Thursday 14 March 2013

Oh the irony.

Yesterday in Parliament Tim Loughton was raging about me being a "serial complainer" and that complaints made by myself were numerous and therefore "vexatious", this apparently gave him the right to swear at me and be very insulting about my appearance.

I watch, with great amusement,  the spiralling contradictions that seem to be unfurling in Loughton Land. So far, in the last fortnight, he has complained to his friends at the Daily Mail, after that, he went to the Chief Constable of Sussex Police, when he got no joy there, he went to the Police and Crime Commissioner (his mate Kate), we didn't get to hear the outcome of that one though, he then went to Parliament and stood in front of some sleeping MPs and complained about it on tele to the nation. He followed that up with some radio interviews and a couple more tabloids for good measure.

He now claims that he is going to make an official complaint to Sussex Police. According to his meter he is now clearly a vexatious serial complainer, and so Sussex Police should by rights follow his example and simply issue the official response,  "Piss off smelly pants".