Tuesday 5 March 2013

Richard Littlejohn

is entitled to his views apparently, no matter how disgusting they are or how offensive he chooses to be. His legal advisor makes this perfectly clear.

 Well as he has made a living being an arse for quite a while one should only expect to be offended by his pathetic, childish, fascistic views.

Views fully supported by the filthy rag that buys his jackboots for him. Who claim that he is entitled to be as abusive as he likes in order to support Tory filth like Loughton.

I really shouldn't be surprised that I am offended by this feeble excuse for a human being, after all, he stands for everything putrid in this country, but when these bastards write stuff about you personally that you know is flawed in every way and is based on nothing more than preconceived discriminatory views held by morons and enjoyed by cretins, it does get to you a bit.

I now know all about Littledick now, it's on the internet so it must be true:
