I have to say, I haven't heard such petty minded venom since I was in a room full of drag queens vying for top billing. Apparently Loughton was afforded special dispensation to say the word "bollocks" on Parliament, and proceeded to use is as many times as possible like a precocious five year old.
Pretty much everything he said was completely untrue, from his claims that any complaint that I have made have all been deemed to be false, when in reality they are only ignored until they progress beyond the local Tory held boundaries, to the claim that I swore at a pregnant female secretary and made her cry. I heard a rumour that Loughton cried at a swearing female secretary and made her pregnant, but that's another story, a made up one, like his.
As for him being an arrogant lying racist arsehead, I see no evidence to the contrary, and as for me calling him an "effing Nazi" I didn't, but hey, if the schirmmutze fits.....
I do like his "more chips on his shoulder than McCains", I haven't heard that one since
Aside from telling someone that I hope their nob falls off which clearly is a major cause of mental illness, I am supposed to have attended far-left rallies in Czech, which is wrong how exactly? and have displayed pictures with my "prized collection of over 300 edged weapons" not sure where that number came from, I've never counted but I'm pretty sure that I come way short of 300 historical artifacts of warfare from the late bronze age to the 1960s, some of which are very rare indeed and all are legally held and securely stored. He claims to be an archaeologist but seems to think that my collection should somehow be judged to be unacceptable in some way or other.
And as for my dinner party with Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot, he forgot to ask what was on the menu (evil villain laughter), Loughton is welcome to attend as well if he fancies, I'll hold a chair by for him if he likes.
Anyway, there is so much crap to correct in his stupid debate, I'll have to continue later........
Until then