Well, here we are approaching the second anniversary of ADC staff member Jeremy (Pigface) Sergeant deciding that the best way to get himself out of the shit after being nicked was to make up a pathetic little story about me supposedly assaulting him. Now obviously as this didn't happen n the real world and only in the tiny mind of an ADC allotment monkey and his ignorant colleagues, intent on anything necessary to pervert the course of justice, I should not have been placed on this pathetic blacklist in the first place.
I did attempt to write to my MP about this injustice but his response is clearly recorded:
Obviously following the response from the arrogant arsehead, I managed to successfully challenge this list in all but one part. That may be good enough for some but a partial victory is still a failure in my book, however I did not have the money to challenge this legally in order to remove the last dregs of the bullshit, so I had to accept a fail on this one.
However, the 1st of August is the date that I will be removed from the blacklist, and as I have committed no crimes in the time that it has been distributed by these w*nkers that I have, they clearly have no justification to place me on their blacklist for another year. This doesn't necessarily mean that they won't try.
Obviously there have been a few problems with old Timbolina in the last year, but as he repeatedly states to anyone asking questions about ADC, they are nothing to do with him and he has no authority over them. So clearly there will be no likelihood of his pathetic accusations showing up on it, yeah right, these idiots will try and use anything to persecute us, and that includes any number of lies, perjury, and even witness intimidation. And central government are devolving more and more power to these arses? We are truly in the end times.
There is the possibility that they may claim that anything reported by the corrupt councillors of Adur can be placed on this blacklist, however the policy clearly states that it only relates to employees of ADC, and as councillors cannot be employees of ADC so in theory you could call them any name under the sun, and smash their ugly little inbred faces in and this would not allow you to be included on the blacklist, unless you were successfully prosecuted and the police distributed a formal notice for inclusion on the blacklist, but that is pretty unlikely as they didn't even do this for the 3 time octogenarian murderer who was vice chair of one of their residents group and member of the local Southwick Neighbourhood Watch Alliance. If killing grannies in their beds doesn't get you on the blacklist surely calling someone a name they don't like is never going to get you on there.
I guess it all revolves around how many stories the ADC idiots want to make up and as I am not permitted to make any representation to the closed, unminuted tribunal there is little chance of challenging them if they do.
If they do choose to place me on their blacklist for another year, then I will have no choice but to operate this blog for another year, and challenge and expose them for the vile corrupt bunch of thugs that they really are.
Either way's good for me......
This is Adur Calling...... Covering the East Worthing and Shoreham Parliamentary constituency and the behaviour of its official representatives.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Cowards one and all........

After last years experience with Sussex Police and the abusive email from my MP Tim Loughton, which is well covered here, which was reported to the police on the advice of a well known advice service, I feel that I have a bit of experience on these matters.
Well, you might think that, but I still in the dark as to how "whinging poisonous bollocks", "dishevelled", "rough" and yes "unkempt" are considered not offensive and somehow "coward" is. Maybe I should have some empathy for Mike Weatherley as he is getting the same tabloid abuse routine that I did, however I don't feel sorry for the Tory scumbag one little bit. The reason being, that I am currently, and have been since March, on the receiving end of a similar complaint by Tim Loughton, who also seems to think that Sussex Police are a better option than costly civil proceedings.
It would be nice to have a chat with the poor fella on the receiving end of Weatherley's abuse, if only to tell him that he's not alone. I wonder if he had his home turned upside down and got beaten unconscious in revenge for his minor rudeness to a Tory, because I f*cking well did. I also was locked in a cell for many hours, and not a soul was informed of my being there, was refused access to medical treatment, and to top it off the local Tory Scum were having a field day posting this all over their arsebook and twatter pages. Yes, if you think that being prosecuted for calling Weatherley a coward is stupid, you're going to love what I have to tell you about Loughton.
Loughton has been protesting to the police since the day he was questioned last year, that I needed to be arrested and punished for daring to follow the advice given to me and making a police statement, and by his very public shaming of Sussex Police and his numerous (well publicised) personal meetings with the Chief Constable and his mate the Commissioner (who can sack the CC if he doesn't do what he is told), he has ensured that they can dish out his revenge for him, whilst I am repeatedly told that his parliamentary rant full of personal abuse and lies and his sending the daily filth round to my home are not in the slightest bit harassment. The slimy tw@ now even wants to claim that I'm stalking him, when clearly his diatribe in parliament didn't contain a bunch of half truths didn't take substantial digging into my personal life to prepare. Believe me, if I was to choose to stalk someone, a lowlife no mark like Loughton would be way down the list, if even on the list in the first place. The only reason that I can see that he doesn't want anyone to know about his personal life would be if there was some dark dirty secret hidden in there somewhere that he is scared will get out. Did the police arrest the Filthy Hack who chased me to the shops and hid outside my home for stalking, no of course they f*cking didn't, because I'm not an MP, could Loughton be arrested for causing distress to myself and my family by sending round his heavies to have a go, or when his mates started the campaign of threats towards myself and my family, of course they didn't, I'm not an MP, but if someone calls an MP a coward, or asks a polite question about them being a lying b*stard, then it's "down the nick with you sonny boy" time. Afew years ago I had an element of faith in the police, that went for a right f*cking burton, I can tell you, there are two clear methods of policing, the one for us, which results in an arrest and prosecution for the tiniest matter, and one for the people who get invites to the police's civic events, which involves a nice cosy chat over a cup of tea at a convenient time to suit them, with an almost cast iron guarantee that there will be no further action.
On the subject of "no further action", I was assured that the investigation into myself at the request of Loughton had been filed as this on the 6th Jun, I wonder who he had a word with to overturn this decision in order to send the local apes round a week later. Lucky that just before his acquittal earlier this year he had spent the evening out and about on a jolly with the local apes.
My fight back against this injustice, begins tomorrow, and this time there will be no prisoners.
All the best to the poor bugger who upset Weatherley, I wonder if calling him a coward made him cry as much as when he found out that his wife was a Tom, I guess we'll never know.......
One thing is for sure though,
Friday, 26 July 2013
Double standards, the Tories and Sussex Police.
Just read this story in the Argus. It looks like the local Tories have got it sewn up with Sussex Police since their mate landed the post of Commissioner.
Yes, calling an MP a coward lands you in court, yet am MP like Loughton using far worse language is ignored, you could be fooled into thinking that there is a two tier legal system in process here, and you'd be pretty much on the button if you were. These sanctimonious gits are untouchable under law, yet anyone that they choose to have "taken out" are fair game.
I have the utmost respect and sincere empathy for Mr Cline at the moment, as I am in a very similar position myself. I am apparently just as naughty for asking Loughton why he chose to tell lies in Parliament about myself and why he claimed that it was outrageous that he should be investigated for calling me dirty and having "poisonous bollocks" when as soon as he is cleared of this by his mates at Sussex Police, he reported me for exercising the right to free speech that I was under the impression that we all had. How wrong I was, I realised this when I was beaten unconscious by the local rozzers, had my flat turned upside down, my personal property stolen and then locked up whist the local councillors were free to distribute this information proudly before even my solicitor had been informed, despite it being f*ck all to do with the spotty little turd or any of his fascist mates.
Yes, I currently have no representation in parliament or local council and this is deemed fair by Sussex Police, as was their decision to inform the press of the investigation into myself, whilst insisting that I am restricted from speaking a word when they bring in local Tories for questioning for their attack on myself, I guess this is because they are never going to take on the politicians but are more than happy to do their bidding and prosecute anyone who dares to exercise their right to free speech against one of these pathetic tossers.
The reason for this is pretty clear, although we all are judged by the same laws, MPs are dealt with by the CPS in London and the rest of us get the local office, and MPs get a judge in London, yet we get the local magistrates who are appointed by the local politicians. The system was set up by politicians, for politicians, and the only way we can change it is through politicians, so it aint gonna change any time soon.
Good luck fella, wishing you well for this total abuse of power by the local establishment.
ATAB they really are
Yes, calling an MP a coward lands you in court, yet am MP like Loughton using far worse language is ignored, you could be fooled into thinking that there is a two tier legal system in process here, and you'd be pretty much on the button if you were. These sanctimonious gits are untouchable under law, yet anyone that they choose to have "taken out" are fair game.
I have the utmost respect and sincere empathy for Mr Cline at the moment, as I am in a very similar position myself. I am apparently just as naughty for asking Loughton why he chose to tell lies in Parliament about myself and why he claimed that it was outrageous that he should be investigated for calling me dirty and having "poisonous bollocks" when as soon as he is cleared of this by his mates at Sussex Police, he reported me for exercising the right to free speech that I was under the impression that we all had. How wrong I was, I realised this when I was beaten unconscious by the local rozzers, had my flat turned upside down, my personal property stolen and then locked up whist the local councillors were free to distribute this information proudly before even my solicitor had been informed, despite it being f*ck all to do with the spotty little turd or any of his fascist mates.
Yes, I currently have no representation in parliament or local council and this is deemed fair by Sussex Police, as was their decision to inform the press of the investigation into myself, whilst insisting that I am restricted from speaking a word when they bring in local Tories for questioning for their attack on myself, I guess this is because they are never going to take on the politicians but are more than happy to do their bidding and prosecute anyone who dares to exercise their right to free speech against one of these pathetic tossers.
The reason for this is pretty clear, although we all are judged by the same laws, MPs are dealt with by the CPS in London and the rest of us get the local office, and MPs get a judge in London, yet we get the local magistrates who are appointed by the local politicians. The system was set up by politicians, for politicians, and the only way we can change it is through politicians, so it aint gonna change any time soon.
Good luck fella, wishing you well for this total abuse of power by the local establishment.
ATAB they really are
Thursday, 25 July 2013
The "Sacking"?
Well, it's official, when Timmy Loughton decided to stand in Parliament and abuse parliamentary privilege in order to maliciously attack me personally with lies and make believe fairy tales about his three conversations and four or five emails exchanged with me, he claimed that I was "sacked", he is attempting to use this as some kind of formal official parliamentary notification of his dereliction of duty, rather than the simple belief that just because he said it, it somehow passed into law.
He really doesn't get democracy does he, but then again, what Tory does, they seem to believe that once voted in, the whole constituency suddenly shares their beliefs, and not just the 10 or 20% who voted for them and so they merely have to represent themselves. In a way I'm envious of Tim Loughton, as he lives out in Buggers Hole, he doesn't have himself as an MP, the lucky b*stard, sadly the people of Shoreham have to make do with a man who wouldn't even want himself as their MP as surely if he did, he would live here.
Anyway I digress, the "sacking", did this actually happen, or was it just in Timbo's imaginary world where he alone is emperor and makes up laws as he goes along?
The official answer is apparently "Did it f*ck", of course it didn't happen, if it did the whole process of democracy would have to be rewritten and a "because I said so" clause added.
Here's the official line, straight from the whore's mouth so to speak,
So yes, sadly I am not the first person in the history of democracy to be "sacked" from the role of member of the public, this is official from the House of Commons. However, although disappointing this does prove beyond doubt, Timbo's arrogance and narcissism is real and his understanding of democracy and parliamentary procedure is non existent, not that we really needed any proof of that.
He really doesn't get democracy does he, but then again, what Tory does, they seem to believe that once voted in, the whole constituency suddenly shares their beliefs, and not just the 10 or 20% who voted for them and so they merely have to represent themselves. In a way I'm envious of Tim Loughton, as he lives out in Buggers Hole, he doesn't have himself as an MP, the lucky b*stard, sadly the people of Shoreham have to make do with a man who wouldn't even want himself as their MP as surely if he did, he would live here.
Anyway I digress, the "sacking", did this actually happen, or was it just in Timbo's imaginary world where he alone is emperor and makes up laws as he goes along?
The official answer is apparently "Did it f*ck", of course it didn't happen, if it did the whole process of democracy would have to be rewritten and a "because I said so" clause added.
Here's the official line, straight from the whore's mouth so to speak,
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Welcome to Adur......
.... please remember to set your watches back fifty years.
Just seen this posting on Twitter:
Are they for real, or should we keep an eye out for a 1950s stereotype? I can't wait for them to publish the artist's impression, it's all a bit too close to a "little Britain" skit for my liking.....
Just seen this posting on Twitter:
Are they for real, or should we keep an eye out for a 1950s stereotype? I can't wait for them to publish the artist's impression, it's all a bit too close to a "little Britain" skit for my liking.....
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Travellers receive another warm welcome in Adur.
This makes an interesting read;
Another year, another wave of discriminatory abuse, no change there, however, this makes for pretty amusing reading, although quite shocking in places.
"Tim was involved in an altercation with one of the caravans when blocking the entrance to the grounds having visited the site soon after the initial incursion", what sort of numb nuts tries to pick a fight with a caravan? Not the brightest of moves there, but you can't tell these Tories that they aren't regarded as gods among men by anyone outside their little clique.
On a more serious note regarding this statement, was it just admitted there that a member of parliament was obstructing the highway? Isn't that a crime in this country? Silly me, Loughton is immune to any form of legal justice, anyone knows that. As for the "incursion", from reading this, the aggression was from Loughton towards a caravan, therefore the only "incursion" was that by him on the public highway being used lawfully by a caravan, that he wanted to have a barney with.
There is a lot of talk about intimidation and suspicious activity, but all I'm seeing is a gang of local Tories intimidating a group of people, including children, who are being accused of crimes before they have spent 5 minutes in town, it's also pretty suspicious that a bloke from Burgess Hill drives all the way to Lancing at the drop of a hat to try an have a scrap with a motor vehicle, and as for the "rubbish", since the start of the hot weather there has been heaps of rubbish left by local residents in all of our parks and even more all over the beaches, but clearly all of the rubbish that was on the manor the previous week was all down to the travellers, who must have sent advance parties to throw a bunch of nappies and picnic wrappers around the place, as it was far from spotless on the Thursday when I went past there.
I'm not sure what the accusations is regarding the "Audi convertible and brand new Land Rover Discovery", surely if the police were in attendance and any of these were in any way illegal, then there would have been something done about it, if not, where's the problem? Was he expecting to see shire horses or something, or has he decided that all travellers use white transits and anything else is in some way dodgy? I live on a council estate, and sometimes there is a Bentley parked round the corner, should I report this? I thought that the Tory philosophy was to acquire wealth, maybe he's just jealous because he hasn't got one, who knows? Either way it's completely irrelevant what cars people drive, unless of course the idea was to suggest that these were obtained by some dubious means.
As for things we would be "well shot of", Tories are pretty high on my list, and the local racists are definitely at the top of the list.
Who is the aggressive one, the one going about their business, or the one actively trying to prevent them from doing so? Claiming that people are criminals before any crime has even been committed, goes against the basic premise of "Innocent until proven guilty", but that has never bothered people like Loughton, he believes in "innocent if kissing his arse, guilty if not", and the belief that he is above the law, and considering that his mate Kate runs Sussex Police would suggest to some that maybe he's right about at least one thing, even if the rest of what comes out of his gob is "bollocks".
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Another year, another wave of discriminatory abuse, no change there, however, this makes for pretty amusing reading, although quite shocking in places.
"Tim was involved in an altercation with one of the caravans when blocking the entrance to the grounds having visited the site soon after the initial incursion", what sort of numb nuts tries to pick a fight with a caravan? Not the brightest of moves there, but you can't tell these Tories that they aren't regarded as gods among men by anyone outside their little clique.
On a more serious note regarding this statement, was it just admitted there that a member of parliament was obstructing the highway? Isn't that a crime in this country? Silly me, Loughton is immune to any form of legal justice, anyone knows that. As for the "incursion", from reading this, the aggression was from Loughton towards a caravan, therefore the only "incursion" was that by him on the public highway being used lawfully by a caravan, that he wanted to have a barney with.
There is a lot of talk about intimidation and suspicious activity, but all I'm seeing is a gang of local Tories intimidating a group of people, including children, who are being accused of crimes before they have spent 5 minutes in town, it's also pretty suspicious that a bloke from Burgess Hill drives all the way to Lancing at the drop of a hat to try an have a scrap with a motor vehicle, and as for the "rubbish", since the start of the hot weather there has been heaps of rubbish left by local residents in all of our parks and even more all over the beaches, but clearly all of the rubbish that was on the manor the previous week was all down to the travellers, who must have sent advance parties to throw a bunch of nappies and picnic wrappers around the place, as it was far from spotless on the Thursday when I went past there.
I'm not sure what the accusations is regarding the "Audi convertible and brand new Land Rover Discovery", surely if the police were in attendance and any of these were in any way illegal, then there would have been something done about it, if not, where's the problem? Was he expecting to see shire horses or something, or has he decided that all travellers use white transits and anything else is in some way dodgy? I live on a council estate, and sometimes there is a Bentley parked round the corner, should I report this? I thought that the Tory philosophy was to acquire wealth, maybe he's just jealous because he hasn't got one, who knows? Either way it's completely irrelevant what cars people drive, unless of course the idea was to suggest that these were obtained by some dubious means.
As for things we would be "well shot of", Tories are pretty high on my list, and the local racists are definitely at the top of the list.
Who is the aggressive one, the one going about their business, or the one actively trying to prevent them from doing so? Claiming that people are criminals before any crime has even been committed, goes against the basic premise of "Innocent until proven guilty", but that has never bothered people like Loughton, he believes in "innocent if kissing his arse, guilty if not", and the belief that he is above the law, and considering that his mate Kate runs Sussex Police would suggest to some that maybe he's right about at least one thing, even if the rest of what comes out of his gob is "bollocks".
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
An interesting denial......
Look at what has appeared on the Chair of Adur's official arsebook page;
Yes there is a Scottish company with a similar name, but that wasn't the one also run by Mr Courtney, that would be this one;
Which is strangely the same address that was registered for "What's Happening Magazine", now it appears that Mendo is no longer a director of this company, however arranging business deals on behalf of the council with your friend and former business partner is definitely morally questionable, especially if the person involved claims to have never been a director when the evidence definitely suggests otherwise. We should expect honesty from our democratically elected representatives.
How expensive is it to put a few names on a wall? A full and transparent disclosure regarding this project, including a full breakdown of costs and other quotes for the tender should take place before this goes any further and the people of Adur are signed into a contract which could potentially cost a fortune in licensing fees when there are plenty of other companies who can stick some names on a wall.
Yes there is a Scottish company with a similar name, but that wasn't the one also run by Mr Courtney, that would be this one;
Which is strangely the same address that was registered for "What's Happening Magazine", now it appears that Mendo is no longer a director of this company, however arranging business deals on behalf of the council with your friend and former business partner is definitely morally questionable, especially if the person involved claims to have never been a director when the evidence definitely suggests otherwise. We should expect honesty from our democratically elected representatives.
How expensive is it to put a few names on a wall? A full and transparent disclosure regarding this project, including a full breakdown of costs and other quotes for the tender should take place before this goes any further and the people of Adur are signed into a contract which could potentially cost a fortune in licensing fees when there are plenty of other companies who can stick some names on a wall.
Wall of Despair, update.
Remember this?
Yes the old "Wall of" Scam, having thought about this a bit, surely any "tribute wall" should be put out to tender like all council contracts should be and the best price obtained for the job. This is the point of elected council and democracy, and any proposal should be open and completely transparent.
I say "should be", as this is rarely the case when a council operates a cabinet system, as Adur Council do, under this system decisions are made by individuals behind closed doors and there is no public discussion of committee minutes to explain the reasons for the decision.
Now, as the Harald informed us, Mendo and Parky have already met with "Wall Of" owner, David Courtney to discuss this proposal, there have been no mention of costings or other potential providers of a similar service at a more reasonable price.
Someone could be fooled into thinking that Mendo is pushing this idea forward without letting the people of Adur know the full details of the ongoing contractual costs involved in what appears on the surface to be an inoffensive idea. Coupled with the lack of transparency of the pecuniary interests of our councillors we could possibly be being led up the garden path.
Recognise any names here?
Yes the old "Wall of" Scam, having thought about this a bit, surely any "tribute wall" should be put out to tender like all council contracts should be and the best price obtained for the job. This is the point of elected council and democracy, and any proposal should be open and completely transparent.
I say "should be", as this is rarely the case when a council operates a cabinet system, as Adur Council do, under this system decisions are made by individuals behind closed doors and there is no public discussion of committee minutes to explain the reasons for the decision.
Now, as the Harald informed us, Mendo and Parky have already met with "Wall Of" owner, David Courtney to discuss this proposal, there have been no mention of costings or other potential providers of a similar service at a more reasonable price.
Someone could be fooled into thinking that Mendo is pushing this idea forward without letting the people of Adur know the full details of the ongoing contractual costs involved in what appears on the surface to be an inoffensive idea. Coupled with the lack of transparency of the pecuniary interests of our councillors we could possibly be being led up the garden path.
Recognise any names here?
Don't make me laugh.
Just spotted this little gem:
"Real journalistic integrity", is he havin' a giraffe? This, from the person who hand feeds the Daily Mail his own lies in order to abuse people in their own homes and perpetuate their personal hate campaign. He wouldn't know "journalistic integrity" if it bit him on his overpaid, retentive arse.
Keep telling us that you actually do something for the money and other perks and eventually we will believe your lies.
Not going to happen I'm afraid.
"Real journalistic integrity", is he havin' a giraffe? This, from the person who hand feeds the Daily Mail his own lies in order to abuse people in their own homes and perpetuate their personal hate campaign. He wouldn't know "journalistic integrity" if it bit him on his overpaid, retentive arse.
Keep telling us that you actually do something for the money and other perks and eventually we will believe your lies.
Not going to happen I'm afraid.
Monday, 22 July 2013
He created a monster, or did he?
Saw this today, about Dave Camoron being reluctant to have a little shuffle. One part made me chuckle especially, this bit:
Yes, a senior No.10 figure claimed that "For every five ministers you sack, you create one Tim Loughton", what makes me laugh is that they claim that the sacking was responsible for his recent behaviour, when in fact he's been like this for years. The only difference after his sacking, is that he is now treating Dave and the Tory gang bosses the same way as he has been treating his constituents for many years now, almost everyone I've spoken to in recent months has regaled me with their tale of the offensive response that their MP sent them after asking for his help, some have even shown me these responses, but obviously I will not post any details of their experiences as I would not wish for them to receive the threats and abuse that my family have since I went public (his choice, not mine).
They didn't create the monster, it was already lurking in their midst, it just hadn't displayed it's true colours to them until they riled it.
Lucky they're all on their summer hols now, that means that we won't have to see our MP swanning about the place pretending to give a shit about the people he couldn't care less about representing as he'll be off on "fact finding missions" or "conferences", or whatever they are calling their jollies this week.
Yes, a senior No.10 figure claimed that "For every five ministers you sack, you create one Tim Loughton", what makes me laugh is that they claim that the sacking was responsible for his recent behaviour, when in fact he's been like this for years. The only difference after his sacking, is that he is now treating Dave and the Tory gang bosses the same way as he has been treating his constituents for many years now, almost everyone I've spoken to in recent months has regaled me with their tale of the offensive response that their MP sent them after asking for his help, some have even shown me these responses, but obviously I will not post any details of their experiences as I would not wish for them to receive the threats and abuse that my family have since I went public (his choice, not mine).
They didn't create the monster, it was already lurking in their midst, it just hadn't displayed it's true colours to them until they riled it.
Lucky they're all on their summer hols now, that means that we won't have to see our MP swanning about the place pretending to give a shit about the people he couldn't care less about representing as he'll be off on "fact finding missions" or "conferences", or whatever they are calling their jollies this week.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
So it's true, Mendoza is a complete and utter lying ..........
Following reading this rubbish the other week;

I have received confirmation from Brighton and Hove Labour Party, that they have no knowledge of any of their members have spoken to Mendacious Mendoza, and there has been no communication regarding Members, past, present, or imaginary, with Mendo from them whatsoever.
Why would a senior member of the Labour Party even want to phone a UKIP/Tory bigot about anything, let alone to distribute membership details which aren't even true? That would be a serious breach of the DPA, if it had happened and I had been a member of B&H Labour, which it didn't, and I have never been, so the only conclusion that can be drawn is that Mendacious Mikey is talking out of his arse again.
Anyway, if we are allowed to play silly buggers.........
I just had a call from Eric Pickles, he told me that he wasn't happy about Mendo being in the party, as he may turn up at the conference and eat all the pies, a task which Eric has excelled at for years and doesn't need any competition from "that fat homophobic bas....", we got cut off at that point, otherwise I'd have to have corrected him that apparently Mendozy was not homophobic, because he has simply hundreds of gay friends and he wasn't suspended from the radio for likening homosexuality to paedophilia at all, despite it being published far and wide through various media outlets. Oh well, I guess that Pickles had some important pie related community business to attend to,
and couldn't hang around having imaginary conversations with me all day.

I have received confirmation from Brighton and Hove Labour Party, that they have no knowledge of any of their members have spoken to Mendacious Mendoza, and there has been no communication regarding Members, past, present, or imaginary, with Mendo from them whatsoever.
Why would a senior member of the Labour Party even want to phone a UKIP/Tory bigot about anything, let alone to distribute membership details which aren't even true? That would be a serious breach of the DPA, if it had happened and I had been a member of B&H Labour, which it didn't, and I have never been, so the only conclusion that can be drawn is that Mendacious Mikey is talking out of his arse again.
Anyway, if we are allowed to play silly buggers.........
I just had a call from Eric Pickles, he told me that he wasn't happy about Mendo being in the party, as he may turn up at the conference and eat all the pies, a task which Eric has excelled at for years and doesn't need any competition from "that fat homophobic bas....", we got cut off at that point, otherwise I'd have to have corrected him that apparently Mendozy was not homophobic, because he has simply hundreds of gay friends and he wasn't suspended from the radio for likening homosexuality to paedophilia at all, despite it being published far and wide through various media outlets. Oh well, I guess that Pickles had some important pie related community business to attend to,
and couldn't hang around having imaginary conversations with me all day.
More anti-traveller rhetoric from the local fascists.
Another year, another load of the same old bollocks. "How dare these people visit our area, we don't like them and they must be stopped", all the usual shit from our local politicians and the local Neighbourhood Watch Alliance working for the greater good.
So, there was loads of rubbish left was there? Was there as much rubbish as is covering our beaches, left there by the people that we aren't insisting leave immediately? We hear the usual cries from local Tory supporters that there was human faeces left, would this be similar to the stuff left in nappies on our beaches every day of the summer?
But they cause damage? we hear them cry, like the public use defibrillator smashed to bits in Worthing town centre this weekend, this took place after the travelling community were sent packing, so this was definitely the work of people that these idiots want to be in our towns.
"Blame the outsiders" is the same old crap excuse that we hear time and again, this is just too easy, and has become ingrained in the fabric of our local politicians thought processes. They seem to believe that if they target a minority group from outside the area that we, as a group, will believe that they are protecting us from danger, when in reality the greatest danger comes from within, and more specifically, from within their ranks and their core support base. Obviously they exploit the stupid (gullible would possibly be more polite, but hey) in order to ensure that they continue to appear to be something for us.
Don't be fooled, they are only interested in one thing and that is retaining control, and all the perks that this brings them on a personal gratification level, and if that means they have to rely on persecuting a minority group, protected under discrimination laws, then they are certainly prepared to sink to this depth. You should also note that they never chastise any of their supporters for using words like "Pikey" or Gyppo" on social media despite a moral obligation to challenge and discourage discriminatory language and offensive statements, yet I'm sure that they'd be blocking people left, right and centre if they had a problem with the "Kikes" or "Yids" and wanted to drive them out of town whenever they were spotted arriving.
When you read all the comments about travelling communities being "abusive", "harassing" and "insular", think of it this way, How would you feel if every time someone approached you, their opening gambit is usually to tell you that you are committing crimes (despite not having done so), and that you are not welcome and should simply f*ck off. Most people's reaction would be "f*ck you" and "why should I bother to go to any trouble to clear up in the few hours that I have been given to f*ck off", Is it any wonder they don't respect you? they are only reciprocating your actions and attitude.
I wonder if the sacked childrens minister considered the effect of this enforced removal on the kids among the group, of course not, he only likes rich, white, middle classed, tory voter's kids, the rest can go and do one. I wonder if he realises that within most travelling communities children are rarely borne outside of marriage, you know, like he claims would save the country's kids from some kind of damage by stupidity, drugs or madness, but that's clearly beside the point, these people's kids must suffer the wrath of the local's ignorance of their traditional, if unconventional, lifestyle, and learn by example that the communities they visit are going to send out a bunch of thugs with pitchforks every time they arrive. There are many ways to challenge this divide, but a nice way to start would be to simply smile and say "good morning" when passing and judge the reaction yourself instead of believing the crap that you've been fed by idiots with an agenda.
What I'm wondering is; Why, when the local Tories tried to block the access road, and the police were present, were they not arrested for obstruction of the highway? This is a crime under criminal law whereas trespass is civil law, are the local councillors and MP immune from more laws that we are expected to follow?
That all got a little serious there, so I'd just like to say that when I'm in charge there'll be a ban on adult males wearing clothes in pastel shades, anyone caught committing this vile crime will be escorted to the district boundary and told never to darken our doors ever again, they will no doubt return next summer, but we will have to be strong and keep forcing them out until they learn that we will not tolerate them or their aggressive and abusive actions.
Don't leave your crap all over the beach, it'll only give me an excuse to escort you to the boundary and tell you to never darken our doors again.
So, there was loads of rubbish left was there? Was there as much rubbish as is covering our beaches, left there by the people that we aren't insisting leave immediately? We hear the usual cries from local Tory supporters that there was human faeces left, would this be similar to the stuff left in nappies on our beaches every day of the summer?
But they cause damage? we hear them cry, like the public use defibrillator smashed to bits in Worthing town centre this weekend, this took place after the travelling community were sent packing, so this was definitely the work of people that these idiots want to be in our towns.
"Blame the outsiders" is the same old crap excuse that we hear time and again, this is just too easy, and has become ingrained in the fabric of our local politicians thought processes. They seem to believe that if they target a minority group from outside the area that we, as a group, will believe that they are protecting us from danger, when in reality the greatest danger comes from within, and more specifically, from within their ranks and their core support base. Obviously they exploit the stupid (gullible would possibly be more polite, but hey) in order to ensure that they continue to appear to be something for us.
Don't be fooled, they are only interested in one thing and that is retaining control, and all the perks that this brings them on a personal gratification level, and if that means they have to rely on persecuting a minority group, protected under discrimination laws, then they are certainly prepared to sink to this depth. You should also note that they never chastise any of their supporters for using words like "Pikey" or Gyppo" on social media despite a moral obligation to challenge and discourage discriminatory language and offensive statements, yet I'm sure that they'd be blocking people left, right and centre if they had a problem with the "Kikes" or "Yids" and wanted to drive them out of town whenever they were spotted arriving.
When you read all the comments about travelling communities being "abusive", "harassing" and "insular", think of it this way, How would you feel if every time someone approached you, their opening gambit is usually to tell you that you are committing crimes (despite not having done so), and that you are not welcome and should simply f*ck off. Most people's reaction would be "f*ck you" and "why should I bother to go to any trouble to clear up in the few hours that I have been given to f*ck off", Is it any wonder they don't respect you? they are only reciprocating your actions and attitude.
I wonder if the sacked childrens minister considered the effect of this enforced removal on the kids among the group, of course not, he only likes rich, white, middle classed, tory voter's kids, the rest can go and do one. I wonder if he realises that within most travelling communities children are rarely borne outside of marriage, you know, like he claims would save the country's kids from some kind of damage by stupidity, drugs or madness, but that's clearly beside the point, these people's kids must suffer the wrath of the local's ignorance of their traditional, if unconventional, lifestyle, and learn by example that the communities they visit are going to send out a bunch of thugs with pitchforks every time they arrive. There are many ways to challenge this divide, but a nice way to start would be to simply smile and say "good morning" when passing and judge the reaction yourself instead of believing the crap that you've been fed by idiots with an agenda.
What I'm wondering is; Why, when the local Tories tried to block the access road, and the police were present, were they not arrested for obstruction of the highway? This is a crime under criminal law whereas trespass is civil law, are the local councillors and MP immune from more laws that we are expected to follow?
That all got a little serious there, so I'd just like to say that when I'm in charge there'll be a ban on adult males wearing clothes in pastel shades, anyone caught committing this vile crime will be escorted to the district boundary and told never to darken our doors ever again, they will no doubt return next summer, but we will have to be strong and keep forcing them out until they learn that we will not tolerate them or their aggressive and abusive actions.
Don't leave your crap all over the beach, it'll only give me an excuse to escort you to the boundary and tell you to never darken our doors again.
Friday, 19 July 2013
Does this Blog offend you?
Well it shouldn't, because it's not grossly offensive, and that is exactly the point of it.
A while back I was told that "offensiveness" was judged by the state and not the individual. If I don't have the right to be offended by other's actions, then clearly nobody has the right to be offended by mine and if they are, they will just have to suck it up.
What people don't know, is that after my MP was "outraged" for being investigated under the Malicious Communications Act, he then launched a far bigger and much more expensive investigation into my blog, which was set up in order to draw attention to the truth behind the situation, as this wasn't freely available in the media sources secured by the MP.
The resulting investigation, which was sent to the London CPS, deemed my blog, "not grossly offensive" and therefore not breaching criminal law. I knew this already as I had looked into the laws regarding levels of offensiveness, and ensured that I complied and everything written was perfectly within the law. This exercise obviously upset my MP greatly, which was quite ironic really, considering that the point of law that allowed him to avoid prosecution was also available to us mere mortals as well, and not just a special right for the rich and powerful to exploit.
The law is for all, not just the few who can afford to employ lawyers who could argue semantics in their sleep, even though it does make one wonder how these people could possibly sleep at night due to the heinous acts that they manage to expunge from the lives of their employers.
If you are offended by this blog, the official advice is that you shouldn't read it, this advice is echoed on the blogs front page as well, if you do choose to read what I have written, then it is not my fault, as what I have written is officially not offensive under UK law, and maybe you should be thanking me for explaining to you all just how offensive is "offensive", it's definitely not what you would think, but that's freedom of speech for you, and if you don't like it you can f*ck off and read something else.
Sorry, no pic's in this post, but I hope that you now have a better understanding of the use of theatrical vitriol and pseudo abuse in order to prove a very valid point; it's not you who judges what is offensive to you, it's a civil servant.
Carpe armorum
A while back I was told that "offensiveness" was judged by the state and not the individual. If I don't have the right to be offended by other's actions, then clearly nobody has the right to be offended by mine and if they are, they will just have to suck it up.
What people don't know, is that after my MP was "outraged" for being investigated under the Malicious Communications Act, he then launched a far bigger and much more expensive investigation into my blog, which was set up in order to draw attention to the truth behind the situation, as this wasn't freely available in the media sources secured by the MP.
The resulting investigation, which was sent to the London CPS, deemed my blog, "not grossly offensive" and therefore not breaching criminal law. I knew this already as I had looked into the laws regarding levels of offensiveness, and ensured that I complied and everything written was perfectly within the law. This exercise obviously upset my MP greatly, which was quite ironic really, considering that the point of law that allowed him to avoid prosecution was also available to us mere mortals as well, and not just a special right for the rich and powerful to exploit.
The law is for all, not just the few who can afford to employ lawyers who could argue semantics in their sleep, even though it does make one wonder how these people could possibly sleep at night due to the heinous acts that they manage to expunge from the lives of their employers.
If you are offended by this blog, the official advice is that you shouldn't read it, this advice is echoed on the blogs front page as well, if you do choose to read what I have written, then it is not my fault, as what I have written is officially not offensive under UK law, and maybe you should be thanking me for explaining to you all just how offensive is "offensive", it's definitely not what you would think, but that's freedom of speech for you, and if you don't like it you can f*ck off and read something else.
Sorry, no pic's in this post, but I hope that you now have a better understanding of the use of theatrical vitriol and pseudo abuse in order to prove a very valid point; it's not you who judges what is offensive to you, it's a civil servant.
Carpe armorum
"Official" response?
After the childish antics of certain backbench Tories this week, apparently the "official" spokesperson of the "Rough Trade" within Parliament has spoken.
Yes apparently we need to "lighten up", because what these idiots are doing to our country is all a bit of a laugh really, nothing to concern ourselves about. We shouldn't worry that our parliamentary representatives are just doing it for a laugh, and are looking to receive a pile of extra cash for pissing around like school kids at the "end of term", even though school kids have longer terms and shorter holidays than these clowns, and the funding of education is pitiful compared to the cash that is thrown at these self proclaimed "Rough Traders".
What exactly IS the selection process followed to allow a backbench Tory to sit in that corner of the house? The mind boggles.........
Yes apparently we need to "lighten up", because what these idiots are doing to our country is all a bit of a laugh really, nothing to concern ourselves about. We shouldn't worry that our parliamentary representatives are just doing it for a laugh, and are looking to receive a pile of extra cash for pissing around like school kids at the "end of term", even though school kids have longer terms and shorter holidays than these clowns, and the funding of education is pitiful compared to the cash that is thrown at these self proclaimed "Rough Traders".
What exactly IS the selection process followed to allow a backbench Tory to sit in that corner of the house? The mind boggles.........
Thursday, 18 July 2013
How much are we paying this idiot?
Too much, that's for sure.
Today's news brings us this story. It looks like, when he informed us on Matt Forde's podcast, that since being sacked he now just sits at the back a pisses about, he wasn't kidding.
He can be clearly seen whooping like an orgasmic baboon at a jungle print outfit worn by another Tory who is being ridiculed by her fellow party members for her choice of outfit. This coming from Mr Fashion Sense himself, owner of electric blue slacks, pastel sports jackets and turquoise leather loafers only makes this funnier.
This idiot seems so pleased with himself for his actions that he nearly falls off his seat, which hopefully will happen soon because if he thinks that the best way to represent the People of Adur is to sit at the back of the class and act like a twat, then he needs to be got shot of, quick smart.
If only he really could sack me instead of making arrogant claims of doing so without actually having any right to, then at least then he wouldn't be representing me as a constituent when he acts like a five year old, but apparently he IS my MP whether he wants to think that he is above this task or not, and despite thinking that he can make up the law as he goes along he can't, after all he's just a parliamentary nobody.
As you can see from the response from the HOC, Loughton's threat of being able to "sack" a member of the public is as empty as his head, and whether he likes it or not, he IS my MP, and what a bloody embarrassment he really is, I wish that I had a real MP rather than one who has become a parody of himself albeit not a very funny parody.
If only I still had my Voodoo doll, it would look like a sodding porcupine by now, I'll have to make a new one now.
Luckily Parliament has closed for the holidays now, so Loughton won't have to darken our doors for a couple of months, let's hope that he stays at home in Buggers Hole and suffers a nasty gardening accident during his overpaid break, sadly I expect he'll be whoring himself to the media full time now, unless of course he gets himself nicked, then he'll have to sod off to the Maldives to console himself.
Today's news brings us this story. It looks like, when he informed us on Matt Forde's podcast, that since being sacked he now just sits at the back a pisses about, he wasn't kidding.
He can be clearly seen whooping like an orgasmic baboon at a jungle print outfit worn by another Tory who is being ridiculed by her fellow party members for her choice of outfit. This coming from Mr Fashion Sense himself, owner of electric blue slacks, pastel sports jackets and turquoise leather loafers only makes this funnier.
This idiot seems so pleased with himself for his actions that he nearly falls off his seat, which hopefully will happen soon because if he thinks that the best way to represent the People of Adur is to sit at the back of the class and act like a twat, then he needs to be got shot of, quick smart.
If only he really could sack me instead of making arrogant claims of doing so without actually having any right to, then at least then he wouldn't be representing me as a constituent when he acts like a five year old, but apparently he IS my MP whether he wants to think that he is above this task or not, and despite thinking that he can make up the law as he goes along he can't, after all he's just a parliamentary nobody.
As you can see from the response from the HOC, Loughton's threat of being able to "sack" a member of the public is as empty as his head, and whether he likes it or not, he IS my MP, and what a bloody embarrassment he really is, I wish that I had a real MP rather than one who has become a parody of himself albeit not a very funny parody.
If only I still had my Voodoo doll, it would look like a sodding porcupine by now, I'll have to make a new one now.
Luckily Parliament has closed for the holidays now, so Loughton won't have to darken our doors for a couple of months, let's hope that he stays at home in Buggers Hole and suffers a nasty gardening accident during his overpaid break, sadly I expect he'll be whoring himself to the media full time now, unless of course he gets himself nicked, then he'll have to sod off to the Maldives to console himself.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Could you be a Tory Councillor in Adur?
Study the puzzle above, if you are unable to tell the difference between "arse" and "hole in the ground", then you just might have what it takes to represent the people that you choose to agree with and completely disregard and abuse the rest of society, under the guise of Councillor in Adur.
Following yesterdays accusations by my Local councillor, that I had supposedly sent him and his family "death threats" and that he was giving a police statement to this effect yesterday, I now have it on good authority, that this was, to use my MPs favourite word, complete and utter bollocks.
Here's the accusation again:
There were no death threats, none have been reported to Sussex Police, and I am in no measure of shit, massive or otherwise concerning any made up lies by Boozer Burns, in fact he is the one who is likely to be questioned regarding his actions along with a couple of his more powerful mates.
The funny thing is that nobody is interested if I, a lowly plebeian, am arrested or questioned or any other crap happens or doesn't happen to me, however people (if you can call journalists people) are generally very interested when Councillors, Leaders of Councils, Chairs of Councils, and MPs are nicked, so these people should tread very carefully, especially if they are suggesting that they are meeting with the police in order to report me, when in fact they are required by law, to attend Worthing custody centre for questioning regarding the alleged crimes that they have been committing of late.
Obviously I am saying nothing regarding who is or isn't being nicked, just like I kept silent when Tim Loughton was dragged down to custody for his malicious communication, god knows why I am not shouting what I know from the rooftops about what's really going on, because these numpties are happy to rely on propaganda and the vile gutter press to vilify me, but I am remaining true to the suggestions of the officer in charge and not blabbing to the world and his friend about who's door is going to be knocked on next. I'll give you a clue, it's not mine.........
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Someone needs to lay off the drugs
because they're starting to affect the perception of reality.
I was sent this earlier, and it is just another example of the bullshit and lies spread by certain individuals within Adur.
What a load of old cobblers, someone's obviously got their stories mixed up, yes there were death threats, these were sent to me and my family by the local black shirts, yet someone seems to think that they were sent to them rather than from them. Little hint, if you're going to make up stories, make sure that you're all singing from the same hymn sheet, because otherwise you'll look like the liars that you are, and hopefully get yourself nicked for attempting to pervert the course of justice, which is exactly what these ar5es are guilty of.
From what I can see, death threats to this idiots family would be fruitless anyway, from the amount of funerals mentioned it looks like karma is already dealing with a lot of this on my behalf already, however, if someone is sending this numpty death threats, let me know, I'll buy you a pint or twenty, then you can visit the pissed up fantasy world that he seems to live in.
As for me being "in massive s**t", it's the first that I'm aware of it, and apparently the police aren't aware of any of this bullshit either, I've posted one of the many death threats sent to me, strangely these liars aren't so keen to display transparency, probably because they are making it all up and have no evidence of anything whatsoever, because it didn't happen.
As for this tosser representing his ward, firstly he doesn't live here, and anyone I have spoken to has told me that they haven't ever received an answer from him about anything ever. I was even told by a fellow Tory councillor that this idiot was "useless", because he's an "alcoholic".
Hilarious that this idiot thinks that I should show him some respect, in my world respect doesn't come with a job title, it has to be earned, and you don't earn it by being a liar, and a drunk. When these liars display some respect, maybe they will gain some in return, all the time they exploit their position for personal gratification they will be treated like the pariahs that they truly are.
As for making accusations of crimes without evidence I can do far better; did you all know that the person pictured above was found guilty of buggering goats whilst high on crack, he was you know, I know it's true because I made it up just now.
Take care, and the piss
I was sent this earlier, and it is just another example of the bullshit and lies spread by certain individuals within Adur.
What a load of old cobblers, someone's obviously got their stories mixed up, yes there were death threats, these were sent to me and my family by the local black shirts, yet someone seems to think that they were sent to them rather than from them. Little hint, if you're going to make up stories, make sure that you're all singing from the same hymn sheet, because otherwise you'll look like the liars that you are, and hopefully get yourself nicked for attempting to pervert the course of justice, which is exactly what these ar5es are guilty of.
From what I can see, death threats to this idiots family would be fruitless anyway, from the amount of funerals mentioned it looks like karma is already dealing with a lot of this on my behalf already, however, if someone is sending this numpty death threats, let me know, I'll buy you a pint or twenty, then you can visit the pissed up fantasy world that he seems to live in.
As for me being "in massive s**t", it's the first that I'm aware of it, and apparently the police aren't aware of any of this bullshit either, I've posted one of the many death threats sent to me, strangely these liars aren't so keen to display transparency, probably because they are making it all up and have no evidence of anything whatsoever, because it didn't happen.
As for this tosser representing his ward, firstly he doesn't live here, and anyone I have spoken to has told me that they haven't ever received an answer from him about anything ever. I was even told by a fellow Tory councillor that this idiot was "useless", because he's an "alcoholic".
Hilarious that this idiot thinks that I should show him some respect, in my world respect doesn't come with a job title, it has to be earned, and you don't earn it by being a liar, and a drunk. When these liars display some respect, maybe they will gain some in return, all the time they exploit their position for personal gratification they will be treated like the pariahs that they truly are.
As for making accusations of crimes without evidence I can do far better; did you all know that the person pictured above was found guilty of buggering goats whilst high on crack, he was you know, I know it's true because I made it up just now.
Take care, and the piss
Monday, 15 July 2013
It's amazing what passes for art these days. I'm not talking about the Emins and Hirsts of the art world, at least they're original in their concepts whether I like them or not. I'm talking about this....
Was this in the "Humorous category"? It should have been, unless of course they had a "Shit category", because it certainly would have topped that group. What a load of crap, I wouldn't even put it on the fridge if my kid painted it.
What is it with these Tories and their 80's style pastel shades, I'm colour blind and even I would advise anyone against wearing horrendous colours like this out in public.
Was this in the "Humorous category"? It should have been, unless of course they had a "Shit category", because it certainly would have topped that group. What a load of crap, I wouldn't even put it on the fridge if my kid painted it.
What is it with these Tories and their 80's style pastel shades, I'm colour blind and even I would advise anyone against wearing horrendous colours like this out in public.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Further to my previous post about Twitter, I would like to add that I am also on Twitter and can be found @AdurCalling this is not a "professional" twitter account, and in no way is it any more than a means of communicating with other like minded individuals.
I obviously withhold the right to not care what people choose to write to me on there either, and any threats or abuse will be dealt with in the most humorous way available to me at the time, so think very carefully before sharing your innermost thoughts with me, because I may not hold them as dear as you may, after all AdurCalling is not about anything other than cheering myself up and evening an incredibly uneven playing field.
If like some people, you wish to send me abusive messages, don't go crying to mummy when I say something vile in return, I will personally judge how offensive your tweet is to me, and will respond with an equal level of offence if required. If you are in any doubt, just don't bother, I more than likely don't care what you think anyway, and you probably won't want to hear my response either.
I speak nicely to nice people though, feel free to drop by and say hello if you have anything that might make me chuckle.
I obviously withhold the right to not care what people choose to write to me on there either, and any threats or abuse will be dealt with in the most humorous way available to me at the time, so think very carefully before sharing your innermost thoughts with me, because I may not hold them as dear as you may, after all AdurCalling is not about anything other than cheering myself up and evening an incredibly uneven playing field.
If like some people, you wish to send me abusive messages, don't go crying to mummy when I say something vile in return, I will personally judge how offensive your tweet is to me, and will respond with an equal level of offence if required. If you are in any doubt, just don't bother, I more than likely don't care what you think anyway, and you probably won't want to hear my response either.
I speak nicely to nice people though, feel free to drop by and say hello if you have anything that might make me chuckle.
More Tory rubbish in the Harald.
Looking at the Harald website, as I no longer buy the paper due to it's strong allegiance with the local Tories and do not wish to fund their propaganda machine any further, I noticed a letter that made me chuckle.
Here's an excerpt:
Firstly, I doubt the truth of the leadline, but more to the point the idea that these people are aware that they have the ability to not read things on the internet, and can block people who's online content displeases them, yet they still read my blog and claim to be offended to the point of insisting that I should be arrested and sent directly to jail for exercising my right to free speech.
What made me laugh most of all was the idea that this idiot describes his twitter account as "professional", so he claims that bullshit like this is also "professional;
when in reality it is nothing more than the usual gossip distributed by these thugs, if he wants harassment, he should walk in my shoes for a while, after he has seen his family robbed, slandered, threatened, beaten and told to get out of town, then I'll consider having some sympathy for the tw@, (note that I say "consider", I wouldn't p*ss on any of them were they on fire, so sympathy would be a fair way off).
Anyway, back to this joke of a letter, I cannot see any difference between the rubbish that he posts on arsebook and the lies that he Tweets, as for the claim that his followers are politicians, that would be debatable, although in recent times more and more racists and homophobes are classifying themselves as politicians in order to add credence to their agenda of hate. If his idea of professionalism is spreading hate and lies then he is truly a professional.
His idea that the people he mentions as using twitter accounts somehow backs up his claims that it is a professional form of media interaction, is clearly flawed, as pretty much all of them are idiots like him (note that I have no idea who "Barak Obama" is, I thought that the pres was called BaraCk), who are living in cloud cuckoo land, talk bollocks at a professional level and haven't got a clue how the real world operates. It's funny that he includes himself in this list along with his thuggish mate Mendo, clearly a couple of losers with delusions of grandeur, playing at pretending to be politicians in order to boost their boozing fund and imagined status. From what I've heard, the Tories are planning to drop this idiot like a sack of sh*t at the next election, because he does bugger all apart from drinking heavily and staggering around town in a state of confusion, and anyway, they have another mate who could better do with a slice of our cash in these times of Tory induced poverty.
Enjoy the sunshine, it won't be long before the Tories work out a way to tax it.
Here's an excerpt:
Firstly, I doubt the truth of the leadline, but more to the point the idea that these people are aware that they have the ability to not read things on the internet, and can block people who's online content displeases them, yet they still read my blog and claim to be offended to the point of insisting that I should be arrested and sent directly to jail for exercising my right to free speech.
What made me laugh most of all was the idea that this idiot describes his twitter account as "professional", so he claims that bullshit like this is also "professional;
when in reality it is nothing more than the usual gossip distributed by these thugs, if he wants harassment, he should walk in my shoes for a while, after he has seen his family robbed, slandered, threatened, beaten and told to get out of town, then I'll consider having some sympathy for the tw@, (note that I say "consider", I wouldn't p*ss on any of them were they on fire, so sympathy would be a fair way off).
Anyway, back to this joke of a letter, I cannot see any difference between the rubbish that he posts on arsebook and the lies that he Tweets, as for the claim that his followers are politicians, that would be debatable, although in recent times more and more racists and homophobes are classifying themselves as politicians in order to add credence to their agenda of hate. If his idea of professionalism is spreading hate and lies then he is truly a professional.
His idea that the people he mentions as using twitter accounts somehow backs up his claims that it is a professional form of media interaction, is clearly flawed, as pretty much all of them are idiots like him (note that I have no idea who "Barak Obama" is, I thought that the pres was called BaraCk), who are living in cloud cuckoo land, talk bollocks at a professional level and haven't got a clue how the real world operates. It's funny that he includes himself in this list along with his thuggish mate Mendo, clearly a couple of losers with delusions of grandeur, playing at pretending to be politicians in order to boost their boozing fund and imagined status. From what I've heard, the Tories are planning to drop this idiot like a sack of sh*t at the next election, because he does bugger all apart from drinking heavily and staggering around town in a state of confusion, and anyway, they have another mate who could better do with a slice of our cash in these times of Tory induced poverty.
Enjoy the sunshine, it won't be long before the Tories work out a way to tax it.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Reply to "story" in the Argus on 13th Jun.
On the 12th of Jun I received a call from a junior hack at the Argus, who was rather aggressive in tone, and seeking a response to a story that he had been provided by none other than ADC's Mike Mendacious, as usual I made it clear that I did not wish to make any comment as this was in relation to an ongoing police investigation regarding Mendoza's unprovoked attack on myself, as usual, the media decided to ignore what I actually said, in favour of a couple of statements that they made up themselves. Next time I get harassed by the press, I think that I'll simply repeat the phrase " You f*ck donkeys", that way they can at least quote something amusing and probably more factually accurate than their usual efforts.
Anyway, here's the story they ran:
Let's have a look at the claims made here; So he was "confronted" was he? Bullsh*t, I was walking through the town where I have lived for longer than any of these w*nkers, when Mendoza approached me, and told me that I should leave town. This was delivered with some physical persuasion to back up his intention.
As I recall, "homophobia" was not mentioned once, but it amuses me that he claims that I am "a bitter and twisted man, who has a vendetta against him and (am) writing abuse and lies online", funny thing is that all I had written about him was true, and the homophobia claims were not made by me, but by a national newspaper, and he was apparently even suspended from his job for it as well, not abuse and lies from me in any, way shape or form.
I am supposed to have "faced him up" am I? well it would have been quite difficult not to when the fact hunt was blocking my way through town and shouting in my face. Of course he was "pleased" that's why he physically blocked my path, if he hadn't I'd have continued on my way and nobody would have had to be inconvenienced by speaking to the police, like Mendoza, who was hauled down the nick for his actions, but he strangely forgot to tell the Argus about this little detail.
I do like the way that these idiots pretend to be outraged by rude words, especially when we have all heard our Tory MP on the Matt Forde Podcast, repeatedly using the words "fuck", "bastards", and "bollocks", they can't be too fragile, if they use these words themselves as freely as this, or is it only swearing in the "lower orders" that is frowned upon?
I do like the other made up quote that is attributed to myself, "You are a Tory, I will write what I want and you will never be able to stop me", anyone who has ever met me would assure you that this is so far from the way that I speak, it's laughable. As for writing what I like, I believe that this is called "free speech" and we have it in this country apparently, it is a basic right that these people seem to think should only be available to them so that people like our MP can call me a "p*key c*nt" and I shouldn't be able to respond. Maybe I should have brought my new statement into play, so that the story could read, "he then said to me, "You f*ck donkeys"" at least then it would have been funny, and possibly more factual than it was originally.
Accompanying this pathetic piece of tabloid journalism was a lovely photo that was supposed to prove beyond doubt that Mendo couldn't possibly be homophobic, (He's the one at the back in the driving seat, so to speak). It looks like he borrowed Lionel Richie's hair for the photo, and Jim Davidson's wardrobe c1978. It is easy to see that he is not homophobic by this photo alone, in the same way that he couldn't possibly be racist if he had his picture taken 40 years ago with a black man.
Nice that I am referred to as a "pathetic little man" by this arse, but I suppose that a pregnant hippo would look "little" next to this tosser, and if not wearing a bog chain round my neck, never cutting ribbons, and not thinking that I am some kind of celebrity, makes me pathetic, the hoo f*cking ray, I'm loving the pathetic life, the fact that these idiots know nothing about my life only makes it funnier.
Oh and did I mention that the author of this piece of tabloid shit is a mate of Mendo's and the story was pretty much dictated by Mendo himself directly. My contact at the Argus informed me that they chose to print his photo in order to demonstrate the idiocy of the man who believed that, despite a clear history of claims about his homophobic attitude, an old picture of him with someone being conspicuously homosexual would somehow prove these claims wrong beyond doubt.
"You f*ck donkeys"
Anyway, here's the story they ran:
Let's have a look at the claims made here; So he was "confronted" was he? Bullsh*t, I was walking through the town where I have lived for longer than any of these w*nkers, when Mendoza approached me, and told me that I should leave town. This was delivered with some physical persuasion to back up his intention.
As I recall, "homophobia" was not mentioned once, but it amuses me that he claims that I am "a bitter and twisted man, who has a vendetta against him and (am) writing abuse and lies online", funny thing is that all I had written about him was true, and the homophobia claims were not made by me, but by a national newspaper, and he was apparently even suspended from his job for it as well, not abuse and lies from me in any, way shape or form.
I am supposed to have "faced him up" am I? well it would have been quite difficult not to when the fact hunt was blocking my way through town and shouting in my face. Of course he was "pleased" that's why he physically blocked my path, if he hadn't I'd have continued on my way and nobody would have had to be inconvenienced by speaking to the police, like Mendoza, who was hauled down the nick for his actions, but he strangely forgot to tell the Argus about this little detail.
I do like the way that these idiots pretend to be outraged by rude words, especially when we have all heard our Tory MP on the Matt Forde Podcast, repeatedly using the words "fuck", "bastards", and "bollocks", they can't be too fragile, if they use these words themselves as freely as this, or is it only swearing in the "lower orders" that is frowned upon?

Accompanying this pathetic piece of tabloid journalism was a lovely photo that was supposed to prove beyond doubt that Mendo couldn't possibly be homophobic, (He's the one at the back in the driving seat, so to speak). It looks like he borrowed Lionel Richie's hair for the photo, and Jim Davidson's wardrobe c1978. It is easy to see that he is not homophobic by this photo alone, in the same way that he couldn't possibly be racist if he had his picture taken 40 years ago with a black man.
Nice that I am referred to as a "pathetic little man" by this arse, but I suppose that a pregnant hippo would look "little" next to this tosser, and if not wearing a bog chain round my neck, never cutting ribbons, and not thinking that I am some kind of celebrity, makes me pathetic, the hoo f*cking ray, I'm loving the pathetic life, the fact that these idiots know nothing about my life only makes it funnier.
Oh and did I mention that the author of this piece of tabloid shit is a mate of Mendo's and the story was pretty much dictated by Mendo himself directly. My contact at the Argus informed me that they chose to print his photo in order to demonstrate the idiocy of the man who believed that, despite a clear history of claims about his homophobic attitude, an old picture of him with someone being conspicuously homosexual would somehow prove these claims wrong beyond doubt.
"You f*ck donkeys"
You're all bastards!
Well, half of you are apparently, statistically speaking. The BBC told me, so it's official, the worrying thing is the claim that if your parents aren't married at the time of your birth, you're going to grow up to be stupid, crazy and a junkie. What if you're adopted, orphaned or one of you parents dies between conception and birth, would £150 have saved you from your potential fate?
Apparently "Marriage" is the clear answer to the problem of failing schools, mental health issues and substance abuse, this is direct from the mouth of the MP who wants to restrict "Marriage" in order to preserve it's magickal properties, and by these claims it truly is a true wonder, or maybe it's all snake oil, as the only proof of this is a statement made without any factual evidence or statistical proof.
I know an equal number of people whose parents were married at the time of their birth and people who were born out of wedlock, I know people with mental health problems, substance abusers, and some real dummies, most of the worst are from affluent families with married parents, and the people I know brought up by single parents, in unconventional family units, and by same sex couples are some of the most well balanced and accepting people I know, but I live in the real world, not some protected bubble of ignorance.
I like the claim that "Without marriage, people drift in and out of relationships very easily", when you look at the amount of people with several marriages under their belts, it appears that people in marriages can also drift in and out of them pretty easily, and then there's the amount of affairs that go on within "traditional marriage", does lying to your kids make them any more well rounded, and when they find out that dad's been doinking his secretary while mum's been spending a fair amount of time inspecting the gardener's special tool, are they going to believe in the sanctity of marriage, or are they going to look at it as a convenient arrangement, throw in a financial incentive and you've sealed the deal.
There is one plus side though, without marriage there would be a helluva lot of unemployed prostitutes, at least marriage keeps them in work and the unemployment figures down so it can't be all bad.
Enjoy your SaTURDay
Apparently "Marriage" is the clear answer to the problem of failing schools, mental health issues and substance abuse, this is direct from the mouth of the MP who wants to restrict "Marriage" in order to preserve it's magickal properties, and by these claims it truly is a true wonder, or maybe it's all snake oil, as the only proof of this is a statement made without any factual evidence or statistical proof.
I know an equal number of people whose parents were married at the time of their birth and people who were born out of wedlock, I know people with mental health problems, substance abusers, and some real dummies, most of the worst are from affluent families with married parents, and the people I know brought up by single parents, in unconventional family units, and by same sex couples are some of the most well balanced and accepting people I know, but I live in the real world, not some protected bubble of ignorance.
I like the claim that "Without marriage, people drift in and out of relationships very easily", when you look at the amount of people with several marriages under their belts, it appears that people in marriages can also drift in and out of them pretty easily, and then there's the amount of affairs that go on within "traditional marriage", does lying to your kids make them any more well rounded, and when they find out that dad's been doinking his secretary while mum's been spending a fair amount of time inspecting the gardener's special tool, are they going to believe in the sanctity of marriage, or are they going to look at it as a convenient arrangement, throw in a financial incentive and you've sealed the deal.
There is one plus side though, without marriage there would be a helluva lot of unemployed prostitutes, at least marriage keeps them in work and the unemployment figures down so it can't be all bad.
Enjoy your SaTURDay
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Adur's "Wall of Shame".
According to the Harald, our civic leaders are planning to piss more money up the wall, quite literally this time.
On first glance I thought that the story was about how Miami Vice stars Crooked and Tubby, had really let themselves go, however it was just another example of how the local Tories refuse to leave the 80's and accept that Thatcher's dead, and pastel shades look hilarious on fat blokes.
Here's the pic:
Our civic leaders have decided that a concrete wall is not costing us enough cash, and have decided that it would be a fantastic way of spending shit loads of cash.
The idea is to start a "Wall of Fame" celebrating the vacuous world of celebrity that they aspire to, on the surface this is not a major expense, however they have already had a meeting with David Courtney (the 70s has been, not the gangster), who appears to own the words "of Fame", and charges exorbitantly for the privilege of anyone else using them. Sources suggest that the fee to designate a blank wall in Shoreham as a "Wall of Fame" would cost around £20k a year, just for the licence to use the name. They must have forgotten to tell us that part of the deal, after all, what's £20k a year these days, the cost of a nurse, but that would be a waste considering that the Tories have already decided to sell off our hospital, and one of these idiots is now living in one of the horrendous box houses built on the hospital site, which was a former workhouse, something that we could well be needing soon if they keep up idiotic spending ideas like this.
Just how many people will be coming to Shoreham to see a couple of names on a wall, maybe a few in the beginning, and it will give the local Councillors an opportunity to cut another ribbon (which are apparently only available in blue), but it is a complete waste of public money. People are having to rely on food banks, unemployment is returning to the levels of the Thatcher era, and homelessness is on the rise, but at least we'll have some names written on a wall, names that will be vetted by the local Tories before anyone else gets a "free vote", just like the footbridge, yes the footbridge, not the ferry bridge or any other stupid name, the bloody footbridge.
Just to show that I'm willing to take part and get my money's worth, I'd like to nominate Joe Orton, who, according to his diaries (iirc), in the weeks prior to his death, enjoyed visiting Shoreham in order to indulge in a bit of recreational activity in the local cottages.
I just hope that they don't choose to honour our local MP with a star, the cost of cleaning the graffiti from it will cause the costs to spiral out of control.
Don't believe their lies, the idea seems quite alright on the surface, but do we really want to be giving a big pile of our public money to the man responsible for some of the 1970s most heinous crimes against music in exchange for using a couple of words, I reckon I can think of a couple of words for this idea, and they're free..........
The second one's "off"
On first glance I thought that the story was about how Miami Vice stars Crooked and Tubby, had really let themselves go, however it was just another example of how the local Tories refuse to leave the 80's and accept that Thatcher's dead, and pastel shades look hilarious on fat blokes.
Here's the pic:
![]() |
When's it due Porky? |
The idea is to start a "Wall of Fame" celebrating the vacuous world of celebrity that they aspire to, on the surface this is not a major expense, however they have already had a meeting with David Courtney (the 70s has been, not the gangster), who appears to own the words "of Fame", and charges exorbitantly for the privilege of anyone else using them. Sources suggest that the fee to designate a blank wall in Shoreham as a "Wall of Fame" would cost around £20k a year, just for the licence to use the name. They must have forgotten to tell us that part of the deal, after all, what's £20k a year these days, the cost of a nurse, but that would be a waste considering that the Tories have already decided to sell off our hospital, and one of these idiots is now living in one of the horrendous box houses built on the hospital site, which was a former workhouse, something that we could well be needing soon if they keep up idiotic spending ideas like this.
Just how many people will be coming to Shoreham to see a couple of names on a wall, maybe a few in the beginning, and it will give the local Councillors an opportunity to cut another ribbon (which are apparently only available in blue), but it is a complete waste of public money. People are having to rely on food banks, unemployment is returning to the levels of the Thatcher era, and homelessness is on the rise, but at least we'll have some names written on a wall, names that will be vetted by the local Tories before anyone else gets a "free vote", just like the footbridge, yes the footbridge, not the ferry bridge or any other stupid name, the bloody footbridge.
Just to show that I'm willing to take part and get my money's worth, I'd like to nominate Joe Orton, who, according to his diaries (iirc), in the weeks prior to his death, enjoyed visiting Shoreham in order to indulge in a bit of recreational activity in the local cottages.
I just hope that they don't choose to honour our local MP with a star, the cost of cleaning the graffiti from it will cause the costs to spiral out of control.
Don't believe their lies, the idea seems quite alright on the surface, but do we really want to be giving a big pile of our public money to the man responsible for some of the 1970s most heinous crimes against music in exchange for using a couple of words, I reckon I can think of a couple of words for this idea, and they're free..........
The second one's "off"
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
What happens when you report an MP to the rozzers?

Yes, as soon as you report an MP to the police, you start to receive death threats like these through the post, some will just be alone in the envelopes, and some will be in funerary cards, you will also get some in Xmas cards, which are opened by your kids.
It's ok though, the MP will make sure that the CCTV footage of the person sending this filth, disappears on it's way to the police station, and forget to mention this when he starts ranting about how squeaky clean he is and how it is you that is the evil one.
You will also receive threats of violence and other such pleasantries from a bunch of apes who believe the shit that they try and read in the Daily Mail, who will turn up at the address supplied to them by the MP in question and make up quotes for their story, as "F*ck off" isn't considered a suitable response to a Daily Mail story (except in reality it is the only answer to the shit they print).
It's quite funny that the twunt who tried to write this piece of shit, uses the word "nefarious", a pretty big word for someone who uses the word "appropirate" ARRRRRR! I expect that this was dictated to an illiterate arse who's only too happy to act as a hired goon to a corrupt politician, in exchange for brown nosing privileges and scraps from the master's table.
Yes, I'm "terrorising" people, and I'm "cowardly", that's why the author of this filth wore gloves so as to not leave any form of identification and ensured that any CCTV footage was "lost" somewhere along the way so that they could abuse my family and then hide. Well, you obviously know where I live, you sent these pathetic epistles to my home, let me know when you want to come over, and I'll take you on, one on one, you know, the way that cowards like you are never likely to have the balls for, because you either hunt in packs or hide like girls (that said, the Missus would take out any one of you without too much trouble).
You brought my family into play, if you have a problem with me, then come to me and tell me like a man, we can then deal with it. If you want some kind of covert war, then don't start whining when things start to happen unexpectedly, I can make plenty of Voodoo Dolls, they seem to scare you quite suitably, I expect that you're scared of your own shadow too, after all, shadows are where assassins hide aren't they?
Whenever you're ready, you know where I am..........

Yes, as soon as you report an MP to the police, you start to receive death threats like these through the post, some will just be alone in the envelopes, and some will be in funerary cards, you will also get some in Xmas cards, which are opened by your kids.
It's ok though, the MP will make sure that the CCTV footage of the person sending this filth, disappears on it's way to the police station, and forget to mention this when he starts ranting about how squeaky clean he is and how it is you that is the evil one.
You will also receive threats of violence and other such pleasantries from a bunch of apes who believe the shit that they try and read in the Daily Mail, who will turn up at the address supplied to them by the MP in question and make up quotes for their story, as "F*ck off" isn't considered a suitable response to a Daily Mail story (except in reality it is the only answer to the shit they print).
It's quite funny that the twunt who tried to write this piece of shit, uses the word "nefarious", a pretty big word for someone who uses the word "appropirate" ARRRRRR! I expect that this was dictated to an illiterate arse who's only too happy to act as a hired goon to a corrupt politician, in exchange for brown nosing privileges and scraps from the master's table.
Yes, I'm "terrorising" people, and I'm "cowardly", that's why the author of this filth wore gloves so as to not leave any form of identification and ensured that any CCTV footage was "lost" somewhere along the way so that they could abuse my family and then hide. Well, you obviously know where I live, you sent these pathetic epistles to my home, let me know when you want to come over, and I'll take you on, one on one, you know, the way that cowards like you are never likely to have the balls for, because you either hunt in packs or hide like girls (that said, the Missus would take out any one of you without too much trouble).
You brought my family into play, if you have a problem with me, then come to me and tell me like a man, we can then deal with it. If you want some kind of covert war, then don't start whining when things start to happen unexpectedly, I can make plenty of Voodoo Dolls, they seem to scare you quite suitably, I expect that you're scared of your own shadow too, after all, shadows are where assassins hide aren't they?
Whenever you're ready, you know where I am..........
Hmmmm, Interesting.
Just been pointed at this:

Death threats, on his mobile? This is hilarious, I wonder who is threatening to kill this waste of skin, maybe it's "The Collective", you know the name shared by the pathetic bunch of local Tories who sent my family some rather nasty threats, but did not have the balls to sign a letter sent anonymously, calling me a coward. Oh the irony, "he's a coward, we're going to hide from him", well collective, bring it on you bunch of pussies, the sooner that you grow a pair and identify yourselves, the sooner that we can sort this out like grownups.
This also appeared, which made me laugh:
Bloody hell, that "6 Months" just flew by didn't it? As for sleeping, morphine and booze usually sees to that pretty well, however it appears to have a strange side effect of making you talk bollocks, "no wonder he's in custody", f*ck off, ADC may think that they have the police in their pockets, but we have laws in this country which ensure that in order to send someone to prison, they have to have committed a crime in the real world, and not just in the opium hazed view of an idiot who likes to make up stories.
I fail to see why this idiot would have to attend court or give two days of police statements, he spends all day every day in the pub, the police aren't interested in fairy tales, and lying in court is called perjury, so probably best that he doesn't tell his imaginary tales there either.
Nice to know that being a mate of this idiot is likely to make you kill yourself, I can see why, if that was all I had to call a friend, I'd probably off myself too, I do hope that his mate was a tory voter, one less of those is always a good thing.
I pissed myself when I read Barbarella Bornafella's whining about me writing horrible stuff about him/her, and thinking that it was unfair because I've never met/seen him/her, forgetting that the reason that this was done was because the twat chose to call me some pretty unsavoury names under the same circumstances, I was simply returning the favour, if you don't want a war, don't f*cking start one.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
If I opened an envelope, would Mendoza turn up to cut a f*cking ribbon?
Yes, While I was otherwise engaged, it appears that Porky Mike Mendacious officially opened Southwick Beach. After all it's only been there since the last f*cking ice age, why waste the opportunity of a bit of media whoring.
Here's the ribbon cutting ceremony of the famed "nappy, stella can and dog shit beach":
As you can see, there was a huge turnout for this event and it looks like Mendo took the opportunity to take his dog for a crap on the beach as well, only he seemed to have accidently put the leash on himself instead.
If only he could put a leash on his temper and aggressive nature. Yes, another local Tory councillor is under investigation for a physical assault on an innocent member of the public, I think that makes three so far, clearly an upstanding bunch of civic dignitaries. Mendacious was nicked and taken for questioning by the boys in blue after a vicious assault on the orders of his vile mates against a disabled person, clearly the sort of mettle that is required for the post of Adur's Bog Chain Wearing, Scissor Monkey.
They love to claim that other people are criminals and are guilty of crimes simply because an investigation is underway, so using their own yardstick, he is clearly already guilty and needs to be identified as a violent and dangerous COC.
Seems that he wants to make a big deal out of his claim that I accused him of being homophobic despite homophobia not being mentioned once during any of the four or five discernible words that he chose to shout in my face. I think that like his mates, he wants to protest a helluva lot about what he's not, I expect that he's not a racist either and has simply loads of black mates. One thing's for sure though, he clearly is living in cloud cuckoo land, according to Wikipedia he has proclaimed himself "Lord Michael Mendoza" after buying a novelty certificate off the internet what a total twunt, if he's a lord then I'm the f*cking pope.
Did I mention that he also claimed that regarding the assault, that if he had hit someone, that they would be on the floor, I can only assume that this is because they would be rolling around laughing at the fat f*ck trying to pretend that he is his imaginary great, great grandpa, when in reality he's just a sad old git with delusions of grandeur who would probably die if he had to run farther than the length of a buffet table.
Funny that he hasn't sought the same publicity from the local rags in order to publish the fact that he was nicked for being a thug, he seems to want it in heaps when it suits.
Here's the ribbon cutting ceremony of the famed "nappy, stella can and dog shit beach":
As you can see, there was a huge turnout for this event and it looks like Mendo took the opportunity to take his dog for a crap on the beach as well, only he seemed to have accidently put the leash on himself instead.
If only he could put a leash on his temper and aggressive nature. Yes, another local Tory councillor is under investigation for a physical assault on an innocent member of the public, I think that makes three so far, clearly an upstanding bunch of civic dignitaries. Mendacious was nicked and taken for questioning by the boys in blue after a vicious assault on the orders of his vile mates against a disabled person, clearly the sort of mettle that is required for the post of Adur's Bog Chain Wearing, Scissor Monkey.
They love to claim that other people are criminals and are guilty of crimes simply because an investigation is underway, so using their own yardstick, he is clearly already guilty and needs to be identified as a violent and dangerous COC.
Seems that he wants to make a big deal out of his claim that I accused him of being homophobic despite homophobia not being mentioned once during any of the four or five discernible words that he chose to shout in my face. I think that like his mates, he wants to protest a helluva lot about what he's not, I expect that he's not a racist either and has simply loads of black mates. One thing's for sure though, he clearly is living in cloud cuckoo land, according to Wikipedia he has proclaimed himself "Lord Michael Mendoza" after buying a novelty certificate off the internet what a total twunt, if he's a lord then I'm the f*cking pope.
Did I mention that he also claimed that regarding the assault, that if he had hit someone, that they would be on the floor, I can only assume that this is because they would be rolling around laughing at the fat f*ck trying to pretend that he is his imaginary great, great grandpa, when in reality he's just a sad old git with delusions of grandeur who would probably die if he had to run farther than the length of a buffet table.
Funny that he hasn't sought the same publicity from the local rags in order to publish the fact that he was nicked for being a thug, he seems to want it in heaps when it suits.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Normal service will be resumed shortly.
Yes, I'm back, and even more pissed off than ever.
Our vile civic leaders are even more corrupt than first imagined, and boy have I got some top stories to tell about how they operate and just how low they'll stoop.
They may be impervious to a lot of things, but not the truth, and not free speech, and believe me, I intend to speak very freely.
I have now been violently assaulted three times by these lawless hooligans, and three times is too many, it will not happen again.
This time it's for keeps.........
Our vile civic leaders are even more corrupt than first imagined, and boy have I got some top stories to tell about how they operate and just how low they'll stoop.
They may be impervious to a lot of things, but not the truth, and not free speech, and believe me, I intend to speak very freely.
I have now been violently assaulted three times by these lawless hooligans, and three times is too many, it will not happen again.
This time it's for keeps.........
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