Sounds like quite a lot of money, despite the fact that the headline is actually "bollocks" and he was actually investigated under the Malicious communications act, which does not take into account any racially aggravated elements, either way, the cost is apparently £100k.
then you read further down and find this,

Now one would wonder how they came up with that figure if there was no information released by the police regarding this, well not officially anyway. This is just another hole in this "so called" journalism, clearly designed to appeal to the tory blind, who just see any allegation of racism as a waste of time and money, be it an official costing or one provided to them by Loughton after his lunch with the Commissioner or his numerous recent conversations with the Chief Constable.
Here's the big question; if he was so "horrified" then why didn't he go to the tory rags 6 months ago when this happened? Could it possibly be that he knew that he was wrong and wanted to ensure that the case was dropped before anyone found out that he had sent abusive emails in response to a polite question.

I shouldn't be surprised that I am offended by the Daily Fail, it's hardly a shock to know for a fact that what they have written is complete bollocks, but the fact that they so blatantly miss simple errors in their story and are only bothered to try and paint myself and people like me as bad people and MPs as good people even though anyone with half a brain knows that the real liars are the criminals who sit in Parliament, any honest person's conscience would prevent them from becoming an MP.
Loughton hides behind his little coterie of thugs, I hide behind no one, and if I told even one percent of the lies that he does I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
The Fail also forgot to mention the death threats sent to myself and my family since the outset of this investigation, but that would spoil the claim that it was me that was the nasty person and not the true villain, and with those Dr Evil eyebrows, there is little doubt who lives inside a hollowed out volcano.
Sleep well, Loughton doesn't, a guilty conscience has that effect.