears to be a well rehearsed standard answer. In both situations I said no naughty words, and even pretended to respect his authoritaaah.
So I wrote to him expressing that I did not appreciate him reprimanding me to my stepson and involving a child in what appeared to be his dislike for me. I wrote this:
Now you can see all the rude words that he claims that I use, and that he was merely responding in the manner that I communicate with him, I didn't say bollocks even once. As there was a reporter interested in the allotment story from the eyes of a child, I copied them in on my email, this is the response.
Now a lot of this came as a bit of a surprise to me, considering that I was in a different town when the email was sent by the youngling. The self righteous idiot decides to claim that our parenting style is unacceptable, and worse than that would not accept that an 11 year old could possibly think for himself, and decide to write to his MP who just happened to be the minister for children and supporter of childrens charities and the Heart Foundation.
I have no ideas what he is imagining happening when I spoke to him or his staff, but judging by the clear hatred he harbours, if I had actually done any of these things, he would not have hesitated try and have me arrested for some kind of public order offence. The fact that these things did not happen doesn't seem to worry Little Timbo, he'll rant on about them anyway.
What is absolutely hilarious, is his claim that he does not enter into correspondence through the media, when he was pretty quick in getting on to the Tory filth rags to misrepresent the facts in order to portray myself as the offensive communicator and him as the victim.
Now you can see the last 7 years or so correspondence between myself and Loughton in full, yes that's it, there is no more. You can now make judgement on who exactly should be viewed as the aggressive emailer. I accept that my emails were quite firm and clearly not the work of a happy bunny, but to claim that his email in some way mimicked my style of writing is more offensive than his email itself, not to mention complete "bollocks" to use the kind of language favoured by Tim Loughton.
Have fun y'all
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
He was quoting me apparently.
As we all know from the ever honest Daily Mail, Tim Loughton claims that the abusive language that he wrote to myself, was merely the language that I had used toward him.
This is his justification for swearing, making very abusive statements and generally behaving like a spoilt five year old. Now strangely both he, and the media forgot to include the email that supposedly gave him the divine right to "retaliate".
Would you like to see this obscene, abusive, and whatever other sensationalist adjective that these idiots choose to attach, document in all it's evil, unpleasant glory?
No? Well you're gonna see it anyway, I apologise if it ruins your belief in the faultless media and honest politicians who act with integrity.
I hope that you can now see exactly the abusive nature of this correspondence, whichhe claims clearly warranted his childish outburst in response, and why he claims that his tantrums following his questioning by the police for supposedly using the same "offensive vernacular" as this email, were completely justified.
So bear in mind that the defence that he offered was that he was responding to me in the manner that I communicated with him and so it was not offensive in any way, now that you've seen it in it's full unedited glory, you can decide whether you would accept a sweary insulting response without challenge.
Bear in mind that this blog, which is offensive to Loughton and his supporters intentionally, was not in operation when he wrote to me, when you judge me as the problem and not Loughton and his distribution of disinformation in order to claim innocence. Makes you wonder why he waited until he got the charges dropped before he went public with his disgust. He clearly knew that he was in the wrong and that he should be found guilty, but wanted to ensure his "innocence" before being mortally offended by the investigation.
He was sacked as "minister for middle classed, anglo-saxon children" the week after Parliament were made aware of the investigation and provided with a copy of my email to him and his clearly offensive response. I wouldn't dream of connecting the two facts myself, but you can decide whether this was merely a coincidence.
Forget about the bogey man, the right wing fascist rags are out there.
This is his justification for swearing, making very abusive statements and generally behaving like a spoilt five year old. Now strangely both he, and the media forgot to include the email that supposedly gave him the divine right to "retaliate".
Would you like to see this obscene, abusive, and whatever other sensationalist adjective that these idiots choose to attach, document in all it's evil, unpleasant glory?
No? Well you're gonna see it anyway, I apologise if it ruins your belief in the faultless media and honest politicians who act with integrity.
You may need to click and save and zoom or some other magic computer trickery in order to read it clearly.
I hope that you can now see exactly the abusive nature of this correspondence, whichhe claims clearly warranted his childish outburst in response, and why he claims that his tantrums following his questioning by the police for supposedly using the same "offensive vernacular" as this email, were completely justified.
So bear in mind that the defence that he offered was that he was responding to me in the manner that I communicated with him and so it was not offensive in any way, now that you've seen it in it's full unedited glory, you can decide whether you would accept a sweary insulting response without challenge.
Bear in mind that this blog, which is offensive to Loughton and his supporters intentionally, was not in operation when he wrote to me, when you judge me as the problem and not Loughton and his distribution of disinformation in order to claim innocence. Makes you wonder why he waited until he got the charges dropped before he went public with his disgust. He clearly knew that he was in the wrong and that he should be found guilty, but wanted to ensure his "innocence" before being mortally offended by the investigation.
He was sacked as "minister for middle classed, anglo-saxon children" the week after Parliament were made aware of the investigation and provided with a copy of my email to him and his clearly offensive response. I wouldn't dream of connecting the two facts myself, but you can decide whether this was merely a coincidence.
Forget about the bogey man, the right wing fascist rags are out there.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Spot The Difference.
Here's a little puzzle for you. See if you can spot all the differences between these two almost identical photos.
Did you spot the difference?
Scroll down for the answer........
The one at the bottom has yellow spots on his tie, otherwise I'm pretty sure that they're identical.
Richard Littlejohn

Well as he has made a living being an arse for quite a while one should only expect to be offended by his pathetic, childish, fascistic views.
Views fully supported by the filthy rag that buys his jackboots for him. Who claim that he is entitled to be as abusive as he likes in order to support Tory filth like Loughton.
I really shouldn't be surprised that I am offended by this feeble excuse for a human being, after all, he stands for everything putrid in this country, but when these bastards write stuff about you personally that you know is flawed in every way and is based on nothing more than preconceived discriminatory views held by morons and enjoyed by cretins, it does get to you a bit.
I now know all about Littledick now, it's on the internet so it must be true:
Who's a little fibber then?
Yep, you guessed it:
It's Timmy Boy.
When The Glorious Lought told the nation that he was so outraged at being treated like a normal criminal rather than a really posh one, he claimed that he would be arranging to speak with the Chief Constable to get an explanation.
Seems like this wasn't exactly the truth now was it Tim? You have regular briefings with the CC and there just happened to be one booked in for yesterday. These briefings are supposed to be part of his role as MP and not for any personal issues that he may want to discus, but despite this Tim exploited his position in order to put his personal matters ahead of his official role. Very professional there, but what did you expect.
He also claimed that he had arranged a meeting with the Commissioner to get an explanation or apology or whatever he claims he is owed. Again not quite true, I approached the office of Commissioner Gordon and requested that if Loughton gets to have a meeting to discuss his views, then I should be afforded the same.
They told me yesterday that there was no meeting with Loughton planned, however today they informed me that it appears that his regular debriefing session was booked in, and again this is not supposed to be used for any personal matters but for his responsibility as an MP. So in reality, what Loughton should say, is that he is planning on further exploiting his position in order to further his own agenda, and appear to the public via the tabloid scum, as if he can click his fingers and the police jump. Very naughty!
Unfortunately my plan backfired (could be fortunate, I'll tell you afterwards) and Commissioner Gordon agreed to a meeting with myself; on the condition that she could bring her solicitor. Upping the ante, I agreed, but only if I could bring a clown.
I'm not sure if they thought that I was serious or not, but they didn't raise me any further so maybe they're trying to call my bluff. Anyone know any clowns available to come with me?
It's Timmy Boy.
![]() |
Dame Edna Loughton |
Seems like this wasn't exactly the truth now was it Tim? You have regular briefings with the CC and there just happened to be one booked in for yesterday. These briefings are supposed to be part of his role as MP and not for any personal issues that he may want to discus, but despite this Tim exploited his position in order to put his personal matters ahead of his official role. Very professional there, but what did you expect.
He also claimed that he had arranged a meeting with the Commissioner to get an explanation or apology or whatever he claims he is owed. Again not quite true, I approached the office of Commissioner Gordon and requested that if Loughton gets to have a meeting to discuss his views, then I should be afforded the same.
They told me yesterday that there was no meeting with Loughton planned, however today they informed me that it appears that his regular debriefing session was booked in, and again this is not supposed to be used for any personal matters but for his responsibility as an MP. So in reality, what Loughton should say, is that he is planning on further exploiting his position in order to further his own agenda, and appear to the public via the tabloid scum, as if he can click his fingers and the police jump. Very naughty!
Unfortunately my plan backfired (could be fortunate, I'll tell you afterwards) and Commissioner Gordon agreed to a meeting with myself; on the condition that she could bring her solicitor. Upping the ante, I agreed, but only if I could bring a clown.
I'm not sure if they thought that I was serious or not, but they didn't raise me any further so maybe they're trying to call my bluff. Anyone know any clowns available to come with me?
Dear Daily Mail,
How about you have some sushi on me.....
This idiot appears to make a living out of making unpleasant and abusive statements about people who he has never met, he comments on matters that he hasn't the slightest clue about and he seems to think that abusing people that he has never met is somehow really big and clever.
Richard Littlejohn, let's break that name down shall we, Dick Little Toilet, strangely appropriate somehow, a vile little bog trog with morals lower than a snake's bollocks.

Well, Les Dennis called from the 1980's and he wants his hair back you Dick, I'm sure that you and Loughton had a lovely little chat about how you both aren't racists at all, well we all know that the ones who protest about not being something are usually covering up a deep seated internal struggle, seems that you're both not homophobes too. You're clearly both black lesbian communists trapped in the bodies of middle classed hateful fascist bigots.
I'd like to invite Dick to come and stand in front of me and make the same comments in person that he writes from behind his cosy little desk, I won't write anything that I wouldn't say to someones face, but these jumped up little Tories just don't have the bollocks. Well Dick, you're a pathetic excuse for a man, please feel free to come and ask me to tell you this to your ugly wrinkly face, I will gladly oblige.
Have fun
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