It's nice that he as the person investigated for a crime, that crime was Malicious Communication which is not considered a hate crime and so there is absolutely no way that the investigation was in any way a "racism probe", can arrange to have a nice little cosy chat with the Chief Cunstable. I wonder if this is available to all people investigated for criminal offences or if it's only available to narcissistic MPs who want to publicise the claim that they aren't racist (even if they are) and expect an apology for the case collapsing.
He wasn't shouting when he was hauled in, he waited until he got away with it before shouting it from the rooftops, wonder why? Clearly he did have his doubts about getting away with it, probably because he knew that he was guilty.

Clearly Loughton thinks that the Italians have the right idea by making sure that politicians shouldn't be investigated for crimes that they may commit. This is clearly a stupid idea as we all know that politicians commit crimes too.
Seems strange that he's banging on about it being an investigation into racism, when the crime being investigated did not have a racial element, methinks that he doth protest too much, one could be led into thinking that the only reason that he is claiming that it is so totally unjust that anyone dare accuse him of racism, is because he is, and that this was his intention all along, which I personally have no doubt that it was.
The only reason that this could be considered a waste of money and resources is because he got away with it, and the fact that he is going all out to get his twitter minions to support him just shows what an insignificant little man he really is.
In short, I truly believe that Loughton is a racist, however he was not investigated for this despite his claims that he was. If it was an investigation into racism then they would have nailed him for it.
And his claims that this blog was the reason for his abuse is clearly Bollocks, as when he wrote his abusive email there was no blog.
And anyone who thinks that it is acceptable to call any member of the travelling community "unkempt", "dishevelled" and "rough", I'll issue oyu a little challenge, next time you pass a traveller site, pop in and tell them that these words describe them appropriately, go on I dare you, I'm sure that you'll get a pretty clear idea of how offensive this is, quite swiftly. Please don't actually do this, because unlike myself a lot of the travelling community don't trust the police to actually take action against this kind of abuse, some might say that they have a good point.
Good luck.