Sunday 24 March 2013

Tim Loughton is apparently not a racist or abusive.

Well, to use his favourite word; that's "bollocks" isn't it Timmy.

Look what he wrote to his pal Guido Fawkes, who unlike the real one hasn't even half heartedly attempted to blow Parliament sky high.

Yes, look likes our Timmy is finally showing his true light, I did however censor his words as not to cause any offence, I know that Loughton would approve as he thinks that we should get rid of everything "PC" so that's exactly what I did, remove his P and C.

I'd like to remove something else of his, but I wouldn't want him to have to suffer mental health problems as a result of me saying that I hoped that something might drop off. As we all know after listening to Loughton's Parliamentary ranting, this is a major cause of mental illness that has been completely ignored by every psychiatric professional in the world, maybe Loughton would support a research funding proposal into how Freud failed to fully investigate the effects of saying that you hope someones nob drops off, in relation to his "penis envy" theory.