Wednesday 27 March 2013

What the idiot tabloid scum forgot to tell you.

Well, a brief update, I will go into details and provide evidence later on, but one of the more important things that The Daily Twat, didn't tell the public was this:

During the police investigation into Loughton, myself and my family received death threats through the post. These threats made it clear that myself and my family's lives would be in danger if I provided any further statements. There were 6 or 7 in all, and came in the form of letters, Xmas cards (which wasopened by my step son), and funerary tributes.

If you think that this kind of behaviour is acceptable, then keep voting for Loughton and the local Tory party. Myself, I think that scum who threaten kids lives, should be removed from society, not given the responsibility to lead it. That's just my opinion though, if you think that threatening to kill people's kids is cool, then keep supporting the local Tories, and I'll just view you with the same comtempt as I do, them.

When you consider that all of the media coverage does not contain a single word spoken by myself, despite their claims, you will begin to understand how things really work. Don't forget that in Loughton's parliamentary Bollockfest, he actually stated that he, personally, had "secured" the media coverage. It should hav had a footnote attached "This is a party political broadcast on behalf of the Tory Party".