Some years on, and there is another horrendous organisation whose membership seems to be sourced from the remnants of the Monday Club and other far right Tory Party types. Welcome to the views and opinions of "The Traditional Britain Group".
This is what they believe in:

As you can see, these are a clearly unpleasant gang of Tories, I don't think that I really need to comment on any of these outdated, imperialist, racist, homophobic, and all round extremist ideas, but considering that membership of this organisation is not denounced by the Tory Party, we can only assume that as they don't appear to have a problem with it, and are happy for their party members to hold these ideas, that they must support the Traditional Britain Group and at least share some, if not all, of it's ideals.
It shouldn't really be a surprise that the Tory Party is full of bigots, but you wouldn't think that they'd want to shout about it.
Yes, our Tory MPs mix with these people and clearly don't feel the need to distance themselves from these fascist fossils and their misplaced superiority.
I am a little confused by the claim that Europe should be viewed as the enemy and we should prevent their involvement in "Britain", as this should be under the control of our Germanic Royal family, and various descendants of other German and French royal houses.
The Tories are about division and colonialism, no matter what they try and tell us, always have been, always will.